Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 164 Killing Qiu Xue

Chapter 164 Killing Swing Snow

"Kill!" Ye Tianling shouted coldly, and he immediately controlled the power of the empire's Dao source, allowing him to possess the combat power of the peak spirit sect!

He controlled Daoyuan power and hit Swing Snow directly!

Gu Xiaolian, who was in the air, stared at Yu Siyang with beautiful eyes, and said indifferently: "Come and fight!"

Gu Xiaolian raised a palm, and pressed it slightly empty, as if the weight of the whole world was pressed down at once.

Yu Siyang's eyes froze, he didn't expect that Gu Xiaolian was also a Half-Star Spirit Venerable!
Since then, Tianjianzong has two half-star spirit masters.

And even though he is also a Half-Star Spirit Venerable now, if he starts a war with Gu Xiaolian, it will be a tie at most.

Yu Siyang immediately launched a counterattack, and now he can only fight.

His imperial robe was flapping, and a golden dragon burst out of his body.

The golden dragon opened its teeth and claws, biting its jaws, and rushed towards the majestic force that was swooping down.

at the same time.

Ye Fu used his hole card once, and his realm immediately reached the peak of Linghuang.

According to his rules of jumping heaven and earth, his combat power at this time can already compete with Lingzong.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Qianxue's pretty face suddenly changed. She knew that Ye Tianling could control the power of Daoyuan.

But Gu Xiaolian turned out to be in the realm of the Half Star Spirit Venerable, this is the biggest miscalculation!

Qiu Qianxue immediately untied the ropes tied to Ye Li's three daughters, and controlled them with the power of the majestic Dao, using them as defensive cards!
Seeing this, Ye Tianling immediately evacuated the Daoyuan force that was rushing.

Seeing this, Qiu Qianxue couldn't help laughing, she looked at Ye Tianling fiercely, and said fiercely: "Ye Tianling! Aren't you able to control the power of Daoyuan! Come! Come and kill me, hahahaha..."

"You deal with her first, and this Buddha will come as soon as he goes." Ye Fu gave Ye Tianling a look in a subtle way.

Ye Tianling's eyes flickered, and he understood.

After Ye Fu left in full view, Qiu Qianxue couldn't help laughing even more.

"Ye Tianling! Didn't you expect that at this moment, someone would abandon you." Qiu Qianxue's Daoist power turned into a sharp blade, which landed on the necks of the three daughters of Ye Li.

"Abolish your cultivation! Otherwise! I will kill them one by one!" Qiu Qianxue threatened in a cold voice.

Ye Li shook his head vigorously, and shouted to Ye Tianling: "Don't listen to her, or you will lose your cultivation, and it will be really miserable!"

"Of course I won't abolish my cultivation!" Ye Tianling said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, Qiu Qianxue couldn't help being stunned for a moment, staring at Ye Tianling with her beautiful eyes, and asked suspiciously: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill them?"

"What is there to be afraid of?" Ye Tianling looked at her coldly, and said coldly: "If I abolish my cultivation, they will die in the end, and I will die too. If I don't abolish my cultivation, they will die. And I won't, wait until you kill them, that's your death day!"

After Qiu Qianxue heard this, the pupils in her beautiful eyes couldn't help shrinking rapidly. What she said made sense, and she was planning to do so.

But... if Ye Qingxue and the other three were killed, then she herself would not be able to escape the end of death.

Her beautiful eyes looked at Yu Siyang in the distant sky, at this time he and Gu Xiaolian were confronting each other.

There were bursts of huge explosions in the entire sky, and the white clouds in the entire sky were shaken into nothingness.

This scene.

She couldn't help but feel uncertain, Yu Siyang's combat power was still unable to take down Gu Xiaolian, even if Yu Siyang had already cultivated to become the emperor.

But the foundation of Tianjianzong is also very profound, and even deeper than that of Siyang Kingdom.

While she was in a daze, a terrifying force suddenly hit her back.


One hit.

Qiu Qianxue flew backwards, and when she flew backwards, a blood mist spewed out from her mouth.

At the same time, Ye Fu's figure appeared in front of Ye Li's three daughters.

With a flick of his sleeve, he unlocked the cultivation base of the three female seals.

Just now he purposely told Ye Tianling that he left temporarily in order to use his dark attribute talent to lurk in a dark place, just taking advantage of Swing Xue's stunned opportunity to give her the most fatal blow.


Ye Tianling, who was in the air, took advantage of this moment and immediately pointed at the swing.

As soon as it was pointed out, the sky collapsed, the mountains and rivers trembled, and a force of devastating power directly attacked Qiuqianxue.

"No..." Swing Snow was on the ground, her pupils contracted rapidly, watching the coming attack, she couldn't help screaming.

She was afraid.

She knew that once she was hit by this force, she would definitely die!

In the distant sky, Yu Siyang, who was fighting with Gu Xiaolian, heard the long roar, and immediately slapped the terrifying power released by Ye Tianling with his backhand.


Ye Tianling's blow was too fast, and directly hit Qiu Qianxue's whole body.

One hit.

The blood mist filled the sky, fluttering with the wind.

As for the swing snow...

All that has been photographed is this pile of blood mist!

"Let's go!" Ye Tianling immediately took Ye Li's three daughters, and Ye Fu left Siyang Kingdom.

When Gu Xiaolian in the air saw this, he immediately slapped Yu Siyang hard!
With one palm, the sky and the earth turned pale, this palm covered the brilliance of the sun, as if the darkness had descended, it blasted towards Yu Siyang unstoppably!

Immediately, Gu Xiaolian turned around and left.

She knew that even if the fight continued like this, it would be difficult to tell the winner.

Yu Siyang tried his best to resist the blow, but it still made him tremble.

at this time.

His gaze was looking at the cloud of blood mist below, his face was extremely gloomy, and his eyes were even more gloomy.

quack quack.

He clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Ye Tianling! This emperor will kill you!"

"Ye Tianling! I will kill you!"

With this sound, he raised his head to the sky and screamed, and the roar echoed throughout the entire imperial capital continuously.

Many people in the empire couldn't help trembling with fright. They could hear that this howling sound was full of endless killing intent.

Yu Siyang was very angry at this time, and endless killing intent rose in his heart.

It was not easy for him to meet someone who was congenial to him, and he died just like that!
He stood in the air, silent for a long time, and finally his eyes flickered, and he flew directly to the west!


At this time, Ye Tianling and the others had already returned to Tianjianzong, after they settled Ye Qingxue and the others.

Ye Tianling frowned, looked at Gu Xiaolian and said in a deep voice: "My father was taken away by the suzerain of the Sword Sect, and I have to trouble you to run again."

Gu Xiaolian shook her head, and slowly said to Ye Tianling: "Qingcheng has already gone."

"Already gone? How do you know?" Ye Tianling frowned slightly, feeling extremely puzzled.

Obviously Gu Xiaolian came back with himself and others, how did he know that Xia Qingcheng had gone to the Sword Sect?
(End of this chapter)

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