Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 218 Passing Information

Chapter 218 Passing Information

After half an hour, several figures suddenly appeared in the clouds above the porridge hall.

Ye Tianling opened his eyes, and looked at the people on the cloud.

There are three people on the cloud, one of them has a beautiful figure and a pretty face, especially she is wearing a long white dress and standing on the cloud.

Like a fairy from Nine Heavens.

This woman in white is Ye Qingxue, when she saw Murong Qing in her eyes full of yearning, Liu Yemei couldn't help frowning slightly, and there was a flash of displeasure in her eyes.

Ye Qingxue glanced at Murong Qing, then looked at Ye Tianling and asked in a low voice: "I am the Young Mistress of the Moon God Palace, the Elder Lingzun of the Moon God Palace passed by the porridge hall before, I wonder if you have seen him. "

Ye Tianling looked at her, and said lightly: "I didn't see..."

Ye Tianling was a little surprised, Ye Qingxue joined the Moon God Palace in just a few months, right?
To become the Young Palace Master in a few months, this... quite amazing...

Ye Qingxue nodded, she just wanted to pass on to Ye Tianling her status as the Young Palace Master of the Moon God Palace.

Ye Qingxue's beautiful eyes looked at Ye Tianling meaningfully, and asked indifferently: "The porridge hall is just the two of you?"

Ye Tianling smiled and said, "I'm the only one for the time being, as for her...she is the young master of Liuqu Sect."

A strange color appeared in Ye Qingxue's beautiful eyes, the young master of Liuqu Sect had the same status as her.

An elder in gray clothes beside Ye Qingxue reminded: "The woman's name is Murong Qing, she is the young suzerain of Liuqu Sect, and the suzerain of Liuqu Sect is her father."

"That's it..." Ye Qingxue nodded, her beautiful eyes fixed on Ye Tianling, and warned: "Don't cross some bottom lines, or you will bear the consequences."

"..." Ye Tianling was speechless. Is this threatening him? He and Murong Qing have nothing to do with each other.

Murong Qing looked at Ye Qingxue strangely, when did the young master of Moon God Palace change?

The gray-clothed old man in the air frowned slightly and reminded Ye Qingxue: "Young Palace Master, should we just forget about Elder Shi?"

Ye Qingxue raised her willow eyebrows slightly, looked at the old man in gray and said in a low voice: "There are only so few people in the porridge hall, do you think he can kill Elder Shi?"

The elder in gray shook his head, he looked at Ye Qingxue and said: "Of course I know that he can't kill Elder Shi, but... the palace lord needs an explanation, why not... we wiped him out, and then told the palace lord that it was this kid who killed him." Elder Shi."

Ye Qingxue's beautiful eyes flashed a cold light, she stared at the elder in gray and reprimanded coldly: "The main reason of the palace is not such an explanation!"

The grey-clothed elder's complexion is Wei Wei slightly not very good-looking, although Ye Qingxue is the Young Palace Master and has a much higher status than him.

But after all, he had lived for hundreds of years, and being reprimanded by Ye Qingxue like this made him feel a little embarrassed and very upset.

Ye Tianling clearly heard the conversation between Ye Qingxue and the elder in gray.

Ye Tianling's eyes flickered, revealing a cold killing intent.

In the sky of the whole porridge hall, there were roars suddenly at this moment, and the roars were endless.

Accompanied by the frightening blue lightning, he slashed towards the gray-clothed elder!

The elder in gray furrowed his brows tightly, and with a flick of his sleeve, he wanted to extinguish the incoming lightning.

When the two attacks collided, the right arm of the old man in gray couldn't help being cut off directly, and the sky was sprinkled with blood.


The gray-clothed old man knew he was invincible, so he and his companion, the green-clothed old man, exchanged glances, and immediately turned their eyes to Ye Tianling.

"You did it!"

Ye Tianling stood up, stretched his waist, lazily looked at the old man in gray and the old man in blue, and said lazily, "Just now... didn't you want to kill me and make me a scapegoat?"

The gray-clothed old man couldn't help but look at each other with the blue-clothed old man, and they both saw the shock in the other's eyes.

Ye Tianling could actually hear what they just said, you know, the old man in gray just said it to Ye Qingxue in a very low voice.

The gray-clothed old man's eyes flickered for a moment, and he suddenly remembered something, and his expression changed drastically. He stared at Ye Tianling and said in a deep voice, "Elder Shi must have been killed by you!"

The lightning that suddenly appeared just now chopped off his right arm directly. This kind of power has reached above the Seven Star Spirit Venerable!

"I killed it..." Ye Tianling said lightly, with his hands behind his back, looking at Elder Shi with indifference in his eyes, he said indifferently: "Since you know this...then you all stay with them!"

The killing array was activated, and endless thunder and lightning covered the entire sky in an instant, and the roar was like the bell of death, as if to harvest the souls of everyone.

"Let's go!" The old man in gray and the old man in blue looked at each other, and then took Ye Qingxue with him, wanting to leave here immediately!

But the next moment, the faces of the gray-clothed old man and the blue-clothed old man couldn't help turning pale.

They found that... no matter how far they go, they just stay where they are.

This is the activation of the porridge hall's sleepy array. After the activation, the stars will move, and there will be illusions everywhere.

The old man in gray had been walking in one direction, but under the influence of the illusion, they had actually been walking in place.

"If you kill us, the Palace Master will kill you when he finds out!" the old man in gray stared at Ye Tianling and warned.

Ye Tianling shook his head indifferently, and said indifferently: "Your Palace Mistress is only a peak Spiritual Venerable, I...can finish her off in two or three strokes!"

The faces of the gray-clothed old man and the green-clothed old man were extremely ugly. They looked at the calm Ye Qingxue, and doubts flashed in their hearts.

"Young Palace Master... We don't care about you now, I'm afraid we're going to die here in the end!" the gray-clothed old man said slowly.

Ye Qingxue nodded, she didn't respond directly to the gray-clothed old man, but looked at Ye Tianling below with her beautiful eyes, and said softly: "Are you confident in obliterating the Peak Spiritual Venerable?"

Ye Tianling smiled, and said: "It's easy to fight against the half-sage, the peak spirit is vulnerable."

Ye Qingxue nodded, she knew Ye Tianling's real combat strength, and immediately left.

With this step, she directly stepped out of the porridge hall area, which made the two old men in gray couldn't help but look at each other, and immediately wanted to rush out of the porridge hall!


They found that they were still standing still, which made them feel extremely puzzled!

The gray-clothed old man frowned. He stared at Ye Tianling and said in a deep voice, "Young Palace Master is more valuable than us. Why do you only keep us instead of Young Palace Master!"

"Because... she is a woman..." Ye Tianling said lightly.

The gray-clothed old man and the blue-clothed old man's white brows were furrowed, as if their hearts had been trampled by 1 black horses.

Just because you are a man, you keep the two of you?

(End of this chapter)

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