Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 251 Nine Star Spirit Venerable

Chapter 251 Nine Star Spiritual Venerable
"Not good!" The complexions of more than a dozen Spiritual Venerables changed drastically, and five of them were immediately covered with a protective shield!

The rest of the Spiritual Venerables are bombarding the sky with ice arrows!

bang bang bang bang...

But...these ice arrows were full of terrifying power, and they shot through the chests of five of them in an instant with a destructive posture!
This scene shocked countless people, and everyone showed fear in their eyes.

They all want to escape from here immediately, but...the sky is full of ice arrows, they have no way to escape!
Puff puff……

The light curtain they shrouded was shot through by the ice arrows that filled the sky in just the next moment!
At the same time, the endless ice arrows directly blasted through their internal organs!

This scene just happened in the blink of an eye!

"Junfeng! I didn't expect it... You have offended too many people... Look, just a short while later, all the spiritual masters of the Jun family have died!" Seeing this scene, Jian Hun couldn't help but burst into tears. laugh!
"Huh!" Junfeng snorted coldly, his face was extremely ugly, he faced the empty sky, and said coldly: "Who is Your Excellency! How dare you sneak attack me! Do you want to die!"

Ye Tianling remained silent, he was swinging his last sword, and this sword drained [-]% of his spiritual energy in an instant!
The endless aura is directly entwined in the holy sword, exuding terrifying power!

The holy sword stabbed towards Junfeng suddenly. This terrifying coercion directly shook the space with a crunching sound, as if the space was about to be shattered.

Feeling this powerful force, Junfeng frowned tightly, and immediately gritted his teeth. A light curtain shrouded his whole body, facing the powerful attack, he fled away!

And Ye Tianling's sword, as well as the sword light of the sword soul, hit Junfeng in an instant, which made Junfeng spit blood, but still made Junfeng escape!
at this time!The scene was extremely silent!
A faint voice sounded in the mist: "I don't know who you are, why do you want to help me?"

"Because the Jun family is also my enemy!" Ye Tianling said lightly, looking at the mist, and slowly said: "Temporarily eliminate the formation, I want to go in!"

Sword Soul remained silent, and he refused in a low voice: "Although Your Excellency helped me, I also want to prevent this from being a trick played by the Jun family, so... I will not cancel the formation!"


Ye Tianling made a faint sound, and with a flick of his sleeve, he pulled more than a dozen spiritual masters of the Jun family into the space.

Then the devouring began!

In half an hour.

Ye Tianling broke through from the realm of the Seven Star Spiritual Venerable to the Nine Star Spiritual Venerable!
"Huh..." Ye Tianling let out a mouthful of turbid air, and said slowly: "To fill up the sea of ​​Qi, I'm afraid we need twenty Spiritual Venerables..."

After he broke through the Nine-Star Spirit Venerable, the sea of ​​energy was three times bigger than before!
And if you want to break through, you need more aura!
With a flick of his sleeve, Ye Tianling smashed the corpses of these Lingzun into powder.

Ye Tianling took a step, came to Ye Li who was [-] meters away, and said, "Follow me!"

"En." Ye Li nodded lightly, puzzled in her heart, she asked, "Why did you bring the corpses of those spirit lords here just now?"

"Nothing!" Ye Tianling said lightly, the Book of Fate reminded him before.

Ye Li and his daughters may betray themselves after breaking through to the Ling Emperor!
The Sky Swallowing Art is a skill that the Book of Destiny spent a lot of energy creating.

This kind of skill must not be known to Ye Li and his daughters!
Ye Li's Liu Yemei frowned slightly, and her beautiful eyes looked at Ye Tianling with some displeasure.

She completely handed herself over to Ye Tianling. It can be said that Ye Tianling thoroughly understood her past, inside and out!

And she still didn't understand a lot about Ye Tianling, and Ye Tianling even kept this kind of thing from her, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Let's go!" Ye Tianling took Ye Li into the mist of King's Landing Holy Land!
When he first stepped in, a gap suddenly disappeared in the formation of the entire Holy Land. This gap was not too big or too small, just enough for Ye Tianling and the others to enter!
And the movement here directly alarmed the two saints in Lingtian Holy Land!
One is Sword Soul, and the other is Sword Soul's wife Xiao Shasha!

at this time!

In front of Ye Tianling's eyes was a splendid palace, which was different from any palace he had seen before.

The palace is huge, big enough to hold hundreds of thousands of people without being crowded!


Two figures appeared in front of Ye Tianling and the two of them!

One of the figures was a middle-aged man with a stern face and eyes full of sharp sword lights!
He looked at Ye Tianling and Ye Li very vigilantly!

The other one is a woman, Xiao Shasha, another spiritual saint of Lingtian Holy Land!

Xiao Sasha!With a plump figure, her beautiful eyes looked at Ye Tianling and the two of them with great vigilance.

Ye Tianling looked at the familiar Sword Soul and Xiao Shasha, and a layer of mist appeared in his eyes!
He is a man, but... when he saw his subordinates, he couldn't help but a mist appeared!
Sword Soul and Xiao Shasha frowned slightly, did the young man in front of him have a brain problem?

He obviously broke into Lingtian Holy Land without authorization, yet he still looked like he was about to cry!

"Who the hell are you! How did you control the Holy Land formation!" Sword Soul stared straight at Ye Tianling with sharp eyes.

The large array of the Holy Land can be easily opened by someone, this is undoubtedly very bad news for Ling Tian Holy Land!

Ye Tianling took a deep breath, calmed down the turbulent emotions in his heart, looked at Sword Soul and Xiao Shasha, and said in a low voice: "Because... I didn't die..."

Ye Tianling suddenly used the Daoyuan power of the entire Lingtian Holy Land, and the Daoyuan power was continuously drawn from the ground!
In just the blink of an eye, Ye Tianling has already controlled the Daoyuan power of the entire Lingtian Holy Land!

"You...you..." Sword Soul and Xiao Shasha felt the full Daoyuan power, they couldn't help being shocked, and looked at Ye Tianling in shock!
"You... How could you use the power of the Dao source of Lingtian Holy Land, and... it is the most complete Dao source power!" Jian Hun was horrified in his heart, his voice was condensed, trembling slightly.

The complete Daoyuan power is the real peak spiritual power!

If such power is poured out crazily towards their husband and wife, then all that awaits them is death!
There is no suspense at all!
"You two...are you pigs..." Ye Tianling shook his head and sighed. He looked at the two sword souls and said calmly: "Look at the whole continent...is there anyone who can completely control the power of the Dao source of Lingtian Holy Land?"

"Only the Holy Lord can control it!" Sword Soul immediately replied, he suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help looking at Ye Tianling in shock!
(End of this chapter)

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