Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 161 Crisis

Chapter 161 Crisis
"Since the future of my sword sect is cut off, then this sect will let your relatives die first!"

Bai Buhui's old faces were crowded together, looking extremely hideous.

He got the news from an eyeliner secretly planted in the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Xia Qingcheng seemed to be retreating, while Gu Xiaolian followed Ye Tianling to the Fuyang Secret Realm.


It can be said that the defense of Tianjianzong has been greatly reduced. If he breaks through Tianjianzong and directly captures Ye Tianling's wife, it will not be too difficult.


In Fuyang Secret Realm.

At this time, the light is still there, but at the bottom of the light, there are blue fruits floating upwards slowly.

Seeing this, Ye Tianling couldn't help saying: "It's the fruit of gathering spirits!"

"There are quite a lot of spirit-gathering fruits, there are actually six!" Ye Fu said in surprise.

"The six spirit-gathering fruits are taken every day, and they can grow again every day. At that time...everyone can take the spirit-gathering fruits to improve their cultivation." Ye Tianling smiled lightly.

Now only Ye Li's three daughters and Ye Wuchen need the Spirit Gathering Fruit.

"Leave the remaining Ju Lingguo to Gu Xiaolian." Ye Tianling said lightly.

Immediately, he reached out and grabbed it from the air, a majestic spiritual force directly penetrated into the light, and took six of the spirit-gathering fruits in his hand.

He put the fruit into the fairy field on the fifth page of the Book of Destiny.

"Every ten years, there will be some natural and earthly treasures born here. If you want to come to the bottom of this secret place, there should be a lot of seeds of the spirit-gathering fruit..." Ye Tianling looked down, and a look of joy flashed in his eyes.

If he gets all the spirit-gathering fruit seeds in the secret realm, then he will send them out...

"There should be, but I'm afraid it's not easy to take out the spirit-gathering fruit from the secret realm..." Ye Fu twisted the beads and spoke slowly.

Ye Tianling nodded. With his current strength, it is indeed not enough to break through the secret realm.

He looked at Ye Fu, and said: "You can use your hole card three times a year, you might as well use it once to temporarily reach the peak of the realm, the Spirit Emperor. With your own cross-border combat power, you should be able to break through the bottom of this secret realm."

"Alright." Ye Fu nodded.

A golden light suddenly burst out from his body. This golden light was full of sacred aura, like a Buddha from the nine heavens, able to judge many darkness in the world.

In this secret realm where there is no great sun, he is like a sun, shining brightly, illuminating the whole world.

"The Dharma is boundless!" Ye Fu twirled the beads and said in a low voice.

As his words fell, the endless Buddha lights swooped down to the ground, as if they wanted to forcibly tear the ground apart.

The endless Buddha light sank into the ground, directly blasting the ground into a big hole.

As the dust dissipated, a piece of fertile land was exposed underground, and this land was full of vitality.

"This soil is good, it can indeed make the treasures of heaven and earth grow." Ye Tianling couldn't help saying when he saw this.

Ye Fu nodded, and immediately reached out to grab it, a big hand glowing with golden light reached out to the many seeds on the soil.

He spread out his hands, the seeds were already in his hands, he looked at the dozen or so seeds, and couldn't help but smile and said: "It's indeed the seeds of Juling Fruit."

Ye Fu gave the seeds to Ye Tianling, and Ye Tianling immediately put these seeds into the fairy field on the fifth page of Destiny.

"With these spirit-gathering fruits, their realm can be broken through faster." Ye Tianling smiled.

"Ju Lingguo has been obtained, let's go back first." Ye Fu frowned slightly, and said slowly: "I only hope that Xia Qingcheng can break through the Lingzun as soon as possible. We killed the imperial prince and the sword sect this time, and we will face two The big forces are besieging."

"It's okay." Ye Tianling said: "Xia Qingcheng should be about to break through."


And outside.

Outside the sect of Tianjianzong, Yu Siyang's figure has already appeared there.

At the same time, Bai Buhui, the suzerain of the Sword Sect, also appeared there.

When the two met, they couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Yu Siyang stared at Bai Buhui, and said in a concentrated voice: "Why is Sect Master Bai here?"

"What is Yu Guozhu doing here?" Bai Buhui's old face slightly grimaced.

Yu Siyang stood with his hands behind his back, looked at Bai Buhui, and said quietly: "Ye Tianling killed the current prince, and this country mainly avenges the prince!"

Bai Buhui's old eyes were slightly startled, he looked at Yu Siyang, and said slowly: "The future young master of the Sword Sect was killed by Ye Tianling, and this sect came here to arrest his relatives."

Yu Siyang nodded, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, he didn't expect Ye Tianling to kill a member of the Sword Sect.

"Joining forces?" Yu Siyang asked.

"Alright!" Bai Buhui nodded in a low voice, although Siyang Kingdom had attacked Daozong before.

But Dao Zong was wrong that time, who let his son defile the second princess of the empire.

Moreover, his son was killed by Ye Tianling. To be honest, his grievances with the empire have been resolved.


Yu Siyang let out a deep shout, he suddenly raised his fist, and slammed it hard at the gate of the Heavenly Sword Sect!

With one blow, the door was broken!
The two submerged into the sect like lightning, released their senses, and rushed towards the mountain where Ye Wuchen lived.

In just a few breaths, the two of them had already appeared outside the cave.

The tyrannical aura of the two rushed into the cave one after another.

Ye Wuchen and the others inside sensed the breath outside, and immediately opened the door.

Seeing this, Ye Wuchen couldn't help frowning slightly.

Yu Siyang was wearing the emperor's dragon robe, which was easy to identify, only the current king could wear this set of clothes.

Moreover, Yu Siyang's whole body was permeated with an aura of an emperor who had been in a superior position for a long time.

Yu Siyang stared at Ye Wuchen and the others, and an evil light flashed in his eyes.

Ye Li, Ye Qingxue, Lin Menghan, all of them are top beauties!
"You are Ye Tianling's father and wife, right?" Yu Siyang said coldly.

Ye Wuchen and Ye Li looked at each other, and immediately a powerful aura erupted from their bodies.

The Spirit Emperor's aura permeated the entire Heavenly Sword Sect in an instant!

"You leave immediately! I'll hold them back!" Ye Wuchen held the Bingchen sword tightly in his hand.

Ye Li's third daughter Dai Mei frowned slightly, looked at Ye Wuchen with her beautiful eyes, and said loudly: "Let's go together!"

"I can't stop him!" Ye Wuchen had already stabbed Yu Siyang with his sword, and at the same time shouted to Ye Li and his daughters: "Go!"

The eyes of Ye Li and the girls flickered, they knew that there was really no use here.

The current plan is to count as many as can escape.

The three daughters of Ye Li immediately cut through the void and flew towards the back mountain of Tianjianzong!

Yu Siyang showed disdain, he easily resisted Ye Wuchen's sword, and at the same time said to Bai Buhui: "Ye Wuchen will leave it to you, and the three women will be dealt with by the lord of the country."

Yu Siyang reached out and grabbed the three daughters of Ye Li who were flying by. A terrifying power of the law was constantly intertwined in the space, forming a stronger force.


The power of Taoism enveloped the three daughters of Ye Li in an instant.

"Hahaha... three beauties, let's go with my country's lord!" Yu Siyang came to Ye Li's three daughters with a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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