Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 201 Venerable Emperor

Chapter 201 Venerable Emperor

After Su Xiangxiang finished speaking, her enchanting figure flew towards the imperial capital.

Ye Tianling also returned to the Heavenly Sword Sect. He was lying alone on the roof of the palace with his eyes closed, enjoying the sunshine.

He had a conversation with Su Xiangxiang just now, but he didn't expect that Su Xiangxiang's psychology was already twisted and abnormal.

It's just that Ye Tianling is very strange in his heart. He knew Su Xiangxiang in his previous life.

And Su Xiangxiang had a lot of male favorites, but these male favorites disappeared inexplicably after they broke through to the Spirit Venerable.

"Where did those people who broke through to Lingzun go?" Ye Tianling muttered to himself, feeling extremely puzzled.

He pondered for a while, his eyes suddenly opened, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Star-absorbing magic power!"

Ye Tianling suddenly thought of an evil technique, this star-absorbing magic technique is extremely weird, a practitioner can forcibly take away the aura of the opposite sex!

It's just that people who need to cultivate often have to have a real relationship with the nourishment of husband and wife.

In this way, some attributes of the nourishment can be slowly assimilated, and after assimilation, the opponent's cultivation can be devoured!
"Could it be that Su Xiangxiang is practicing star-absorbing magic art?" Ye Tianling frowned slightly.

In his heart, he doubted that Su Xiangxiang had practiced this kind of evil skill. Otherwise, why would those strong people who broke through to the Supreme Spiritual Venerable disappear from this world?
"Before, Yu Siyang was already a Half-Star Spiritual Venerable. After such a long time, he should have broken through to a real Spiritual Venerable!"

Ye Tianling's eyes flickered for a moment. Su Xiangxiang said before that as long as she agreed to become her male favourite, she could kill Yu Siyang!
"It seems that most of Su Xiangxiang's cultivation is the star-absorbing magic art. Yu Siyang has broken through the Lingzun, and it happens to be able to be swallowed by her..."

Ye Tianling was secretly shocked, this kind of evil skill can be regarded as a low-end version of the Heaven Swallowing Art.

And it's still a weak slag version in the low-end version, but even so, this star-absorbing magic skill is very powerful!
"When the time comes to Siyang Kingdom, we will know everything..." Ye Tianling's eyes revealed a deep meaning.

This time!
He had to kill Yu Siyang, he killed Qiu Qianxue before, which made Yu Siyang hate him.

It can be said that the relationship between the two is already hostile, and it is still the kind of relationship that will never die.

At this time.

Ye Wuchen's figure appeared beside Ye Tianling. He was dressed in white, with a deep and distant aura in his eyes, looking at the scorching sun in the sky.

"Tianling...you are now in the realm of the Spiritual Venerable, and you are the one who is most likely to step into the Holy Land of King's Landing and rescue your mother." Ye Wuchen said slowly.

Ye Tianling opened his eyes, he glanced at Ye Wuchen and said slowly: "Actually... you can reunite with my mother first."

Ye Wuchen frowned slightly, looked at Ye Tianling and asked in confusion: "I have just broken through the Spirit Sect, how can I reunite with your mother with such strength?"

Ye Tianling shook his head, and said: "You were abolished by the people of King's Landing Holy Land before. They thought you were not worthy of the Jun family, but now you are very talented. As long as you reveal your talent, they will accept you."

Ye Wuchen's eyes flickered, what Ye Tianling said made sense, as long as he showed his talent, he would definitely be able to join the Jun family.

"My previous spiritual root and cultivation base have been abolished. Now that my spiritual root has recovered, how should I explain it?" Ye Wuchen frowned.

He hasn't seen Jun Qingyue in 18 years, and he really wants to meet Jun Qingyue again.

Ye Tianling couldn't help but frowned slightly, this is quite a problem.

After all, if the spiritual root is abolished, it is completely abolished, and it cannot be reversed.

"Maybe...you can make up a story, say that you have a twin brother, and it was your brother who was abolished!" Ye Tianling came up with an idea.

Ye Wuchen nodded, his eyes couldn't help showing a touch of excitement, could he be reunited with Jun Qingyue!

"Qingyue... I really miss you..." Ye Wuchen raised his head, looked at the big sun in the sky, and said very tenderly.

Ye Tianling glanced at Ye Wuchen. In the past 18 years, Ye Wuchen has been decadent for 17 years, and now he should be able to see Jun Qingyue soon.

"One month later! You and I will go to the top-grade region!" Ye Tianling looked at Ye Wuchen and said slowly.

"Okay!" Ye Wuchen nodded.


In the past few days, Ye Tianling has been wandering around in Tianjianzong, occasionally pointing out Ye Wuchen's cultivation problems.

Three days later, on this day, the weather was clear and the sun was shining on the whole land.

Ye Tianling left Tianjianzong, and he came to the palace of Siyang Kingdom.

At this time, he was standing in the palace with his hands behind his back. He looked at a splendid palace in front of him and said lightly: "I'm here..."

Ye Tianling's voice was not loud, but it clearly spread to every corner of the palace.


At this moment, a terrible coercion suddenly descended on the entire imperial capital, and most of this coercion rushed towards Ye Tianling.

As the coercion spread, a man wearing an emperor's dragon robe appeared outside the palace.

Wearing a crown on his head, wearing a golden robe, with dragon eyebrows and starry sky, he stared at Ye Tianling sharply, and said fiercely, "I didn't expect you to dare to come here!"

Ye Tianling's eyes were as calm as a pool of stagnant water, he looked at Yu Siyang indifferently, and said indifferently: "I'll kill you!"

"You beheaded me? Hahaha..." Yu Siyang showed a look of disdain, and immediately supported the sky with his arms, looking up to the sky and laughing presumptuously.

Every time he laughed, the entire land of the imperial capital trembled.

Every time he laughed, a powerful aura shook the space, spreading out layer by layer in a radius of [-] meters.

Just from his laughter, the buildings in the entire imperial capital were collapsing.

"You kill me!" Yu Siyang suddenly looked at Ye Tianling fiercely, and said with a smirk, "Are you worthy?"

Ye Tianling smiled lightly, seeing Yu Siyang's confident look, he couldn't help shaking his head.

"The source of your confidence is because you have broken through the Lingzun."

After hearing this, Yu Siyang couldn't help but focus his eyes suddenly, and looked at Ye Tianling solemnly, with suspicion flashing across his eyes.

"The emperor has indeed broken through the spirit master. With the power of the emperor's spirit master, so what if you can control the power of the empire's source of power? You will still be beheaded by the emperor!"

Ye Tianling smiled, and hooked his fingers to Yu Siyang, playing with taste: "Come on... let me see if you have the right to kill me."

"Death!" Yu Siyang roared angrily, he was really angry, he had already broken through to the Spirit Venerable, but Ye Tianling not only didn't fear him, but also despised him endlessly.

he can not!Can't bear it!He wanted Ye Tianling to know that he could easily crush him!

Terrible power suddenly surged out from Yu Siyang's body, this was the emperor's intention, and the emperor's intention turned into a golden dragon with teeth and claws, and it let out a cruel roar, rushing towards Ye Tianling.

(End of this chapter)

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