Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 3 8 Spirit Roots

Chapter 3 Eight Sections of Spiritual Roots
"According to the order of the list just now, test the talents one by one!" The old man in white robe said lightly.

Ye Shaoliu first put his hand on the stele, and suddenly three blue lights appeared on the stele!
The old man in white robe showed no expression on his face, and said lightly: "Three pieces of spiritual roots."

This aptitude is a bit ordinary, and there are still many three-section spiritual roots in the Ye clan.

Ye Shaoliu left slightly disappointed, but before leaving, he took a look at Ye Tianling and finally had some psychological comfort. Fortunately, he was not at the bottom.

The second tester was Ye Tu, who put his hand on the stele.

Four streaks of blue light suddenly appeared from the stele, he turned around and faced everyone with a smile on his face.

Ye Tu glanced at Ye Tianling, and couldn't help showing a smug look in his eyes, even if you were a genius in the past, you are still overwhelmed by me now.

Ye Tianling ignored him and just stood there indifferently.

"Ye Tu, four pieces of spiritual roots." The white-robed old man announced, looked at Ye Tu and praised: "Cultivate well, and the family will treat you preferentially."

"Thank you, elder." Ye Tu bowed and thanked, and then left in high spirits.

The third person to test the spirit root was Ye Qingxue. When she appeared on the stage, countless people couldn't help discussing it.

"I don't know how talented Ye Qingxue is..."

"Ye Qingxue is so beautiful, God will treat her kindly, and her cultivation talent must be very high."

Ye Qingxue's beautiful eyes were indifferent, and she put her jade hand on the stone tablet!
Five streaks of blue light burst out from the stone tablet in an instant, and the radiance shone everywhere. Everyone stared at the five rays of light in a daze.

Seeing this, the old man in white robe couldn't help showing excitement in his eyes, and he announced loudly: "Ye Qingxue! Five spiritual roots!"

The voice fell.

The disciples of countless clans cheered one after another, and they were all happy that their goddess had such a high talent.

Ye Qingxue smiled faintly, and came to Ye Tianling, looked at him softly with her beautiful eyes, and said softly: "Tianling, you don't have to be afraid, even if your spiritual roots are crippled, I can protect you for the rest of your life." No worries."

Ye Tianling smiled lightly, and a warm current surged into his heart. At this moment, there are still people who care about him.

And Ye Han on the side couldn't help but gloomy, Ye Qingxue is very beautiful and has such a high talent, he likes it very much.

Ye Qingxue being so close to Ye Tianling made him feel a strong killing intent in his heart!
Ye Qingxue stood beside Ye Tianling, she didn't say anything, but there was a hint of determination in the depths of her beautiful eyes.

The fourth person to test the spiritual root was Ye Yan, and the final result was only three pieces of spiritual root, and his aptitude was mediocre, nothing more.

At this moment, the whole square couldn't help but become quiet. They knew that the fifth talent tester was Ye Han!
Ye Han coldly glanced at Ye Tianling, and said coldly: "Open your eyes wide, and see this young master's qualifications!"

Ye Han took a few steps forward and put his hand on the stele. Countless people held their breath and looked at the stele without blinking!

a blue light,

three blue lights,

five blue lights,

seven blue lights,

In the end, seven blue lights emerged from the stele, representing the seven spiritual roots!

"It turned out to be seven spiritual roots, which is already one more than the original Ye Tianling's spiritual roots!" Someone exclaimed.

"I didn't expect Ye Han to hide it so deeply, it turned out to be seven spiritual roots!"

The old man in white robe couldn't help showing excitement in his eyes. Originally, he wondered where Ye Han's courage to fear family punishment came from...

It turns out that his spiritual roots are a bit longer than Ye Tianling's!
Ye Han looked aloof, looked at Ye Tianling coldly and said coldly: "Even if your spiritual root is not destroyed by me, you will still be crushed by me!"

Ye Tianling frowned slightly, showing a thoughtful expression. Originally, he thought that Ye Han was afraid that he would not be able to become the key training object of the family, so he abolished his spiritual root.

But...looking at the situation...obviously not...

Ye Han took two steps forward, looked at Ye Tianling with cold eyes, and warned: "From now on, you are not allowed to have any contact with Qingxue!"

Ye Tianling glanced at Ye Qingxue beside him, and suddenly revealed a look of surprise. It turned out that the source of everything was because of Ye Qingxue...

Ye Tianling was depressed, he had nothing to do with Ye Qingxue, yet he was misunderstood like this... and his spiritual roots were disabled.

Ye Qingxue frowned, her beautiful eyes looked at Ye Han coldly, and said coldly: "I am with Ye Tianling, what does it have to do with you?"

Ye Han looked gloomy, looked at Ye Qingxue coldly, and threatened: "If you dare to approach Ye Tianling again, I will kill him!"

