Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 18 Chapter 1

Chapter 18 First
Ye Tianling walked onto the arena, his expression was rather indifferent, without the slightest hint of despair that he thought he would lose.

Ye Tianling glanced around, but did not find Lin Menghan, the young lord of Moonwind City, which made him frown slightly. Where is Lin Menghan?Shouldn't you be coming?
And Li Mei looked at Ye Tianling, and said in a low voice: "Since you are here, you can compete with my son Li Kai first, and after the competition is over, let my son compete with Mu Shaochen for the first place. "

Ye Tianling looked at Li Mei and smiled faintly, and said, "You have great confidence in your son."

Li Mei said in a low voice: "It's natural, if even the spirits can't beat the spirits, wouldn't it be a big joke?"

"It's really a joke!" Ye Tianling said lightly, "If that's the case, then let's start!"

Li Mei smiled faintly, but she looked at Ye Tianling with a slight coldness in her eyes!
She believes it!After a while, Ye Tianling will definitely lose miserably, and it will be very miserable!
She withdrew from the arena and sat on the sidelines.

And Li Kai looked at Ye Tianling coldly, and said with pity: "Ye Tianling, I have wanted to beat you up for a long time!"

Ye Tianling smiled faintly, and said: "There are too many people who want to beat me up. You, like them, all want to beat me up because they are jealous of me being with Ye Qingxue!"

"Jealous?" Li Kai sneered, he was indeed jealous, how could he not be better than Ye Tianling?

Why does Ye Qingxue like Ye Tianling?

"Die to me!" Li Kai yelled, and he came to Ye Tianling in a flash.

Lifting a palm directly, this palm was shrouded by a touch of white light, this is because Li Kai channeled his spiritual power to the palm, thus making the blasting power even stronger!

Normally, a nine-star spirit disciple has a strength of nine hundred catties, and a person who breaks through a one-star spirit can have a strength of two thousand catties!
Every time a star breaks through in the future, it can increase the strength of a thousand catties.

Ye Tianling looked indifferent, he had jumped out of the rules of heaven and earth, even though he was only a nine-star spirit disciple!But the power he possesses has already been able to sweep away all spirit beings!

"Get out!" Ye Tianling yelled coldly, and punched him away!

Seeing this, Li Kai couldn't help showing a strong joy in his eyes, and Ye Tianling didn't hide, but confronted him head-on!
What an idiot...

Everyone also thinks so, after all, the spirit is absolutely crushing the spirit disciple!
Li Mei's eyes couldn't help flashing joy, this annoying Ye Tianling was finally about to be beaten by his son!
Li Kai's palm and Ye Tianling's punch collided suddenly at this moment!

Everyone had already anticipated the next scene, but when the blow collided together, everyone was dumbfounded!
I saw Li Kai screaming, and his figure was immediately thrown out of the arena!
Not only that, when flying upside down in mid-air, Li Kai couldn't help spouting a mouthful of blood mist from the corner of his mouth!
The blood mist filled the sky, and under the shining light, it looked extremely strange!

Quiet, quiet, quiet all around!
Li Kai was defeated!And it was so utterly defeated!
And...Ye Tianling, standing there intact!
Ye Qingxue, who was outside the competition arena, saw that Ye Tianling was fine, and her tense heart finally eased.

She almost died of worry just now, for fear that Ye Tianling would be seriously injured!

And... Li Mei stood up in shock, she darted towards Li Kai, and then fed him a healing elixir!
Immediately, Mei Mou glared at Ye Tianling, and said incomparably fiercely: "It's just a competition, but you have made such a heavy hand, don't you really put my Li family in your eyes!"

Ye Tianling smiled and said: "It's just the Li family, I really don't pay attention to it!"

Li Mei is angry... It's just a Ye family, only the patriarch Ye Li is a spirit general who can rival her!

But Ye Tianling didn't pay attention to the whole Li family, he was so arrogant!
Everyone was also dumbfounded, this Ye Tianling... is really defiant and arrogant.

Someone shook his head and said, "It's easy to break just now, Ye Tianling will suffer a big loss sooner or later!"

"I think his father Ye Wuchen was extremely arrogant back then, what happened in the end? Didn't he offend a certain powerful force, and then his spiritual roots and cultivation base were abolished!"

"Ye Wuchen was indeed very proud back then, so proud to the bone! But after his cultivation base was abolished, I heard that he lived in a muddle-headed way, and it is estimated that he will be abolished in this life."

At this time, Li Mei said coldly to Ye Tianling: "Then let this patriarch see and see, why don't you take the Li family seriously!"

Li Mei's body suddenly burst out with a tyrannical aura, the aura overwhelming, making people tremble.

"Patriarch Li, it's normal for you to be blind in your fists and feet during a martial arts competition. Let's let this matter go! Let Ye Tianling and Mu Shaochen have the final competition!"

And just when Li Mei wanted to obliterate Ye Tianling, a sweet, oriole-like voice suddenly resounded throughout the arena.

Everyone followed the sound, trying to find the owner of the sound, but after looking around a few times, they couldn't find the source of the sound.

When Li Mei heard this, her thought of making a move immediately was extinguished.

She withdrew her power, turned to the last direction, and said very politely: "Young City Lord is right, I was too angry just now... so I lost my composure, I'm sorry."

As soon as these words came out, countless people opened their mouths in shock. It turned out that Lin Menghan, the young lord of Moonwind City, came...

However, Lin Menghan did not show up, but watched the competition from the dark.

Ye Tianling on the martial arts field couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, it turned out that Lin Menghan had already arrived...

At this time, Li Mei looked at Ye Tianling and Mu Shaochen, and said in a deep voice, "You two will have a showdown!"

When Li Mei said this, she felt her face was hot. Just now she said that she asked Li Kai to deal with Ye Tianling as soon as possible, and then compete with Mu Shaochen in the final.

As a result... her son was eliminated first, and it was Ye Tianling and Mu Shaochen who had the final competition.

Mu Shaochen looked at Ye Tianling solemnly. He and Li Kai were both one-star spirits, but Ye Tianling punched Li Kai away!

This is unbelievable, he couldn't figure it out, could it be that Ye Tianling is already a high-level spirit?

Ye Tianling was indifferent, he looked at Mu Shaochen and said in a low voice, "Are you admitting defeat yourself, or will you be defeated by me!"

Mu Shaochen's ordinary face was slightly ugly, and he said coldly: "Li Kaihui lost to you, but it doesn't mean I will lose to you too!"

Ye Tianling said lightly: "You and Li Kai are the same, stop talking nonsense with you, let this competition come to an end!"

The voice fell.

Ye Tianling's figure was like an off-string bow and arrow, and rushed towards Mu Shaochen with a whistling sound.

Mu Shaochen's pupils shrank slightly, and immediately he punched and shouted: "Defeat me!"

Mu Shaochen punched out, and Ye Tianling also punched out when he flashed in front of him.


The two fists collided, and under the incredulous eyes of everyone, Mu Shaochen screamed, and immediately his figure was blown out of the arena.

For a moment...everyone was stunned...all looked at Ye Tianling in shock, is this really a spirit disciple?Is there such a powerful spiritual disciple?
And Li Mei's beautiful eyes were round, Ye Tianling was full of weirdness everywhere!
It is simply unimaginable to defeat a spirit person by relying on the realm of a spirit disciple!
(End of this chapter)

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