Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 189 Zhuge Qing

Chapter 189 Zhuge Qing

The Zhuge family is located in the easternmost part of the Zhongpin area. There are East Zhuge, Southern Zhanlang, Xibaihua, and Northern Giants.

The Zhuge family is world-famous for its gossip array, and the Wolf Warrior Palace is famous for its brainwashing of wolf survival rules.

Baihuagu is famous for being all women, and the giant family is famous for being nine feet tall.

Ye Tianling flew over at top speed for three hours, and his figure was already standing in the sky.

He stood on the cloud and looked down at the secluded valley below. It was quiet here, but this valley was like a paradise, very suitable for retirement.

In this secluded valley, there is an entrance, which can only be entered if the Zhuge family engraved the soul imprint.

Ye Tianling frowned slightly, and murmured to himself: "It would be more troublesome if we forced our way directly."

Ye Tianling's eyes locked on a group of people in the valley, and each of the group of people held a portrait in their hands.

This portrait depicts a young man, extremely handsome, dressed in white, looking extremely sunny.

"Isn't that person just me..." Ye Tianling murmured to himself, feeling suddenly stunned.

He had conflicts with the Zhuge family before, so it is normal for him to be wanted by the Zhuge family.

Ye Tianling said to the Book of Destiny: "Can I devour their soul marks?"

"Yes! The Heaven Swallowing Art is a supreme skill that I created after observing the origin of thousands of worlds. It can swallow everything in the world!" The Book of Destiny.

"Everything in the world..." Ye Tianling muttered to himself, and immediately asked, "Can it swallow people?"

"It can be..." The Book of Fate.

"What benefits can I get after swallowing it?" Ye Tianling couldn't help being curious.

"It will give you a full meal." The Book of Destiny.

"..." Ye Tianling felt that the Book of Destiny was just a kang.

"Okay... Let me tell you seriously, the Sky Swallowing Art is very powerful, and it is mainly used for you to swallow the origin of the world in the future." The Book of Destiny.

"The origin of the world?" Ye Tianling raised his brows, puzzled.

"En." The Book of Destiny said slowly: "The continent you are in is just one of thousands of worlds. These are small worlds, but each world has its origin. In the future, you will devour all worlds. , defeat the master of each world."

"The masters of every world... don't they all have the fighting power of the Ling Emperor?" Ye Tianling.

"It's all the fighting power of the Ling Emperor, but there's no way around it. Today's world rulers are depraved and willing to become women's subordinates. You have to defeat them, wake them up, and let them know what a real man is! When they Knowing this, they will naturally counterattack their wives, and gradually disintegrate the pawns of another Book of Destiny!" The Book of Destiny.

"That's it..." Ye Tianling's eyes twitched slightly, he really wanted to fight with giants from other worlds!

He really wanted to know, who was more powerful as the master!
"Do you think I can defeat the masters of those worlds?" Ye Tianling asked.

Although he really wanted to fight those masters, he also knew that among the masters, none of them was vegetarian, on the contrary they were extremely powerful.

"You don't know until you have fought them. I just let you beat them, not kill them. Their natures are good, but affected by the origin of the world, they have been trained by their wives to lose their independent thinking. .” The Book of Destiny.

Ye Tianling nodded, no matter what, he should try his best to become stronger!

Ye Tianling looked down at a group of disciples of the Zhuge family, and then used the Heaven Swallowing Art.

A ray invisible to the naked eye swallowed the imprint and memory of the young man's soul, and this imprint was imprinted in Ye Tianling's soul.

Immediately Ye Tianling knocked the young man unconscious and threw him far, far away.

Afterwards, he disguised himself as a young man, and stepped into the entrance of the Zhuge family.

After stepping in, Ye Tianling seemed to have stepped into another world.

There are big suns and white clouds in this world... But Ye Tianling knows that the big sun and white clouds are all fake...

Everything else is true.

The sun and the white clouds are just created by special means.

In Ye Tianling's line of sight, there is a mansion. This mansion is so big that you can't see the edge at a glance.

"Hey, Zhuge Fan, why are you standing there stupidly?" Suddenly a voice sounded, and then walked up to Ye Tianling.

At this time, Ye Tianling's disguise was the young man who was knocked unconscious by him before, and that young man was named Zhuge Fan.

Ye Tianling smiled lightly at him and said, "It's okay, just walk around here..."

The young man said unhappily: "There is nothing to go, you are really too busy."

Ye Tianling smiled and didn't say anything. He swallowed Zhuge Fan's memory before and knew that the young man in front of him was named Zhuge Chun.

The relationship with Zhuge Fan is not bad.

Ye Tianling sat down, and he said to Zhuge Chun: "The most beautiful beauty in the family, Zhuge Qing, is really upset that she wants to marry that bastard in King's Landing Holy Land."

Zhuge Chun sighed, and said: "The Holy Land of King's Landing is too domineering. If the family does not marry Sister Qingqing, I am afraid that the Holy Land of King's Landing will directly wipe out our family."

Ye Tianling's eyes flickered for a moment, but the memory he obtained did not have this.

It would be very miserable if every faction was forced by the Holy Land of King's Landing to marry off their women.

Ye Tianling said to Zhuge Chun: "As far as I know, the patriarch also seems to want to have a relationship with the Holy Land of King's Landing. Is this considered forced?"

Zhuge Chun shook his head, a look of sullenness flashed across his face, and said angrily: "Most people in the clan support the clinging to the Holy Land of King's Landing, and a few people don't want to, so what's the use of that!"

Ye Tianling's eyes flickered for a moment, he didn't have to kill those who were unwilling to cling to the Holy Land of King's Landing!

But those who want to cling to the Holy Land of King's Landing, he must kill them!

At this moment, a picturesque beauty walked over slowly.

This beauty has a graceful figure, a pretty face, and a hint of sadness in her beautiful eyes.

"Sister Qingqing, why are you here..." Zhuge Chun couldn't help asking when he saw this beauty.

Ye Tianling looked at this beauty and knew that she was the beauty of the younger generation of the Zhuge family, Zhuge Qing.


Ye Tianling suddenly got news from Ye Mo, and Ye Mo told him that he fell in love with Zhuge Qing and wanted to save her.

But because the distance was too far, Ye Tianling was asked to help.

"..." Ye Tianling was speechless, and asked me to help you find a wife...

But since Ye Mo said so, he still has to do it.

Zhuge Qing glanced at Zhuge Chun and Ye Tianling, and said with a smile, "Come out to get some air."

Ye Tianling looked at the smile on Zhuge Qingqiao's face, he could tell that Zhuge Qing's smile was too forced.

Presumably, he was unhappy because he was about to marry a child of King's Landing Holy Land.

(End of this chapter)

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