Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 353 Ten Thousand Stars Auction House

Chapter 353 Ten Thousand Stars Auction House

Ye Tianling entered the Wanxing Auction House. At the entrance of the auction house, there were some words engraved on the wall.

"Broken Heart Grass, Copper Grade Qi Gathering Pill, Silver Grade Qi Gathering Pill, Silver Grade Spirit Grass, Gold Grade Pill Furnace!"

Ye Tianling looked at the content above, this is the item to be auctioned today.

"Silver grade spirit grass, gold grade pill furnace, this is not bad!"

Ye Tianling thought to himself, these few things are exactly what he lacks most at present.

"When does the auction start?" Ye Tianling looked at the middle-aged man sitting there not far away.

The middle-aged man is the steward of Wanxing Auction House and is in charge of reception.

He looked down on Ye Tianling and said contemptuously: "Ye Tianling, even though you are no longer a fool and you have killed the world, but...the things in the auction house are very expensive, can you afford them?"

Ye Tianling frowned slightly, this manager looked down on him?

Ye Tianling stretched out his hands and took out piles of spirit stones from the storage ring.

There are tens of thousands of these spirit stones, and each spirit stone is as big as a fingernail.

Crystal clear.

The steward Zhao Wen couldn't help but froze when he saw so many spirit stones.

"You... how could you have so many spirit stones..."

Zhao Wen didn't believe it, even if Ye Tianling married Xiao Ran, it was impossible for the Xiao family to give Ye Tianling so many spirit stones.

There are so many spirit stones, enough to be equivalent to the background of a family in Hulu Town!
"Did you steal these spirit stones?" Zhao Wennan looked at Ye Tianling coldly and reprimanded, "Ye Tianling! Although you are not stupid, it is really embarrassing to do this kind of shitty thing." Shame, I will confiscate the things you stole and return them to the owner."

"Dog thing!" Ye Tianling flashed his figure and raised a fist, a majestic spiritual power wrapped around his fist.

Immediately, it slammed into Zhao Wen.

"How dare you!" Zhao Wen was furious, Ye Tianling dared to do something here!
Zhao Wen immediately fought back, punching hard.


Zhao Wen screamed, and his figure directly collided with the wall behind him.

Zhao Wen vomited blood and shouted with difficulty: "Come... someone... kill Ye Tianling!"

Ye Tianling raised his leg and kicked Zhao Wen hard in the face.


Zhao Wen's teeth spurted out along with blood.

"The reception manager of Wanxing Auction House is your kind of virtue? Still want to confiscate my spirit stone? Are you worthy!"

Ye Tianling raised his foot and stepped on Zhao Wen's face fiercely, tearing his face until blood spilled out.

"Ah... ah..." Zhao Wen's face twisted, and he shouted ferociously: "Come... come here..."

Deng Deng Deng!
For an instant.

More than a dozen figures appeared together, all dressed in guard clothes, with fierce eyes.

One of them looked at Ye Tianling fiercely, and cursed: "Ye Tianling! Let go of Manager Zhao, or we will kill you!"

Ye Tianling kicked Zhao Wen a long way with his feet slightly, hitting the wall and collapsing it again.

"Go!" Many guards rushed towards Ye Tianling without any scruples!
"A group of guards also want to take me down? Idiots are dreaming!"

Ye Tianling sneered, opened his big hand, and the vast spiritual power rushed out directly.

Bang bang bang!
In an instant, all the guards were blown away, and a smear of blood flowed from the corners of their mouths.


The scene was so silent that everyone's breathing could be heard.

The people who were about to come in outside the door all witnessed this scene.

All of them stared and opened their mouths wide.

"Is Ye Tianling so powerful! He overthrew the guards of the Wanxing Auction House in just a few strokes."

"No matter how powerful it is? Ye Tianling injured so many people, he will definitely die today!"

Someone said in a dark voice.

He was very upset seeing Ye Tianling's arrogant appearance, and he just hoped that Ye Tianling would be slaughtered.

in the auction house.

Ye Tianling glanced coldly at Zhao Wen and the others, and said coldly: "If there is a next time, I will unscrew your dog's head."

Everyone was silent, each and every one of them was terrified.

Zhao Wen didn't even dare to breathe, for fear that Ye Tianling would beat him up again.

On the third floor of the auction house.

There was a beautiful woman looking at a crystal ball, and what was shown in the crystal ball was the scene of Ye Tianling defeating several people.

"This Ye Tianling is not stupid anymore, and he has suddenly become so powerful, it's... a bit weird." The beautiful woman said leisurely, her beautiful eyes inspecting Ye Tianling in the crystal ball.

Not far from her, there was an old man, he frowned, looked at the beautiful woman and said, "Ma'am, do you want to check this Ye Tianling?"

"There's nothing to check... It's just that I have been stupid for 16 years and suddenly regained my sanity. Apart from these, it is difficult to find other things." The beautiful woman shook her head and said.

The old man nodded lightly, looked at the beautiful woman, and said: "Although Zhao Wen made a mistake first, Ye Tianling injured him after all, which made Wanxing Auction House lose all face. Do you want to kill Ye Tianling? The majesty of the town?"

"No need." The beautiful woman glanced at the old man, and said leisurely: "Zhao Wen made mistakes first, even if Wanxing Auction House suffers, it deserves it!"

The old man said nothing more.

"This Ye Tianling probably wants to take pictures and buy things, but I want to see what he wants to take pictures and buy." The beautiful woman showed a look of interest.

The old man's eyes twitched, but he didn't say anything.


Zhao Wen and the others were very puzzled. There was such a big commotion here, why didn't the manager of the auction house come down to deal with it?

The people outside were also very puzzled. Logically speaking, the people from Wanxing Auction House should take action to suppress Ye Tianling.

But it's really strange that he didn't do it.

At this time.

Xiao Ran ran in, she was extremely nervous at the moment, this Ye Tianling was the one who injured Wanxing Auction House.

Even though Huoyun Academy is already very strong, they are still afraid of Wanxing Auction House.

"Ye Tianling! You really caused a big disaster this time, hurry up and make amends to them, otherwise... you're really doomed." Xiao Ran said anxiously.

"Apologize?" A playful smile appeared on the corner of Ye Tianling's mouth. He glanced at Zhao Wen and the others, and said leisurely, "Do you need me to make an apology?"

"No...no...no need..." Zhao Wen and others quickly waved their hands, if they dared to nod.

Then they might be beaten again, and it was still violent.

"When does the auction start?" Ye Tianling looked at Zhao Wen and said coldly.

"It's coming soon... There is still time for a cup of tea." Zhao Wen said hastily.

"En." Ye Tianling nodded lightly, and immediately walked up the stairs to the box on the second floor.

Xiao Ran followed closely behind, fearing that the real owner of Wanxing Auction House would come to cause trouble for Ye Tianling.

"Ye Tianling! Do you know who you have offended? Although the Wanxing Auction House in Hulu Town is a branch, but... it is said that there are strong soul-dividing souls here!"

Ps: I want to cry...Although it is rebirth...but it is the same as Ascension...There is no God Realm...This Immortal Realm is the last world, I mentioned it in the early stage...

Although rebirth is like the beginning of a new book, it really has nothing to do with hydrology...

(End of this chapter)

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