Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 24 The Way of Killing

Chapter 24 The Way of Killing

Ye Tianling killed these black wolves, but he didn't directly devour the spiritual energy in their bodies.

Instead, he fought them one by one into a hidden cave. Ye Tianling found a rock and blocked the cave's entrance.

The woman who had been hiding in the dark, her black eyebrows frowned slightly, and her beautiful eyes showed doubts as she muttered to herself: "What does Ye Tianling want to do?"

The woman couldn't figure it out, the monsters were already dead, so could it be that Ye Tianling wanted to skin the wolf?


In the cave, Ye Tianling was sitting cross-legged, and while he was running the Heaven Swallowing Art, a strange suction suddenly submerged into the sea of ​​dantian Qi of many black wolves.

In just an instant, the strange power blasted through their dantians, and then the aura of Qi Sea in the dantians burst out suddenly.

He was sucked into Ye Tianling's dantian by this powerful suction.

One breath!
Ye Tianling's sea of ​​qi was instantly filled with rich aura!

Ye Tianling let out a sigh in his heart, this is a breakthrough from the realm of a spirit disciple to a spirit one, this is a qualitative change!
The realm of the spirit disciple is mainly body training, defending and attacking with pure physical strength!
And those who have broken through to the spirit can circulate their spiritual power to any part of the body, thus bursting out powerful power!
In the time of two breaths, the sea of ​​energy in Ye Tianling's body was instantly broken through. After breaking through, a strange force instantly washed all the meridians in his body!
The meridians are all opened up, which means breaking through the realm of the spirit!
"Huh..." Ye Tianling slowly opened his eyes, he waved his fist casually, and a touch of spiritual power in his body instantly flowed into his fist from the position of Qi Sea.

At this time, his fist was covered with a touch of white light, which was a kind of light that appeared because the spiritual power flowed here!
"One star spirit!" Ye Tianling murmured, his eyes were extremely excited.

Because he clearly felt that he contained a tyrannical power, which far surpassed that of an ordinary one-star spirit.

Ordinary star spirits have the strength of two thousand catties, but Ye Tianling feels that he has the strength of ten thousand catties!
This kind of power can kill many nine-star spirits in seconds!

"Destroy the corpse first!" Ye Tianling murmured as he looked at the group of wild wolves whose aura had been drained.

boom! boom! boom!
Ye Tianling stepped out several times in a row, forcefully kicking every wolf's dantian to pieces.

Only in this way, when those who are interested see the corpses of monsters, can they not find that the dantian Qi sea of ​​these monsters has no spiritual energy.

Ye Tianling shattered the stone in front of the cave, but there was a beautiful figure in front of him, which made Ye Tianling frowned slightly.

In front of me is a woman with a graceful figure, wearing a long purple dress, and her dress is swaying under the breeze.

She has a head of beautiful three-thousand hair, which is neatly draped behind, and the hair flutters slightly under the breeze.

There was a veil on this woman's pretty face, covering her face so that people could not see the true face inside.

But the pair of beautiful eyes she only showed were extremely dazzling, and anyone who looked at them casually would be attracted by them.

Ye Tianling's complexion was slightly unsightly, this woman definitely didn't appear here suddenly!
"Who are you! Why are you following me!" Ye Tianling stared at the woman and asked in a deep voice.

The woman's beautiful eyes blinked, and she looked at Ye Tianling and said calmly: "I saw you carried a pack of wild wolves here, and out of curiosity, I came to have a look."

Ye Tianling's eyes flickered, and he didn't say anything else. Anyway, he had already destroyed the black wolf's sea of ​​energy, and the woman couldn't see anything.

Ye Tianling looked at her and said coldly, "Don't follow me!"

The woman's beautiful eyes blinked, Ye Tianling really doesn't pay attention to her...

One must know that she is a beauty that can overwhelm the country...

"Ye Tianling!" The woman said lightly.

Ye Tianling frowned slightly, fixed his eyes on the woman and asked in a deep voice: "Who are you, how do you know my name!"

"Hehe..." The woman's beautiful eyes flashed a cunning color, and she said lightly: "The No. 1 Ye Tianling of the three major families in Nanyang Town, has such a reputation... how many people don't know?"

Ye Tianling thought for a while, and felt that what the woman said was right. He killed Li Kai, defeated Mu Shaochen, and his father Ye Wuchen beheaded Mo Ruhuo, the lord of Huowu City.

And Ye Li also beheaded Li Mei!
And all of these are extremely explosive, and it is difficult for the reputation of the entire Ye family not to be spread.

"I'm going home now! Please don't follow me!" Ye Tianling said lightly, and then his figure flashed, and he quickly left the woman's sight.

The woman looked at Ye Tianling's leaving back, and she couldn't help feeling stunned...

