Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 174 Faith

Chapter 174 Faith
In the morning of this day, everyone dined together, and no one spoke during the meal.

After finishing breakfast in silence, Ye Tianling looked at Xia Qingcheng, and said slowly: "Sect Master Xia, please take Qingxue to the Moon God Palace."

Xia Qingcheng looked at Ye Qingxue with her beautiful eyes, and asked, "Are you willing to join the Moon God Palace?"

Ye Qingxue nodded, at this moment, there was no trace of grievance on her pretty face.

Seeing this, Xia Qingcheng couldn't help but take another look at Ye Tianling, it was just a night's work.

What kind of ecstasy soup is this pouring into Ye Qingxue?

Xia Qingcheng admired Ye Tianling a little bit. Both Lin Menghan and Ye Qingxue were so devoted to Ye Tianling... and they were very obedient.

"Then let's go..." Xia Qingcheng looked at Ye Qingxue.

Ye Qingxue nodded, and immediately left Tianjianzong with Xia Qingcheng. When she left, her beautiful eyes fixed on Ye Tianling's for a long time.

At this time in the palace.

Only Ye Wuchen, Ye Li, and Ye Tianling were left.

Ye Tianling looked at Ye Li and said softly, "Go out for a walk?"

"Okay." Ye Li nodded, her face was a little dull.

Everyone came to the first-class area together, and now they are all separated, which makes her feel very sad.

She also wanted to know what Ye Tianling would tell her.

The two left the palace and stood on the edge of a cliff in a mountain peak of Tianjianzong, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of them.

Ye Tianling was dressed in white, and his three thousand hair like black ink was draped messily behind his back.

Under the blowing of the mountain wind, white clothes fluttered and three thousand hairs fluttered.

Ye Li was wearing a long red dress, like her ink-like three-thousand hair, fluttering gently under the mountain wind.

The fragrance from Ye Li's hair, blown by the mountain wind, kept pouring into Ye Tianling's nasal cavity.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Ye Li spoke first, her bright beautiful eyes were looking at the fairy mist in front of her.

Qiao's face was expressionless, and there was a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"I want you to join the Jiuyao Sect in the top-rank region!" Ye Tianling said lightly.

Ye Li raised his willow eyebrows slightly, looked at Ye Tianling suspiciously, and said, "What's the reason?"

"This is my selfishness. You know that my mother is from the Holy Land. One day I will set foot on the Holy Land of King's Landing. With my current strength, I still can't compete with the Holy Land, so I want you to join the Nine Yao Sect and become a member of the Nine Yao Sect there." The young master of the Yao sect." Ye Tianling looked at Ye Li, pondered for a while, and said, "Of course, you can also refuse."

Ye Li's beautiful eyes flickered, and an imperceptible strangeness flashed in his eyes.

She was silent for a while, staring at Ye Tianling with her beautiful eyes, and said softly: "I will join the Nine Yao Sect."

"Thank you very much." Ye Tianling said slowly, he knew what to do, so he was a little bit forced on Ye Li.

But now that Ye Li was able to agree, a warm current surged into his heart.

He said to himself in his heart: When I reach the peak, I won't treat you badly!

Ye Li listened to Ye Tianling's thank you, a trace of desolation flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Thank you... Generally, people who are close to each other don't know how to say thank you, do they?
She believed that Ye Tianling never said the word thank you to Ye Qingxue.

And Ye Qingxue never said thank you to Ye Tianling.

The two are husband and wife, there is no distinction between husband and wife, there is no need for the word thank you.

But now Ye Tianling used the word "thank you" to her, which meant that his relationship with Ye Tianling was not very close.

Ye Li took a deep breath, stared at Ye Tianling with her beautiful eyes, and asked in a concentrated voice: "Have you... ever had feelings for me?"

The corners of Ye Tianling's eyes froze. What kind of painting style is this? I was very sad just now, but now I can't accept this kind of question suddenly...

He pondered for a while, and then said to Ye Li: "Yes."

After hearing this, Ye Li's heart couldn't help beating, and two blushes appeared on her pretty face.

Seeing this, Ye Tianling couldn't help raising his brows slightly, and looked at Ye Li in surprise, what kind of expression is this?
Isn't this a shy expression?And... my heart is still beating so fast...

"That...you're not interested in me, are you?" Ye Tianling looked at Ye Li with doubts in his heart.

I told him clearly before that the relationship between the two can only be the relationship between the elder and the younger.

But looking at Ye Li's appearance, something is not quite right.

Ye Li took a deep breath, she had already opened her heart, the only difference was Ye Tianling's attitude.

Her beautiful eyes stared at Ye Tianling, and said slowly: "If... I am interested in you?"

Ye Tianling raised his eyebrows, and said in surprise: "Didn't you say before that the relationship between us can only be between the elders and the younger?"

"Before was before, now is now, can I go back on my word?" Ye Li said.

Ye Tianling was silent, did you regret it?
This is really falling in love with myself.

Ye Li looked at Ye Tianling nervously, she didn't know why Ye Tianling was silent all of a sudden.

For a moment, she couldn't help but become confused, thinking wildly, for fear that Ye Tianling would reject her.

Although her expression was not straightforward enough, she believed that Ye Tianling must understand what she meant.

"It's a bit too fast... I can't accept the sudden change from that kind of relationship to that of a Taoist couple." Ye Tianling.

Ye Li's pretty face suddenly turned pale, and there was an unspeakable meaning in her eyes.

Is this a rejection of oneself in disguise?

She smiled bitterly, and finally passed that hurdle, but she did not expect such a result.

"Let's just get along with ordinary friends... If you feel like it... maybe you can really become a Taoist couple." Ye Tianling said with a smile.

He saw the bitter smile on Ye Li's face, and couldn't help but feel alarmed.

Ye Li was stunned for a moment, and she couldn't help reorganizing her thoughts. Could it be that Ye Tianling felt uncomfortable because of the change too fast?
But it's better than just saying no.

"Alright..." Ye Li smiled, judging from the current situation, at least there is still something to do with Ye Tianling.

"By the way, when are you planning to leave? Where are you going?" Ye Li asked immediately.

"Naturally, I'm going to a higher region. Now I'm in a low-grade region. I'll go to a middle-grade region, and then a high-grade region..." Ye Tianling said.

Ye Li's beautiful eyes lit up, she looked at Ye Tianling and said with a smile: "When you come to the top-grade region, I will definitely become the young master of the Nine Yao Sect!"

"With your current aptitude and attribute talent, it's not uncommon to be a young suzerain..." Ye Tianling said with a smile: "However, I will be able to step into the top-rank region within a year at most. Will you become the young suzerain within a year?"

"As long as I think about it! I will definitely become the young suzerain within a year!" Ye Li said firmly.

She has full confidence in herself, and with her current talent, she will definitely get enough attention in Jiuyao Sect.

It is not too difficult to become the young suzerain of Jiuyao Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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