Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 501 Sealing the Mountain Gate

Chapter 501 Sealing the Mountain Gate

After hearing this, people from many forces were all shocked. Ye Mo is now a six-level split soul and is attacking a seven-level split soul.

Even if it is the soul of the seven realms, it is still far away from competing with Jun Aoxuan, who is the capital of the emperor star.

After all, Jun Aoxuan is a Immortal Mansion and an Emperor Star, so there is almost no suspense in defeating Ye Mo.


In the hall of the Divine Eagle Sect.

Yan Feiying had a gloomy face, he saw everything outside.

Originally today was the big day of the Divine Eagle Sect, but because of the intervention of the Demon Sect, the big day became less happy!

Yan Feiying looked at a young man in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "Abolish him!"

"Understood!" Jun Aoxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes were full of coldness, on his wedding day, if someone dared to make trouble, then he would calm down the troublemaker.

So what if this person is a direct disciple of the Demon Sect?According to waste is not wrong!

Jun Aoxuan took a step, and his figure instantly appeared in the sky outside.

Today he is wearing a festive red robe, a red cap, and a bright flower embroidered on his chest.

When everyone saw Jun Aoxuan, their faces couldn't help but change. Today's protagonist is here!
What kind of posture will Jun Aoxuan use to defeat Ye Mo in the martial arts competition later?

Jun Aoxuan's eyes have been watching Ye Mo, there is one thing he doesn't understand, Ye Mo is obviously only the emperor star, why can he easily defeat Nie Huo?

He doesn't understand, he only knows that in the Immortal Realm, the highest aptitude is the Emperor Star, and any Emperor Star will become the peak Immortal King in the future, and if he has luck, he can even reach the realm of Heavenly Venerable!
But why is Ye Mo, the emperor star, so strong?There is no reason to be strong.

in the air.

Ye Mo is attacking the soul of the seven realms, his soul is conceived and merged with the comprehended origin of the fairyland!
After the fusion, Ye Mo's coercion around him was stronger than before, and his combat power also became stronger.

Ye Mo opened his eyes, his eyes were beating with indifference, he stared at Jun Aoxuan who was a hundred meters away in front of him, and said indifferently: "I have broken through the seven realms of soul separation!"

"Then let's fight!" Jun Aoxuan said coldly, he couldn't wait, he really wanted to defeat Ye Mo immediately and abolish his cultivation!

Only in this way can the Condor Eagle School's face be saved!
Jun Aoxuan was the first to strike, exuding an imperial aura all over his body, which made people secretly shocked.

When this emperor's aura permeates, it is like a real emperor going out to fight, and he will surely sweep all directions.

"Overlord Fist!"

Jun Aoxuan lightly raised his fist, and there was a touch of the supreme will of the emperor wrapped around his fist.

The punch was blasted out instantly, and after the punch was punched, a terrifying force streaked across the void, like a meteor hammer, it was extremely terrifying.

Everyone held their breath, if Ye Mo couldn't resist the Immortal Mansion Realm's punch, even if he didn't die, his cultivation would be completely abolished!

Ye Mo's eyes flickered for a moment, and there was a terrible coldness in his eyes.

"Demon Dance!"

Ye Mo's whole body was suddenly surrounded by an extremely evil demon energy, which was scarlet, covering his entire body.

It was at this time.

When hundreds of figures suddenly appeared in the air, these figures were not soul bodies separated from the soul separation state.

It was transformed by some kind of powerful secret technique.


The crowd held their breath.

What's more, he took a deep breath, and his eyes were full of shock.

"Tianma Luanwu! It's Tianma Luanwu!"

"The strongest secret technique of the Demon Sect, he has actually cultivated it!"

Everyone gasped, once the Heavenly Demon Luanwu was used, there would be ghostly shadows all over the sky. These ghostly shadows were like the secret method of returning ten thousand Buddhas to the sect of the Buddhist sect, and countless demon heads would appear.

I saw nothing.

Hundreds of demon heads all unleashed the most terrifying attacks to attack and kill Jun Aoxuan.

One of the phantoms resisted Jun Aoxuan's Bahuang Fist, and the rest of the phantoms were holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, some were holding a giant axe, some were wielding a golden stick, and some were holding an epee.

When each phantom made the strongest blow, there was a terrifying surge of demonic will, which disturbed Jun Aoxuan's mind.

"Kill!" Jun Aoxuan felt this terrifying scene, without the slightest fear, he went straight up.

far away.

Ye Mo's eyes were extremely indifferent and extremely cold, and a scarlet light suddenly appeared in his eyes at this moment.

The radiance was overwhelming, and the dazzling blood-colored light burst out of his eyes in an instant, and this ray of light enveloped Jun Aoxuan in an instant.

When shrouded.

Everyone was stunned.

The eyes of the chief elder were even more concentrated.

Yan Feiying, who was hiding in the main hall, also showed shock in his eyes.

I see.

In the space Jun Aoxuan was in, there was a feeling that time was not moving forward, and Jun Aoxuan stood there blankly, as if he was fixed by some kind of force.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

The attacks of hundreds of phantoms hit Jun Aoxuan's body in an instant.

Fang Tian's power of painting a halberd knocked out his right arm!

The power of the epee smashed his breastbone!

The power of the giant ax cut off his left arm.

The power of the golden stick directly hit his Tianling cover heavily, making a loud bang.

The effect of the time flow disappeared, and Jun Aoxuan was spurting blood at this moment, and the attack of hundreds of phantoms just now completely destroyed his internal organs, limbs and bones!

The important part of the skull was rolled over by a stick.

"Ao Xuan!"

A terrible coercion suddenly erupted in the hall, the coercion is the coercion at the level of an immortal king, just like God, extremely powerful.

next moment.

The figure of Yan Feiying appeared, caught Jun Aoxuan who was falling rapidly in mid-air, and immediately used powerful methods to recover his injuries.

After stabilizing Jun Aoxuan's injury, Yan Feiying slowly turned his head, his face was ice-cold, his gaze was like a sword, extremely sharp.

He looked sharply at Ye Mo in the air in front of him, and the anger in his heart boiled to the extreme!

On the day of rejoicing, all disciples of the sect were defeated by Ye Mo three times in a row, which completely embarrassed the Condor Eagle Sect!

"Come on! Seal the mountain!"

Yan Feiying gave a deep drink.


A dazzling radiance emerged from the entire Divine Eagle Sect, covering the sky and covering the sun, covering the entire sect in it.

Hundreds of Immortal Kings from the Divine Eagle Sect exuded tyrannical coercion, and surrounded Ye Mo, Leng Xue, Ling Miao, and Ye Tianling with a very special position.

far away.

Seeing this, the Immortal King and the Emperor's disciples from the sects of small powers showed expressions of horror.

Is the Divine Eagle Sect going to tear their face apart with the Mo Sect? Is there a complete war?
Leng Xue's graceful figure appeared in front of Ye Mo, her eyes were neither sad nor happy, but there was a kind of indifference to the living beings.

(End of this chapter)

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