She is a beauty... Although Ye Tianling has a beauty like Ye Qingxue...

But... her appearance is no worse than Ye Qingxue's...

Well... Although she didn't show her face completely, she is also completely confident, and her figure can also attract people's attention!
But Ye Tianling didn't care about her... It's really depressing...

Ye Tianling quickly returned to the family and came to the force measuring room. He used all the strength in his body and punched the force measuring stone fiercely!
With a punch, a blue light suddenly appeared from the force measuring stone!
A blue light represents the strength of [-] catties!
"Break the rules of heaven and earth, every time you break through a big realm, you will gain more power..."

Ye Tianling exclaimed, if he broke through to a one-star sage, wouldn't he be able to match a nine-star sage?

He was very curious, if he had broken through as a spirit being, would there be any changes to the Book of Destiny he possessed.

He sat cross-legged, and his consciousness entered his sea of ​​consciousness, which was a vast expanse of whiteness, only a book of destiny glowing with golden light was floating there, which was particularly dazzling.

"The Book of Destiny has ten pages in total. When I opened the first page, I got the heaven-defying Heaven Swallowing Technique. I wonder if I can open the second page now!"

Ye Tianling came to the Book of Destiny, and he turned to the first page, the first page was the Heaven Swallowing Technique!

He stretched out his hand and slowly flipped through the second page. When he opened it, a golden light suddenly surged out. The golden light was so dazzling that it illuminated the entire sea of ​​consciousness with divine light.

When the second page was opened, there were strands of words inside, and these words were filled with the aura of killing!

Way of Killing:
When the thought of killing starts, life ends!There is nothing to stop, nothing to escape, nowhere to hide, nowhere to hide.

Ye Tianling looked at this string of words, as if he had entered another world, this world was full of roars, but roars of killing!

But at this time, suddenly there is an illusory figure standing in this world.

Seeing the sudden figure, Ye Tianling couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

This figure is full of great power, even if he is just standing in the air, his whole body is filled with killing breath!
Thousands of troops and horses suddenly appeared in front of this figure, and thousands of troops waved the most powerful attack one by one, blasting towards this figure!
The sky and the earth suddenly filled with a roar, and when the roar was filled with killing, the killing breath spread to the thousands of troops in an instant!
Bang bang bang!
In an instant, thousands of troops and horses were suddenly killed by the killing breath!

When the thought of killing starts, life ends!There is nothing to stop, nothing to escape, nowhere to hide, nowhere to hide.

Looking at this scene, Ye Tianling was deeply shocked. Is this the way of killing!



Ye Tianling's consciousness was shaken, and the dao pattern of the way of killing on the second page of the book of destiny suddenly fell into his mind.

Ye Tianling shook his head, only to feel that all the understanding about the way of killing was imprinted in his mind.

"Kill, kill!" Ye Tianling's eyes became brighter and brighter, he already fully understood the way of killing, but understanding is nothing, he still can't use it normally!

"No matter what, this is a way against the sky!" Ye Tianling murmured to himself.

At this moment, a figure suddenly ran in, and it was Ye Qingxue who came. She looked at Ye Tianling aggrievedly and said, "Tianling...you are back, why didn't you tell me? Or did the young city lord of Moonwind City tell you?" I, I just found out you're back."

"Young City Lord?" Ye Tianling frowned slightly, and said, "I don't know the Young City Lord you mentioned..."

"She said she knew you and wanted to see you, and now she is staying with the patriarch." Ye Qingxue said.

"Go and have a look, I want to know how this young city lord knows me." Ye Tianling said lightly, and immediately went to the hall of the clan with Ye Qingxue.

There are two people in the hall, one is Ye Li, and the other is Lin Menghan, the young lord of Moonwind City.

She was wearing a long purple dress and a veil so that no one could see her true face.

Seeing this person, Ye Tianling frowned slightly. Isn't this woman whom he met when he was in the Panlong Mountains?

It turned out that she was Lin Menghan.

Ye Tianling sat directly on a chair, while Ye Qingxue stood beside him.

Ye Tianling crossed his legs, looked at Lin Menghan, and said in a low voice, "So you are the Young City Lord of Moonwind City. I don't know what you want from me?"

Lin Menghan looked at the carefree Ye Tianling, her black eyebrows couldn't help frowning slightly, her beautiful eyes glanced at the indifferent Ye Li, feeling strange in her heart.

This Ye Tianling is too casual...Don't say that he is the young city lord, why is he so loose in front of Ye Li's patriarch?
Lin Menghan's doubts turned into doubts, she didn't think deeply, but looked at Ye Tianling with beautiful eyes, and said slowly: "Yesterday, I saw that you defeated the Mu family, Mu Shaochen, and killed the Li family, Li Kai, yesterday. So... I want you to join the training camp in Moonwind City, and half a month later, to participate in the competition in the four main cities!"

