Chapter 37
One day was fleeting, and the next morning, the sky turned pale, and it was the time when the air was the freshest.

The sun was shining brightly, and the warm sunlight shone on the earth, illuminating the entire Tianling Continent.

Ye Tianling walked out of the door, and he came to the fighting arena in the inner door area of ​​the Ye family!
At this time, there were three people in the arena who were competing with each other. When Ye Tianling appeared, the expressions of the three couldn't help but suddenly changed, and there was a look of fear in their eyes looking at Ye Tianling.

Of the three, one was Ye Kongcheng, whose limbs had been crippled by Ye Tianling before. With the help of the healing elixir provided by his family, all his bones had recovered.

In the eyes of cultivators, it is not a difficult injury for a bone to be abandoned. As long as you take the elixir specially designed to restore bone injuries, you can recover in a short period of time.

But if the bone is directly separated from the body, it will be very difficult to recover.

Besides Ye Kongcheng, there are also Ye Bo and Ye Wuliang.

"Master Ling."

Ye Kongcheng, Ye Wuliang, and Ye Bo all shouted politely.

All three of them knew that Ye Tianling's father, Ye Wuchen, had recovered his spiritual king cultivation!
With such a background, they have to be afraid!
Moreover, Ye Tianling's own combat power is also extremely powerful, they are afraid that Ye Tianling will disagree and come to torture them again.

Ye Tianling couldn't help laughing in his heart, these three people... were scared by him...

Ye Tianling ignored the three of them, but jumped directly to the arena!
The arena is extremely spacious and can accommodate hundreds of people without being crowded.

Ye Tianling frowned slightly, he looked at Ye Wuliang and the other three, and said softly: "You three, attack me together!"

The faces of Ye Wuliang and the others turned pale immediately, and they all shook their heads and said: "Young Master Ling, we really don't dare..."

"Young Master, I will hit you as soon as I ask you to. If you don't do it, then I will beat you!" Ye Tianling's face darkened slightly, and he looked at the three of them coldly!

The three of Ye Wuliang trembled in fright, looked at each other, and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

"Then... Young Master Ling... let's do it..." Ye Wuliang said weakly.

"Stop talking nonsense! Attack me with all your strength!" Ye Tianling said in a deep voice.

Ye Wuliang took a deep breath, walked slowly in front of Ye Tianling, then pulled up his sleeves, and punched, and then there was a sound of piercing through the air, and the punch hit Ye Tianling!

There was a muffled sound, Ye Tianling still stood there calmly...

Ye Tianling looked at Ye Wuliang and said in a deep voice, "I'll let you hit me with all your strength!"

Ye Wuliang swallowed, he really didn't use all his strength just now, he was afraid of hurting Ye Tianling...

But even if he didn't use all his strength, he used [-]% of his strength, and he was already an eight-star spiritual disciple. Even if it was only [-]% of his strength, the blow just now had a strength of [-] catties!

But the force of three hundred catties hit Ye Tianling, and Ye Tianling was unscathed, and he didn't even tremble, which made him feel deeply powerless.

The gap between him and Ye Tianling is getting bigger and bigger...

Ye Wuliang took a deep breath, and he punched again. When this punch was raised, there was a sound of muscle tension, which seemed to be full of explosive power!
With one punch, he rushed towards Ye Tianling's chest ferociously like a wild beast!
Under the punch, Ye Tianling couldn't help trembling, and the blood in his body couldn't help shaking, which made him feel quite uncomfortable.

But just for a moment, the book of destiny in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly filled with strands of strange power, this power is like the breath of life scattered in the world!
In an instant, Ye Tianling's limbs, bones, and internal organs were filled, and then... the vibrating blood in his body suddenly calmed down.

Feeling the power of life in his body, Ye Tianling couldn't help showing a look of joy in his heart.

This strange power is too powerful. If he is seriously injured during the battle, he can be healed in a very short time. For him... it is simply another help against the sky.

"Hit me together!" Ye Tianling said quietly, looking at Ye Kongcheng and Ye Bo.

Ye Kongcheng and Ye Bo took a deep breath, Ye Wuliang couldn't shake Ye Tianling with all his strength, at this moment...there was only one thing in their hearts, this Ye Tianling is really a monster...

The three surrounded Ye Tianling, and said to Ye Tianling, "We're starting!"

All three of them tensed their muscles, and their bones couldn't help making crisp sounds. Listening to this sound, it seemed that the three of them contained prehistoric power in their bodies!
Swish swish!
The three of them blasted at Ye Tianling together!
Bang bang bang!
Ye Tianling only felt the qi and blood in his body shake again, but the strange power of the Book of Fate also penetrated into his whole body.

"Continue! Don't stop!" Ye Tianling said in a deep voice.

The three of them followed suit, and all of a sudden, six fists hit Ye Tianling's chest and back continuously!
Under these constant attacks, Ye Tianling's injuries gradually increased...

But under the strange power of the Book of Destiny, these injuries recovered in an instant!

This cycle continues, with new injuries and old injuries recovering instantly!
"Okay!" Ye Tianling said lightly, shaking his neck, his eyes were deep and far away, mixed with a strong sense of excitement.

He came to the arena to find someone to beat him on purpose. He knew that the Book of Fate could heal his injuries!
But he didn't know whether his injuries could recover quickly under the treatment of the Book of Destiny under continuous injuries!
And this experiment has already explained everything!
The three of Ye Wuliang stopped their hands, looking at Ye Tianling as if they were looking at a monster.

They believed that even if the spirits were continuously bombarded by them, they would eventually be beaten to death alive!

But they kept bombarding Ye Tianling, Ye Tianling was unscathed, it was really scary...

Ye Tianling didn't stay in the arena any longer, he went to Ye Qingxue's place.

At this time, Ye Qingxue and Lin Menghan were cooking delicious meals, Ye Qingxue was the chef, and Lin Menghan was helping.

Lin Menghan looked at Ye Qingxue and smiled enviously: "I really don't know what kind of luck Ye Tianling has had to have such a virtuous wife like you."

Ye Qingxue's pretty face couldn't help but blush, she gave Lin Menghan a blank look and said, "I haven't married him yet."

Lin Menghan smiled slightly and said, "You will marry him sooner or later."

"En." Ye Qingxue nodded lightly, and couldn't help thinking about the happy days in the future.

"Hey... I didn't expect that I came just in time, I caught up with you guys for breakfast..."

A teasing voice suddenly sounded, Ye Qingxue and Lin Menghan followed the voice together.

Ye Tianling was already lying lazily on the chair outside the yard.

Ye Tianling looked at the two girls and said with a faint smile, "I haven't eaten breakfast yet, I'm hungry..."

(End of this chapter)

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