Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 509 Chi Menghan is Here

Chapter 509 Chi Menghan is Here

"Hehe." Cheng Kun said with a smile: "This Immortal King Lingmiao is also a peerless beauty, and he used to have a close relationship with Tianling Tianzun. If I can get it, wouldn't it be a green hat for Tianling Tianzun? At that time, I will also It will be famous forever!"

"Hahaha." Taishan smiled and said: "I also want to be famous like this forever, but the Lingmiao Immortal King is an Immortal King after all, we are only in the Ascending Origin Realm now, and we still can't take her down!"

"Hmph!" Cheng Kun straightened up and sneered, "Just because we are disciples of Tianzun, we can intimidate her in this capacity. If she refuses, then wait for the border to come and suppress her!"

In the Lingmiao Sect.

All the elders and disciples of the Lingmiao Sect listened to the words and deeds of the three of Cheng Kun after their arrival.

Their faces are extremely ugly, so what about the disciples of Tianzun!Back in the days when the Three Dao Palace was invincible in the Immortal Realm, how many Heavenly Venerates could only lie in the corner to avoid the limelight!

Tianling Tianzun has been dead for so long now that everyone in the world has forgotten the scene of Su Tianling being angry for a beauty and washing the fairyland with blood!
Back Mountain Palace.

Lingmiao's complexion is extremely ugly, and Tianzun Boundary has always given her the respect she deserves!

Unexpectedly, this time the disciple of Tianzun came and changed his usual attitude!
Ye Tianling had an indifferent face. People on the border dared to have his woman's idea, it was courting death!

Ye Tianling took a step forward, and with him came a peak celestial weapon, the Bilong Saber!

The Jade Dragon Knife vibrated, and the vast immortal power permeated the air!

The three of Cheng Kun were shocked immediately, and their complexions couldn't help changing. When they communicated just now, they didn't cover up at all, and they were overheard by the people of Lingmiao Sect.

Ye Tianling looked at them indifferently, and said coldly: "Boundary Tianzun seems to be tired of working!"

"Presumptuous!" Tai Shan glared at Ye Tianling, and scolded: "What are you? You are just a fairy mansion, and you dare to despise Tianzun!"


Ye Tianling sneered, raised his hand, and swung the saber out. The sound of dragon chant came out accompanied by a terrifying sonic boom!

"How dare you!" The complexions of the three Taishan people changed drastically, they are the disciples of Tianzun.

It's unbearable that someone in Xianyu dared to attack them!

The power of the knife was extremely terrifying, and it instantly ended Taishan's head and harvested his soul!
"How dare you!" Cheng Kun and the woman's expressions changed, and there was a look of fear in their eyes.

They are the disciples of Tianzun, and when they come to the fairyland, so what if they are the Immortal King of the Nine Heavens?Be respectful to them all the same!
But when it came to Lingmiaozong, it didn't take long for one person to die!
"Why don't you dare?" Ye Tianling looked at them with a sneer and contempt, and said sarcastically: "I have seen many people with extraordinary backgrounds in my life, and there are too many people like you who rely on their backgrounds to do their best. As long as you provoke me, I will Just kill it!"

With a slash, a golden dragon transformed into a golden dragon. It opened its teeth and claws, biting its fangs, and charged towards Cheng Kun and the woman!

"No...don't!" Cheng Kun and the woman's expressions changed drastically. They miscalculated. All along, people in the Immortal Realm have been in awe of the heavens on the border!
I didn't expect to meet such a fearless and fearless character as Ye Tianling!


The golden dragon devoured them all in one gulp!


Heaven and earth are silent!

Hundreds of thousands of disciples of Lingmiaozong are cheering!

What about people at the border?If they dare to insult their suzerain, Immortal King Lingmiao, they will die!
Ye Tianling glanced indifferently at the bloody mist, then turned and left!

In the palace of Lingmiaozong.

Lingmiao frowned slightly, with a worried look on her face!

Seeing her expression, Ye Tianling patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid even if Boundary Tianzun comes!"

"En." Immortal King Lingmiao nodded slightly.

She herself owns the treasure of Tianzun, and Ye Tianling also has the treasure of Tianzun. If she really faces Tianzun, it is not certain who will win and who will lose!

Ye Tianling nodded lightly, and he told Hua Qianyue, an eighth-level fairy king of Lingmiaozong, "Open the gate of the mountain, and let those who come to watch the Yin body come in!"

"Yes!" Hua Qianyue nodded, she is the chief elder of Lingmiaozong, and she left here according to Ye Tianling's order!
Ye Tianling frowned slightly, he was not anxious about the matter of Boundary Tianzun at the moment, he was more interested in knowing where Lin Menghan and Jun Ruoxi were!
But a few days have passed, and there is still no body of absolute yin coming here!

Ye Tianling took a step forward and headed to the Nine Flames Secret Realm, which is located at the southernmost end of the Lingmiao Sect!

It is relatively remote there, with no one around, and the Nine Flames Secret Realm is located on the Nine Flames Mountain!
Nine Flame Mountains are named after nine different colors of different fires, and they are collectively called Nine Flame Mountains!

After a few days of calm.

All major forces are receiving Tianzun's disciples, but the Lingmiao Sect has been continuously entering many small sect forces.

In the morning of this day.

The chief elder, Hua Qianyue, walked into the palace.

She said to Lingmiao and Ye Tianling: "The suzerain of the Nine Heavens Sect who is thousands of miles away said that he has a disciple with a body that is absolutely Yin!"

Ye Tianling raised his eyebrows, looked at her like a torch, and asked, "What else did he say!"

"He said that he wanted a pinnacle fairy weapon in exchange for a girl with the Absolute Yin Body!" Hua Qianyue said displeased: "I have never seen that girl before, and I don't know if she is the Absolute Yin Body! Body, this is just a dream to ask for the peak fairy weapon!"

Ye Tianling's eyes showed a thoughtful look, if the woman brought here is really a body of absolute yin!Ninety-nine percent of that is his wife in the previous life!

"This is the message of the girl with the absolute Yin body!" Hua Qiangu waved his sleeve casually, and a line of words appeared in front of everyone out of thin air!
Chi Menghan! 17 years old!One cut the realm!
From Wolong Mountain thousands of miles away, she is the daughter of a farmer in a mountain village in Wolong Mountain!

"Chi Menghan..." Ye Tianling's eyes froze. One of his wives was named Lin Menghan. This girl also had the word Menghan in her name. She was also a yin body. She was still 17 years old, so she must be His previous wife!
"Take me to see him!" Ye Tianling couldn't wait, he really wanted to see his former wife immediately!
Hua Qianyue leads the way.

Ling Miao, Xiao Ran and Duanmu Qingxue also followed.

Xiao Ran and Duanmu Qingxue's expressions were complicated, they didn't expect that what was supposed to come would finally come, but it was too early!

They also wanted to see how this young girl looked and how she behaved!

If this girl's character is not good, then they will not allow Ye Tianling to accept her!


Ye Tianling followed Hua Qianyue to the Zongmen's waiting room. There was a middle-aged man sitting there with a halo circle floating above his head. He was the First Heaven Immortal King!

Seeing Lingmiao and the others, the Immortal King quickly stood up and said to Lingmiao, "I have seen Immortal King Lingmiao!"

"Where is she!" Lingmiao Immortal King looked at him with beautiful eyes and asked!

"What about the peak immortal weapon?" The middle-aged man pondered for a while, then asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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