Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 194 The Angry King's Landing at the Holy Land

Chapter 194 The Angry King's Landing at the Holy Land
"Idiot." Ye Tianling looked at the eight spirit sects, as if looking at a group of idiots, and said coldly: "Don't you guys know that I am a spirit master?"

The eight spirit sects frowned tightly. Of course they knew that Ye Tianling was a half-star spirit master, or a real spirit master.

He also knew that he and others could not compete against Ye Tianling, but they were all members of the Jun family, and their duty was to protect Jun Yuan.

Even if they lose, they still have to face Ye Tianling head-on!

"You try your best to hold him back. I will go back to the family and ask the strong to kill him! In addition...your family will receive the best care." Jun Yuan said to the eight spirit sects, and immediately rode away on a white horse. .

Boom boom boom boom boom!

A flash of determination flashed in the eyes of the Eight Great Spirit Sects. They knew that if they relied on their own strength to fight Ye Tianling, they would definitely die!

At this moment, they have burned half of their life source, so that their cultivation base has risen from the peak spirit sect to the half-star spirit master!
Having reached Banxing Lingzun, they may still have the strength to fight against Ye Tianling!
"Die!" The eight of them all looked grim, and slammed Ye Tianling hard!
This blow was terrifying and incomparable.

Ye Tianling looked at them indifferently, and said indifferently: "If you burn the source of life, you still cannot escape death!"

"Everyone will kneel down and die for me!" Ye Tianling sharpened his eyes, and pointed at them suddenly with his raised hand.

With this drink, the heaven and the earth seemed to be spinning, what monstrous power, what half-star spirit venerable.

Under this drink, all the power collapsed, and the seven orifices of the eight people bled directly, and their figures fell directly from midair to the ground!

"Things that help the evildoers!" Ye Tianling's figure flashed, and a big palm hit one person's head.

With a bang, the head exploded!
Seeing this, the other seven people's complexions were extremely pale. They all burned the source of life, and they didn't even have the power of Ye Tianling's one-drinking prestige.

"I won't kill you! But... I want you to be a useless person, a useless person forever and ever!" Ye Tianling waved his palm angrily, and a series of terrifying forces directly hit their dantians!

Bang bang bang!
A series of voices sounded, and their Qi Sea and Spiritual Roots were all crippled!


The faces of the seven people were ashen, and their eyes were dull. Without cultivation, they are completely useless people. In this life, they can only linger on!

Ye Tianling looked at Jun Yuan who was fleeing on a white horse in the distance, and a sneer could not help but be drawn at the corner of his mouth.

"Get out of here!"

Ye Tian yelled sharply, and a gust of wind howled, directly blowing Jun Yuan and the white horse back!
Jun Yuan's face was extremely pale, and a strong sense of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

He had obviously fled far away, so how could Ye Tianling still be able to control him.

"Your Majesty!"

Ye Tianling snorted coldly, the body of the white horse exploded directly, and Jun Yuan fell from the sky with a plop, kneeling on the ground!

Jun Yuan's face was extremely pale, and he looked at his subordinates who were all dead and ruined, and felt a wave of fear in his heart.

I thought Ye Tianling didn't dare to do anything to them, but he did.

This made the background he had been relying on suddenly lose all its effects.

"No...don't kill me...don't abolish my cultivation...please...please..." Jun Yuan's psychological defense line collapsed immediately.

Frightened, he kept knocking on the ground with his head!

"A person like you, of course I won't kill you, because... I want to abolish you!"

Ye Tianling's last shout of power was like thunder, and directly blasted Junyuan's sea of ​​energy and spiritual roots forcefully.

Jun Yuan trembled all over, his face turned even paler, his cultivation base and spiritual roots were all destroyed!

"Ah..." Jun Yuan raised his head to the sky and screamed, and there was endless despair in the roar.

He has completely become a useless person, and he will never be able to practice in this life.

His face was twisted abruptly, and there was a strong sense of resentment in his eyes without any concealment.

"I am going to kill you!"

Jun Yuan exhausted all his strength and slammed into Ye Tianling fiercely!

Ye Tianling raised his foot and kicked Jun Yuan upside down!
"This is the consequence you deserve!" Ye Tianling poked Jun Yuan and the heads of the seven spirit sects with his big hand.

A golden light forcibly swallowed the memories in their minds...

At this moment, Jun Yuan's eyes were dull, and the eyes of the seven Lingzong elders were also dull.

"Hey... where is this?" Jun Yuan scratched his head, his eyes full of doubts.

"Who am I? Why am I here?" Jun Yuan was full of doubts in his heart. He looked at Ye Tianling and couldn't help asking: "This... who are you? Do you know who I am?"

Except for Jun Yuan, the same is true for the remaining seven people, their memories were swallowed up and they forgot everything.

Ye Tianling ignored Jun Yuan and the others, his figure flashed, and at the same time hid his body in the space.

He came to the bottom of a canyon hundreds of miles away. He sat on a rock, frowning.

He obtained the news of his mother in this life from the memories of Jun Yuan and the seven elders.

His own mother, Jun Qingyue, had already been imprisoned in a courtyard of King's Landing Holy Land!

Jun Qingyue can only move around in that small yard, which has been going on for 17 years.

In the past 17 years, people in King's Landing Holy Land have asked Jun Qingyue to marry someone else!

However, Jun Qingyue threatened her with death, so the members of the Jun family stopped forcing her.


Ye Tianling clenched his fists tightly, his eyes full of murderous intent.

His dearest mother and his previous Taoist companion were all imprisoned in the Holy Land of King's Landing. The enmity between him and the Holy Land of King's Landing could be said to be irreconcilable.

"The Holy Land of King's Landing!" Ye Tianling's eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light burst out.

"Wait for my return, Ling Tian, ​​when the time comes... it will be the end of your Jun family!" Ye Tianling said firmly.

In the following time, Ye Tianling entered into retreat.

He is now a Half-Star Spirit Venerable, and out of the nine attributes, eight attributes have been upgraded to domain strength.

Now only the power of the dark attribute, the most difficult to upgrade, remains!
Ye Tianling hides in the space, just like this, he constantly comprehends the talent of dark attribute.

He forgot time, forgot everything, and concentrated his whole body and mind in the state of comprehension.

During this time, King's Landing Holy Earth was furious and dispatched countless strong men to closely monitor the entire first-class region.

Everyone was a little confused at first, but when the news really spread, countless people were stunned.

Because, all the forces in the entire Zhongpin region have been wiped out!
And these forces all have a close relationship with King's Landing Holy Land.

And this is not the reason that makes King's Landing Holy Land furious, what is angry is...

The children of King's Landing Holy Land were actually killed, and all their cultivation bases were abolished, even the whole person was dumbfounded.

This kind of method can be seen how ruthless it is, abolishing the cultivation base, lingering on for a lifetime, and even losing his memory, which is even worse.

(End of this chapter)

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