Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 155 Another Book of Fate

Chapter 155 Another Book of Fate

Gu Xiaolian didn't say anything, and immediately nodded to Ye Fu, before turning to leave.

"Wait, what's your name." Ye Fu stopped Gu Xiaolian, he felt that Gu Xiaolian had a great connection with his previous life.

Naturally, we need to get acquainted, maybe break through to Lingdi, restore the memory, maybe he has a deep relationship with Gu Xiaolian.

"Gu Xiaolian!" Gu Xiaolian said coldly, her graceful figure had disappeared from Ye Fu's sight.

"Gu Xiaolian..." Ye Fu murmured, he felt the need to know Gu Xiaolian's true identity in the sect.

He could tell that Gu Xiaolian's cultivation was not weak, he could fly with control of Qi, and he had such an aura.

His status in the sect is definitely not low.


On the other side, Ye Wuchen and Ye Li were at the medicine field in the back mountain of Tianjianzong.

Ye Wuchen was lazily lying on the chair. He glanced at Ye Li who was spraying water on the herbs, and couldn't help but smile and said, "With Tianling's speed, I think I should be able to hug my grandson soon."

"I'm going to be a grandfather by then, do you want Tianling's child to call you aunt grandma, or Sanniang?" Ye Wuchen asked with a smile.

Ye Li stopped sprinkling water, her face was ugly, her beautiful eyes looked at Ye Wuchen angrily, a layer of water mist appeared in her beautiful eyes!
Ye Wuchen's words are too hurtful!

"You're going too far!" Ye Li said coldly.

"Excessive?" Ye Wuchen raised his brows, looked at the sky with deep and distant eyes, and said slowly: "When my grandson really calls you aunt and grandma, you and Tianling will really have nothing to do."

Ye Li's figure trembled slightly, why didn't she know this!
Once Ye Tianling's son really called her aunt, then her identity would be completely doomed!
"What... what should I do!" Ye Li tremblingly said, at this moment, she acquiesced to like Ye Tianling.

Ye Wuchen's eyes lit up slightly after hearing this, he looked at Ye Li, and said slowly: "I will help you, don't be afraid."

Ye Li nodded. At this moment, the tension in her heart was relaxed a lot.

She has crossed that hurdle, and she has acted towards what she thought in her heart.

She knew that it was better to act than to move, but she still couldn't do it if she was asked to confess to Ye Tianling.

Now with Ye Wuchen's help, she felt a little more at ease.

And in the palace, the book of fate in Ye Tianling's sea of ​​knowledge trembled slightly.

For all the people who are bound to Ye Tianling's fate, it can clearly see everyone's state at this time.

It also knew everything about the conversation between Ye Wuchen and Ye Li.

The Book of Destiny trembled as it opened page after page, and some pages that were still closed were also opened one after another.

Until the ninth page was turned, a ray of light invisible to the naked eye emerged from the ninth page.

This light rushed out of Ye Tianling's sea of ​​consciousness, and passed through this world at an indescribable speed!

Passed through a world beyond the sky, and finally came to a land of nothingness.

There are only stars here, there is no big sun, only a little light from the stars illuminates the whole world.

And this ray of light finally stayed on a floating platform in the void!
There is a table on the floating platform, and a chess piece is placed on the table!
In addition, there are a series of gears on the floating platform, and the gears are connected to other gears. There are thousands of them.

This ray of light stayed on the white side of the table, and immediately transformed into a figure!
This figure is a young man, dressed in white clothes of Shengxue, sitting there quietly.

Not long after a cup of tea, a red light rushed straight up from below, and finally stopped at the black chess on the other side of the table!
Then it turned into a figure, this figure is a woman, the woman is very beautiful, the beauty is indescribable.

The young man is the book of fate, and this woman is also transformed by the book of fate.

The young man picked up a white chess piece, put it on the board, and said slowly to the woman: "You lost!"

The woman's beautiful eyes glanced at the young man, and said coldly: "You only made one move, and you think you can beat me?"