"Not interested." Ye Tianling said lightly, he already has a father who is about to break through the Spirit Emperor, as long as Ye Wuchen breaks through the Spirit Emperor, then he can run wild in the Tengfeng Empire!

At that time, you can slash and kill the bad guys, and then devour their aura.

Lin Menghan was indifferent, she naturally knew that Ye Wuchen was already a half-step spirit emperor.

She looked at Ye Tianling with beautiful eyes and said calmly: "If you can win the first place in the big competition, you can get a bottle of the fourth-grade pill, Storm Qi Pill and a drop of Tianshan Stone Water."

Ye Tianling's eyes rolled slightly, the violent energy pill can increase the combat power in a short period of time, and the Tianshan stone water is a liquid state sublimated by the pure aura of heaven and earth.

Taking stone water can allow warriors to quickly increase the aura in the sea of ​​qi, and he doesn't need this.

But... Ye Qingxue is only in the realm of a spiritual disciple now, what she needs most is cultivation resources!

And with the background of the Ye family, there are not many resources that can be tipped to Ye Qingxue, this stone water is not bad...

"What is the highest limit for the martial arts competition in the four main cities?" Ye Tianling asked.

"There is no limit to the realm!" Lin Menghan's beautiful eyes flashed a gleam of joy, it seems that Ye Tianling is interested in this aspect.

She said indifferently: "The age to participate in the Grand Competition must not exceed 20 years old. Judging from the current situation, no one will be your opponent."

Ye Tianling smiled lightly, and said, "That is to say... I am sure to win?"

Lin Menghan shook his head, looked at Ye Tianling with beautiful eyes, and said in a low voice: "If you can break through the spirit before the big competition, then maybe you can win for sure!"

Ye Tianling nodded faintly. He has already broken through the spirits. Judging from the power he currently possesses, he can completely sweep away all the spirits!

Because the two realms of spirit disciple and spirit master cannot practice offensive martial arts, they can only practice body skills and defensive power!
With his strength, there will be no opponents in the same realm.

"Then when are you going to go to Moonwind City?" Ye Tianling asked.

Lin Menghan pondered for a while, and said: "If you have nothing to do, you can go to Moonwind City with me immediately."

Ye Tianling glanced at Ye Qingxue, and found that she looked aggrieved...

Ye Tianling was helpless, this girl...

Immediately said to Lin Menghan: "Let's go to Moonwind City tomorrow, I have some things to deal with today."

Lin Menghan nodded, she naturally saw Ye Tianling glance at Ye Qingxue.

She couldn't help but look at Ye Qingxue a few more times with her beautiful eyes, and found that her face and figure were indeed top-notch, and she also had a unique aura of dust, which could attract countless men if done right.

"Then I will come to you tomorrow!" Lin Menghan said lightly.

Immediately, Ye Tianling and Ye Qingxue left together. In the courtyard, Ye Qingxue had already served delicious meals on the table.

She looked at Ye Tianling with a smile and said, "Is it delicious?"

"Delicious." Ye Tianling praised while eating.

"Do you want to eat my cooking every day?" Ye Qingxue asked.

Ye Tianling is not stupid, and his daughter-in-law asked such a question, so naturally she must praise her vigorously.

"Of course I think about it. I wish I could eat your cooking three meals a day."

Ye Qingxue smiled, stared at Ye Tianling with her beautiful eyes, and said slowly: "Then I will go to Moonwind City with you, and cook for you every day!"

The chopsticks that Ye Tianling was about to pick up vegetables suddenly stopped, he glanced at Ye Qingxue angrily and said, "I just want to go to Moonwind City with me, as for me doing this routine."

Ye Qingxue felt aggrieved, she whispered weakly: "I'm afraid you won't take me with you."

Seeing this, Ye Tianling felt pity in his heart, Ye Qingxue was too obedient to him, and cared too much for his feelings.

Ye Tianling stretched out his big hand, held her tender jade hand tightly, looked at her beautiful eyes tenderly, and said softly: "Qingxue... tell me directly if you have anything in the future, and I will do my best to satisfy you." .”

"En." Ye Qingxue nodded, her heart was full of warmth.


One day passed like this, and the next morning, when the sun was shining brightly, Lin Menghan had already arrived in Ye Qingxue's courtyard.

When Lin Menghan learned that Ye Qingxue was going to Moonwind City, she couldn't help being stunned.

Ye Tianling said with a smile: "You can do whatever you want, with my wife by my side, I won't be tired from working..."

Ye Qingxue on the side blushed blushingly, "Woman sings like a wife?"She hasn't married Ye Tianling yet...

Lin Menghan had black lines on her face, why did she feel that Ye Tianling was showing off?
(End of this chapter)

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