Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 30 3 Princes

Chapter 30 The Third Prince

After Lin Menghan heard this, she couldn't help but smile, and at the same time, she envied Ye Tianling for having such a father!

When she was at Li's house in Nanyang Town, she saw with her own eyes how domineering Ye Wuchen was and how he protected Ye Tianling.

Thinking about her father, it's almost like throwing away goods, and people are more annoying than others.

"The third prince will come here tomorrow...Father asked me to accompany him, but I don't want to accompany him." Lin Menghan said.

"Tomorrow I will destroy it, don't worry." Ye Tianling said.

Lin Menghan smiled slightly, like a subtle flower blooming suddenly, with infinite charm.

The two chatted for a few more words before returning to their rooms.

Ye Qingxue was making the bed in the room, Ye Tianling looked at her with a faint smile and said, "Don't be too busy... I'll show you something."

Ye Qingxue looked curiously, her beautiful eyes looked at the transparent bottle in Ye Tianling's hand, there was a drop of crystal clear water inside.

She suddenly remembered something, Meimou looked at Ye Tianling in shock, and exclaimed: "Could it be that this is Tianshan Stone Water?"

"That's right." Ye Tianling smiled lightly, then handed the Tianshan Stone Water in front of Ye Qingxue, and said slowly: "You take this stone water, it should allow you to break through to the eight-star spirit disciple!"

Ye Qingxue was moved in her heart, Tianshan stone water is not an ordinary thing, but Ye Tianling actually wanted to give it to her, one can imagine how much Ye Tianling cared about her.

She shook her head and refused: "Your realm is higher than mine, you should take it... Only in this way can you better protect yourself and me..."

Ye Tianling's heart warmed, Ye Qingxue was still thinking about him at this time.

Ye Tianling opened the bottle cap, then directly took out the stone water, and threw it into Ye Qingxue's mouth.

"Ah..." Ye Qingxue was startled, she didn't expect Ye Tianling to give her the stone water like this.

"You..." Just as Ye Qingxue was about to say something, the stone water in her body suddenly turned into majestic spiritual energy and rushed into her dantian's sea of ​​energy!

She immediately sat cross-legged and immersed herself in the breakthrough.

Ye Tianling glanced at Ye Qingxue, and immediately lay back on the chair...

A day passed in a flash. During this day, Ye Qingxue took the stone water and directly broke through from the three-star spirit disciple to the eight-star spirit disciple!
Ye Qingxue couldn't help sighing, there are a lot of training resources, and the training speed is really fast...

Even if the talents of some big forces' disciples are not high, but with the accumulation of massive resources, their cultivation level is much higher than the geniuses of ordinary small families.


But on this day, the entire Moonwind City was covered with many guards, and two guards stood there straight every hundred meters.

For a time, the people in countless cities couldn't help talking about it.

"Could it be that someone important came to Moonwind City? Otherwise, why did the City Lord's Mansion send so many guards?"

"You don't know that, I heard that the third prince of the empire is coming today, so the city chief welcomes the third prince with the highest standard."

"Why did the third prince come here?"

"Hey... You really stay at home all the time, and you don't ask about the outside world at all... I heard that the city lord plans to betroth the young city lord to the third prince, so... you should understand."

"Damn... no wonder it's like this... the young city lord is really beautiful, and he is worthy of the third prince. If Moonwind City and the royal family unite, then the people of Moonwind City will enjoy the blessing."

Everyone laughed and said nothing...

At this time, Lin Qingfeng, Lin Menghan, and the powerful figures in the City Lord's Mansion included Xue Chen and his father Xue Renyi.

They were all dressed in splendid attire, waiting for the arrival of the third prince.

"Menghan, the third prince is coming later, you'd better be more enthusiastic." Lin Qingfeng glanced at Lin Menghan beside him and reminded.

Lin Menghan pursed her red lips, but said nothing.


But at this time, a roar of a monster beast suddenly sounded in the sky, this sound stretched for hundreds of miles, and spread to the entire Moonwind City in an instant.

All of a sudden, everyone in Yuefeng City heard the voice of this monster.

When the sound filled the entire Moonwind City, a depressing atmosphere suddenly filled the air!

Countless people couldn't help feeling suffocated, and felt that the air in the space seemed to freeze, making them unable to breathe normally!

"Here we come...it's the king-level sky thunder fire lion beast!"

Someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked up one after another, only to see in the distant sky, a monster that looked like a lion was flapping its wings and flying over!

This is the Sky Thunder Fire Lion Beast. The Sky Thunder Fire Lion Beast is blue in color and looks like a land lion.

And the wings instigated by the Thunder Fire Lion Beast are not real, but because the Fire Lion Beast has reached the king level, it can turn its aura into substance, allowing it to soar in the sky.

"Look... there is someone on the back of the Sky Thunder Fire Lion Beast!"

Everyone looked carefully again, and saw a figure standing on the back of the Sky Thunder Fire Lion Beast.

He was wearing a golden dragon robe, a crown on his head, and stood on the back of the monster with his hands behind his back.

It looks like a generation of emperors who dominate the crowd.

When Lin Qingfeng saw the person coming, he couldn't help laughing, and immediately prostrated himself on the ground very politely, and then said loudly: "My greetings to the third prince."

Lin Qingfeng bowed, and everyone bowed down one after another. This is the highest standard gift for a royal prince.

The Sky Thunder Fire Lion Beast had already hovered over Lin Qingfeng and the others. The Third Prince stood with his hands behind his back. He glanced at Lin Menghan who was prostrating, and his eyes couldn't help revealing the color.

I haven't seen you for half a year, and you are even more beautiful than before...

The third prince said in a low voice: "Everyone is in peace!"

"Thank you third prince!" Lin Qingfeng stood up slowly, looked at the third prince with a smile on his face and said with a smile: "Third prince, please follow me to the mansion, and Menghan and I will treat you well together."

"it is good……"

The third prince jumped off the back of the fire lion beast, then looked at Lin Menghan with burning eyes, and said with a smile: "Sister Menghan... I haven't seen you in half a year, you have become more beautiful..."

At this time, Lin Menghan's pretty face has no veil, revealing a face that can only be dreamed of in the world.

The face is all over the world, the skin is like jade, the waist is tied, and the ice is pure and clean!

Such a beauty... is rare in the world!
Lin Menghan's beautiful eyes were calm, and she replied lightly: "Thank you, Third Prince, for your compliment."

The third prince laughed, but his star eyebrows couldn't help but frowned slightly, because he could feel that Lin Menghan didn't seem enthusiastic...

Lin Qingfeng also noticed it immediately, and he quickly smiled at the third prince: "Third prince, the breakfast banquet has been set, how about we go in and have a good chat?"

"Uncle Lin, you are being polite. Since Uncle Lin has already entertained you, the prince will no longer be polite." The third prince smiled faintly, glanced at Lin Menghan, and said with a smile: "Sister Menghan... Let's have a good chat inside .”

(End of this chapter)

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