"For a game of chess, just take one move!" the young man said lightly.

"Hehe..." The woman looked at the young man disdainfully, and said contemptuously, "The last time you played three moves, what was the result? Didn't you lose to me!"

"Defeated?" The young man shook his head and said, "It's obvious that both sides are hurt, your skin is really thick."

The woman said lightly: "In the last game, the protagonist you liked lost to the protagonist I liked, which already shows that you have lost!"

"Really?" The young man smiled and said, "In the last game, the protagonist you liked seemed to have betrayed you too."

"Hehe..." The woman smiled expressionlessly, looked at the young man and said coldly: "The protagonist you fancy doesn't seem to listen to you either!"

"That's because you are too despicable! You actually trapped them with love words!" The young man looked at the woman and said softly, "In this round, how do you plan to defeat me?"

"It's the same as the last game, it's the same as using love words to defeat you!" The woman said lightly.

"Do you think I will suffer a second time?" The young man frowned slightly.

"The word love is not so easy to solve." The woman said coldly.

"Hehe..." The young man smiled, his eyes were deep, revealing the color of memory.

In the last game, he fought against the Book of Fate representing a woman on the opposite side, but ended in failure.

At that time, the three people he had his eyes on were Ye Tianling, Ye Fu, and Ye Mo.

at that time.

Ye Tianling is called Su Tianling, Ye Fu is called Su Fu, and Ye Mo is called Su Mo.

At that time, the three of Su Tianling broke through the realm of Emperor Wu and recovered all their memories!

Similarly, their women also recovered their memories.

After their women regained their memories, they directly betrayed Su Tianling and the other three, and kept gathering forces to target Su Tianling and the other three!
At that time, the three of Su Tianling were very annoyed that their wives were all from the other camp!

As for their wives, another book of fate was deliberately placed beside them, causing cause and effect with them, and making them all fall in love with their wives!

The final result can be imagined, when the three of Su Tianling fought against their wives because of love, they never killed them.

Ultimately defeated by their wives.

A cold light flashed in the depths of the young man's eyes. If he hadn't saved his hand back then, he and Su Tianling would have been completely wiped out!
"This round! You will lose!" The young man stared at the woman and said forcefully.

"You said the same thing before, but in the end...you still lost..." The woman said lightly, she looked at the young man with beautiful eyes, and said slowly: "You admit defeat, in fact, it is good for women to control the whole world, isn't it? "

"Women should look like women, and the whole world should be controlled by men!" the young man said coldly.

He is the book of destiny, he is the book of destiny representing the man side of the whole world.

And the woman on the opposite side is the book of destiny representing the woman side!

If he loses!The original power of the whole world will be controlled by the woman in front of me!
By the time!
The men of the whole world will become the subordinates of women.

By the time!
A woman can marry many men, and the status of men will become lower and lower!

He represents the man's side, he can't lose!

The last time, it was because of losing to the book of fate in front of me that the whole world was flourishing and yang was declining. Many of the women have become giants in the whole world!

Looking at today's Tianling Continent, many of the highest positions such as patriarch, city lord, country lord, and suzerain are already held by women!

The woman glanced at the young man indifferently, and said indifferently: "Men are dogs, whoever wants to take them away! Look at the world today... Men are women's playthings. This has already proved that the yang declines and the yin flourishes!"

"Hehe!" The young man's face was a bit ugly, he stared at the woman, and said in a deep voice: "Is that so? There are still many women who are also men's playthings? You just won a small game now! The final result , the same men rule the whole world!"

"No!" The woman shook her head. She stared at the young man and said coldly, "This round will determine the outcome. At that time...men in the world will become women's subordinates, and you, the book of destiny representing men, I will also sit under the book!"

The young man shook his head, looked at the woman, and said slowly: "At that time...you will be crying and begging for mercy under my book."

"Wait and see!" The woman said coldly, and immediately turned into nothingness.

(End of this chapter)

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