Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 177 Origin

Chapter 177 Origin
Xia Qingcheng looked strange, looking at Ye Li and Ye Tianling strangely.

How does this look weird?
Isn't Ye Tianling and Ye Li the relationship between elders and younger generations...

Why do they look more like a Taoist couple...

Ye Wuchen looked at this scene with a smile in his eyes.

In his eyes, Ye Li is his sister and also his junior...

He had a Taoist partner a long time ago, and his son is already this old, but Ye Li has been alone for so many years.

In his eyes, if you don't get married or have children, then you are a child.

The current situation of Ye Tianling and Ye Li still seems to be interesting.

"The two of you can stay in this palace during this time, I will go to live in the medicine field for two days." Ye Wuchen said with a smile.

Ye Tianling and Ye Li glared at Ye Wuchen together, how could the two of them fail to understand that they wanted something special to happen to them!

"Hahaha... I'm leaving... Take your time... Don't worry." Seeing this, Ye Wuchen couldn't help laughing, then pulled Xia Qingcheng and left the palace together.

at this time!

There were only Ye Li and Ye Tianling in the palace, which made the originally good atmosphere suddenly a little awkward.

Ye Tianling was fine.

As for Ye Li's nervous heart trembling, she expressed her heart to Ye Tianling, and now only she and Ye Tianling are left in the palace, so her little deer can't help but bump into each other.

Ye Tianling was lying on his back, his eyes were fixed on Ye Li, which made Ye Li's pretty face flush.

It lasted like this for a cup of tea, Ye Li couldn't take it anymore, she glared at Ye Tianling, and reprimanded lightly: "What are you looking at, what's so interesting about it!"

Ye Tianling smiled, he was just teasing Ye Ran on purpose.

Ye Tianling took a sip of tea, smiled at Ye Li and asked, "Mei Ye, tell me, when did you start to fall in love with me?"

Ye Li pondered for a while, looked at Ye Tianling with beautiful eyes and said slowly: "A few months ago, since you suddenly started to fight me hard......"

Ye Tianling scratched his head, speechless for a while.

He can make people fall in love with him so hard...he can't understand...

"By the way..." Ye Li looked into Ye Tianling's eyes and asked curiously, "I think you know a lot about first-class regions, can you tell me why?"

Ye Li has always been puzzled in his heart. Since then, some things that have happened have shown that Ye Tianling knows the first-class region very well.

It was as if Ye Tianling was born and raised in a first-rate region, but she knew and was absolutely certain that Ye Tianling grew up in a second-rate region.

Ye Tianling frowned slightly, with a look of embarrassment on his face, how should he explain this...

Once he explained, he would even reveal his identity, but given his current situation, it was not easy to reveal his true identity, and he did not want to deceive Ye Li.

"You will know in the future, but I can't tell you now." Ye Tianling said.

Ye Li nodded, a trace of sadness flashed in her beautiful eyes, she looked at Ye Tianling and said, "Do Qingxue and Menghan know?"

Ye Tianling shook his head and said, "No one knows except myself."

After Ye Li heard this, the gloomy look in her beautiful eyes disappeared immediately, it turned out that Qingxue and Menghan didn't know either.

"I'll cook porridge for you." Ye Li was happy, she ran to the kitchen excitedly, and started cooking porridge.

Ye Tianling smiled, he waved his sleeves at the table, and a chessboard appeared there.

There are black and white stones on the chessboard, the white stones represent himself, and the black stones represent Jun Changkong.

Bai Zi fell into three positions, namely the Phoenix Clan, the Moon God Palace, and the Jiuyao Sect.

These three major forces are all standing in the top-grade region, and the top strength of each force is also the peak spirit realm.

Now that Lin Menghan is in the Phoenix Clan, Ye Qingxue is in the Moon God Palace, Ye Li must be in the Nine Yao Sect.

Ye Tianling looked at these three areas for a while, and immediately brought over the white chess pieces of the Phoenix family.

"The power of the phoenix family probably cannot be used by me..." Ye Tianling muttered to himself.

Huang Ruo's attitude before is enough to explain everything. Even if Lin Menghan has a pivotal position in the Phoenix Clan, it may be difficult to use the power of the Phoenix Clan for him.

"Now there are only Moon God Palace and Jiuyao Sect left. With the talents of Qingxue and Ye Li, they will definitely get enough attention in the sect. Maybe these two forces can be used by me."

Ye Tianling was talking to himself.

He looked again at the location where the black chess piece ended up. It was the King's Landing Holy Land, one of the four holy lands in Tianling Continent.

Looking at the King's Landing Holy Land, he couldn't help shaking his head, and said to himself: "The Holy Land is a Holy Land after all, and it cannot be competed by the forces of the venerable level."

Ye Tianling couldn't help sighing, if he wanted to destroy the Holy Land of King's Landing, he had to rely on himself...

At this time, the Book of Destiny suddenly said: "Don't mess with these things. Facing absolute strength, all plots and tricks are futile. The only thing you can rely on now is yourself. When your strength is strong enough, destroy King's Landing!" The Holy Land is as easy as flipping hands."

Ye Tianling nodded, and said: "I know all of this, but it will be good for me to gather some strength."

The book of destiny slowly said: "You have only one mission after rebirth, and that is to love your wife well."

Ye Tianling frowned slightly, and asked in confusion: "Why is this the mission of my rebirth? And I also love Qingxue and Menghan very much... and Ruoxi."

The Book of Destiny was silent, and he was thinking whether he should tell Ye Tianling something.

After being silent for half a cup of tea, the Book of Fate said, "Since you asked, the book will tell you."

Ye Tianling pricked up his ears, waiting for the explanation from the Book of Fate.

"I am the Book of Destiny, the incarnation of fate, but to be precise, I am the Book of Destiny that controls the fate of men in the world." The Book of Destiny said slowly: "In this world, there are two Books of Destiny, one It's me, and there is a book of destiny that represents women in the world, and she controls the fate of women in the world."

Ye Tianling did not speak, quietly waiting for the next part of the Book of Fate.

"In your previous life, I mean your previous life. At that time, you, Ye Fu, and Ye Mo were the masters of the human way, the Buddha way, and the devil way.

With your strength at that time, you were enough to dominate the entire world, but... your wives have betrayed you!And you are scruples about the relationship with your wives, when you fight with them, you show mercy everywhere, the final result can be imagined, you lost, and it was a fiasco! "

Ye Tianling couldn't help frowning slightly, his wife actually betrayed him!

(End of this chapter)

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