Ye Qingxue's pretty face flushed red, this Ye Han is really annoying...

Ye Han stood with his hands behind his back, looked at Ye Tianling coldly, and said in a deep voice: "I have seven spiritual roots, and my status in the family will be elevated. Tomorrow, I will propose marriage to the patriarch and let Qingxue marry me!"

Ye Tianling frowned slightly. With Ye Han's talent, his status and power also skyrocketed.

With power, do you want to do whatever you want and base your happiness on the suffering of others?
Ye Qingxue on the side clenched her gums even more angrily, her beautiful eyes looked at Ye Han coldly, and said loudly: "Even if I marry Ye Tianling who has no spiritual roots, I won't marry you, a scoundrel!"

After hearing this, Ye Han's expression became even more gloomy. How could he be inferior to Ye Tianling?

He wants to be talented, to have a bright future, to be powerful and powerful, and to be handsome, so why is he not as good as trash Ye Tianling?
When Ye Tianling heard these words, he couldn't help but cast a glance at Ye Qingxue, are you trying to bring hatred to me?Well, why do you have to involve me?
However, he also saw that Ye Han was very upset, so he said to Ye Han indifferently: "The idea is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny. With me, Ye Tianling, you will never be able to marry Ye Qingxue in this lifetime!"

"Hahaha..." Ye Han laughed wildly, the laughter was full of disdain, his face was slightly distorted, he looked a little ferocious, and he said to Ye Tianling: "You are just a waste! Why stop me from marrying Qingxue?"

Ye Tianling didn't look at Ye Han any more, came to the stele, and put his hand on it!

Everyone looked sideways and were very puzzled by Ye Tianling's actions at this time. Obviously, the spiritual roots have been abolished, so what's the use of putting their hands on the stone tablet?

A blue light.

Everyone's eyes widened. It turned out that Ye Tianling's spiritual root hadn't been abolished...

Ye Han couldn't help but frowned. He had clearly investigated it at the time, and the spiritual roots in Ye Tianling's body had indeed been abolished at that time...

But... what's going on in this situation now?

Two blue lights!

Everyone didn't show any shock anymore, because the two spiritual roots are already very bad...

Three blue lights!

Everyone couldn't help raising their brows slightly. Is the stele broken?Why is the blue light rising so slowly?
Ye Han didn't care either, he already had a bottom line in his heart, even if Ye Tianling's six spiritual roots recovered, so what?It's still a bit worse than him, and it still can't stop him from marrying Ye Qingxue.

Four blue lights!

When the fourth ray of light emerged, even the calm old man in white robe couldn't help but look over.

Five blue lights!

As soon as the five blue lights appeared, countless people were in an uproar. This is five spiritual roots... It's completely comparable to Ye Qingxue!
Six blue lights!

Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded again. It turned out that Ye Tianling's spiritual root hadn't been abolished, and he still possessed extremely high talent!
The old man in white robe was also extremely excited, two geniuses appeared in the Ye Clan again...

"You only have six spiritual roots at most, and you still can't stop me from wanting to marry Qingxue!"

And at the moment when everyone was shocked, Ye Han interrupted suddenly!
Ye Tianling turned his head and glanced at him, playing with taste: "What's the rush? The good show is yet to come?"

Ye Han frowned, staring at the stele, could it be that Ye Tianling could have another piece of spiritual root?
Ye Han immediately denied that this is impossible, the growth cycle of spiritual roots is 16 years!

From birth to 16 years old, the spiritual root will stop growing, and Ye Tianling is already 16 years old, the spiritual root will definitely not grow again.

A blue light appeared on the stele again!
"Seven blue lights!"

The old man in white robe exclaimed excitedly, he didn't expect that Ye Tianling also had seven spiritual roots!
Ye Qingxue smiled, she smiled happily, Ye Tianling was still the same Ye Tianling as before, and she was still outstanding in talent.

And she doesn't have to marry Ye Han anymore, she knows that if Ye Tianling's talent is poor, then Ye Han proposes marriage to the patriarch, and the patriarch will definitely betroth herself to Ye Han in order to take care of the overall situation.

But... now Ye Tianling has seven spiritual roots, comparable to Ye Han's aptitude, so naturally he doesn't need to marry again.

When Ye Han saw these seven blue lights, his pupils shrank slightly, and his eyes couldn't help showing disbelief.

He stared at Ye Tianling in a daze, and hissed, "Impossible! This is impossible! You can't be a seven-section spiritual root!"

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Ye Tianling's mouth, and he looked at him jokingly, "I'm really not a seven-section spirit root!"

The eighth blue light suddenly appeared on the stone tablet!
"Because I am an eight-section spiritual root!"

Ye Tianling looked at Ye Han indifferently and said.

(End of this chapter)

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