Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 34 Decisive

Chapter 34 Decisive
Lin Qingfeng's face was slightly pale. Once the blood was tested, he would no longer be sure to control Lin Menghan.

Ye Tianling observed the words and expressions, and already had a guess in his heart. It seemed that Lin Menghan was really not Lin Qingfeng's biological daughter.

Ye Tianling grabbed Lin Menghan's wrist, and immediately a sharp aura burst out from his fingertips, like a sharp sword, directly swipe at Lin Menghan's wrist.

A stream of blood suddenly flowed down, Ye Tianling immediately took out a small bottle and put the blood into the bottle.

He walked up to Lin Qingfeng slowly, put the bottle on the table, and said softly, "It's time for you to bleed..."

Lin Qingfeng stared at Ye Tianling with sharp eyes, wishing to kill Ye Tianling immediately!

Everyone also looked at Lin Qingfeng, waiting for him to drip his blood into the bottle.

Lin Menghan stood there in a daze. At first she was surprised by Ye Li's words, but seeing Lin Qingfeng's procrastinating appearance, many doubts flashed in her heart.

Could it be that Lin Qingfeng really wasn't his father?

The third prince Chi Yan followed and said in a deep voice: "Let's let the blood out!"

Lin Qingfeng knew that once the bloodletting happened, everyone would know that Lin Menghan was not his own daughter.

He smashed the bottle on the table angrily, then glared at Ye Tianling, and said sternly: "Is Menghan my biological daughter? It's really unreasonable to have a blood test for you on the spot!"

Ye Tianling smiled faintly, and said, "You must be guilty, right? If Menghan is really your biological daughter, you should have proved it to everyone long ago."

Lin Qingfeng's face twitched, and he looked a little ferocious. This Ye Tianling is really infuriating...

Lin Qingfeng looked at Lin Menghan, and said in a deep voice: "Menghan, I still say the same thing, if you walk out of this room, you and I will no longer be father and daughter!"

Lin Menghan's beautiful eyes twinkled, if it was before, she must be afraid to sever ties with Lin Qingfeng.

But seeing the scene just now, it's really hard to say whether this Lin Qingfeng is her biological father...

Ye Tianling shook his head, walked up to Lin Menghan, and said, "Follow me."

Ye Tianling directly took Lin Menghan's jade hand, looking at her with deep eyes.

Lin Menghan nodded. Even though Lin Qingfeng was her biological father, Lin Qingfeng wanted to sacrifice her lifelong happiness in order to gain fame, wealth and power. She was disgusted by this!
For herself, she must make a decisive decision!
"Let's go." Lin Menghan said lightly, and followed Ye Tianling out of the door.

Ye Li smiled slightly, and looked at Lin Qingfeng with her beautiful eyes: "What is supposed to come will eventually come."

Immediately Ye Li also turned and left.

And Lin Qingfeng's face was extremely ugly. If such a thing hadn't happened, even if Lin Menghan knew that he was not her biological father, so what?
He has treated Lin Menghan well these years, he believes that even Lin Menghan knows that he is not her biological father.

It will also be used to restrain Lin Menghan because of the feelings that have been carefully cultivated in the past twenty years.

But Lin Menghan was extremely opposed to this matter, which made him dare not test the marriage on the spot.

The third prince Chi Yan's face was also extremely gloomy. At this moment, how could he fail to see that this Lin Qingfeng was not Lin Menghan's biological father at all...

Seeing Chi Yan's gloomy appearance, Lin Qingfeng's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately said: "Third Prince, calm down, as far as I know, this Ye Wuchen is an upright person and will not do anything to hurt innocent people." matter."

"So!" Chi Yan said coldly.

"So... we can take advantage of Ye Wuchen's seclusion period and snatch Lin Menghan away... Even if Ye Wuchen will come to snatch it, but as long as the king takes action, Ye Wuchen will definitely lose!" Lin Qingfeng said slowly.

He recognized that Ye Wuchen was an upright gentleman, and he would definitely not be defeated by the king, so he fled and came back to attack the innocent people of the Tengfeng Empire.

Chi Yan's eyes flickered, if his mother made a move, she would definitely be able to defeat Ye Wuchen easily!
And when the time comes, he will have Lin Menghan in his pocket, as well as the beauty Ye Li!


Ye Tianling and the others have already set out on the road, away from Moonwind City. Originally, Ye Tianling planned to participate in the Four Cities Grand Competition, and then get the Tianshan Stone Water!
But he didn't expect such a thing to happen, but it was nothing to him, anyway, Lin Menghan had already given him a drop of Tianshan Stone Water.

Ye Tianling, Ye Qingxue, Ye Li, and Lin Menghan walked side by side, only Lin Menghan had a look of sadness in her beautiful eyes.

After walking for a long time, Lin Menghan couldn't help the curiosity in her heart. She looked at Ye Li beside her with beautiful eyes, and asked softly: "Patriarch Ye, isn't Lin Qingfeng really my biological father?"

Ye Li glanced at her, beautiful eyes looking at the endless barren mountains in the distance, and said leisurely: "Lin Qingfeng doesn't have a wife at all, and without a wife, how could he have you?"

Lin Menghan's black eyebrows frowned slightly. She had never had a mother since she was a child, and Lin Qingfeng kept telling her that her mother died of a serious illness.

Lin Menghan said: "Could it be that my mother didn't marry my father, but died before she got married?"

Ye Li shook his head, expressing that he didn't know, but judging from Lin Qingfeng's reaction, Lin Menghan probably had no blood relationship with Lin Qingfeng.

Lin Menghan's beautiful eyes flashed with disappointment, and she didn't ask any more questions.

Ye Tianling glanced at Lin Menghan and said, "Sooner or later you will know whether Lin Qingfeng is your father or not."

Lin Menghan nodded, her beautiful eyes twinkled, she will always have a chance!

The few people stopped and stopped along the way, and took a carriage on the way. After spending half a day, they finally returned to Ye's house.

At this time, the setting sun had already set, and dusk shrouded it, making the sky look quite dull.

They returned to Ye's house, and Ye Qingxue invited Lin Menghan to live in the same courtyard with her.

Ye Tianling rubbed his nose, looked at Ye Qingxue and said, "Then where do I live?"

Ye Qingxue said softly: "Of course you are going back to live with me..."

Ye Tianling was so depressed that he kicked himself out.

Ye Tianling returned to his residence, he lay cross-legged on the ground, and his consciousness entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the golden book of destiny is still floating there...

Ye Tianling turned to the second page of the Book of Destiny. This second page is a martial skill, a soul-stirring killing skill!

Because of the rush of time, Ye Tianling did not carefully understand the way of killing.

"When the thought of killing starts, life ends. There is no stopping, no escape, nowhere to hide!" Ye Tianling murmured to himself. Even though he was once a peak saint, he still couldn't end the enemy's attack with a single move of killing thought. life!

"What kind of realm does this need to achieve?" Ye Tianling murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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