Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 511

Chapter 511 Hundreds of Immortal Artifacts

Ye Tianling shrugged his shoulders. He also knew that twisted melons are not sweet, and he needs to take his time.

He lay back on the chair, looking at the big sun hanging high in the sky, thinking in his heart.

Only the last wife, Jun Ruoxi, and Ye Fu's wife, Gu Xiaolian, are left.

He planned to wait and see if there would be any news about Jun Ruoxi and Gu Xiaolian.

Ye Tianling looked at Lingmiao and said: "Establish Menghan as the young suzerain, and declare to the world that all women with absolute yin bodies will receive key training in Lingmiaozong, and will also be given a peak fairy weapon!"

Ling Miao nodded lightly.

She knew that Ye Tianling did this in order to attract the two remaining Absolute Yin bodies, only in this way, when they got the news, they dared to come to Lingmiaozong.

But Chi Menghan was stunned there.

She didn't expect that Ye Tianling's power in Lingmiaozong would be so great, whoever was said to be the young suzerain would be the young suzerain.

She didn't expect that she wanted to try it out, to see if she could practice in Lingmiaozong.

I didn't expect not only to be able to cultivate, but even to reach a very high level in one step.

At this moment, Chi Menghan's heart was extremely complicated, and tears slowly flowed from her beautiful eyes.

If she had joined Lingmiaozong earlier, her parents would not have been killed by Zhao Youqian.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing her crying, Ye Tianling couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart.

"It's nothing." Chi Menghan wiped her tears and shook her head. She was not familiar with Ye Tianling and the others, and she was unwilling to confide in her thoughts.

"By the way, can I bring my parents' ashes here?" Chi Menghan looked at Ye Tianling and the others with a questioning look in his eyes.

"Yes!" Ye Tianling looked at Xiao Ran and Duanmu Qingxue, and said, "You go back with her."

"En." The two women nodded.

Ye Tianling wasn't worried about anything, after all, both of Xiao Ran possessed the peak immortal weapon, even if they met the peak immortal king, they would have the strength to fight!
"Tianshu, you go with them!" Ye Tianling said to the little girl in his mind.

"Got it..." Tianshu stayed in Ye Tianling's sea of ​​consciousness, sleeping in it.

Ye Tianling smiled, now he only hopes to find Jun Ruoxi, Gu Xiaolian, and Ye Fu quickly.

Find the last three and you're all set!
When the time comes...it's time to do something special.

"We're going." Xiao Ran gave Ye Tianling a white look, and then left Lingmiaozong with Duanmu Qingxue and Chi Menghan.

Lingmiao also left, and she wanted to make an announcement when many forces gathered in the sect.

All females with absolute yin bodies can be cultivated by the sect!

Now only Ye Tianling was left lying on the chair, and there was a deep and distant breath in his eyes.

"Forget it... let's practice first."

Ye Tianling didn't think too much, and started to practice!
In Lingmiaozong's Nine Flames Secret Border, many sect forces have gathered there, and many celestial king suzerains have gathered there!
at this time.

Lingmiao appeared in the sky, and she stood with her hands behind her back, exuding an aura of dominance all over her body.

She looked down at the thousands of fairy kings below, and said leisurely: "A woman with a utterly yin body has just arrived from the Lingmiao Sect, and I hereby make her the young sect master of the sect, and bestow a peak fairy weapon. Suzerain Chi Menghan will come to the Nine Flames Secret Realm to open the Tianzun ruins!"

After hearing this, many fairy kings showed shock in their eyes.

I didn't expect that a woman with a body of absolute yin would join the Lingmiao Sect so soon, and she would be directly established as the young sect master and given a peak fairy weapon!
"It's true that people are more angry than others, and they compare goods, so they have to be thrown away!" The famous fairy king was extremely depressed.

He lived for tens of thousands of years before breaking through to the Immortal King, and the woman with the Absolute Yin Physique, just because of her special physique, went directly to the sky in one step, which made him feel extremely unbalanced.

"No way, this world is not fair. Some people are born with a golden key in their mouths, and some people are born with poverty..." Another fairy king sighed.

The crowd mourned.

However, there was also an immortal king who raised his eyebrows and looked at Lingmiao in the sky and asked, "My lord, I don't know if the relic of Tianzun in the Nine Flames Secret Realm is the relic of Tianling Tianzun?"

Lingmiao nodded lightly to him, and slowly said to everyone: "Tianling Tianzun left some treasures in the Nine Flames Secret Realm back then, but the Tianzun relics in the Nine Flames Secret Realm can only be opened by the body of Jue Yin! "

"Furthermore, it takes three Absolute Yin Physiques to open all the relics of Tianzun with their purest Yin energy!" Lingmiao said slowly.

The Immortal King's eyes fluttered, and he asked: "If three Absolute Yin Physiques are gathered together, when they open the Tianzun's ruins, who will the Tianzun's treasure inside belong to?"

"The Celestial Treasures belong to the Lingmiao Sect!" Lingmiao looked at them and said, "However, there is more than one Celestial Treasure in the Nine Flames Secret Realm. As far as I know, there are more than a dozen of the Celestial Treasures. This sect can make an exception. , give each of them a Heavenly Treasure Treasure!"

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help swallowing.

My heart turned purple with envy.

Heavenly treasure!If you can get it, you will be truly unscrupulous in the fairyland!

But they can only envy.

Lingmiao looked at them again, and said leisurely: "If any of you find a woman with a body of absolute yin, report it to me immediately. At that time, our sect will take out a peak fairy weapon as a reward!"

"Peak Immortal Artifact!" After hearing this, the Immortal Kings all had different lights in their eyes.

They can't get the Celestial Treasure Artifact, but if they can get the Peak Immortal Artifact, that would be a very good thing!

They also knew that Ye Tianling of Lingmiaozong possessed hundreds of peak immortal artifacts, so they didn't doubt that Lingmiaozong would break his promise.

At this time, Lingmiao said again: "Young Sect Master Chi Menghan was sent by Sect Master Nine Heavens, and this sect gave him a peak fairy weapon as a reward, so you don't have to worry that Lingmiao Sect will not give you a peak fairy weapon!"

Ling Miao waved his sleeves, and immediately, there were more than 300 peak immortal artifacts standing proudly in the air, all exuding a tyrannical coercion!
Under this coercion, everyone's expressions changed.

The Lingmiao Sect has so many peak immortal artifacts, everyone is amazed, maybe only the Lingmiao Sect has such a background, right?

Generally speaking, even if it is the power of the peak Immortal King, it is uncertain whether there will be a peak Immortal Artifact.

After all, the peak fairy weapon needs extremely rare fairy gold to be crafted!

And Lingmiao is familiar with Su Tianling, and Su Tianling is also Lin Tianzun, and he tinkers with refining weapons when he has nothing to do.

Almost all of the refined peak immortal artifacts were placed in the Lingmiao Sect...

Looking at the shocked faces of the crowd, Lingmiao said calmly, "There are thousands of fairy artifacts in the Lingmiao Sect, so it's okay to just give out a few, so don't doubt that the sect won't give you the fairy artifacts!"

"Hahaha... no doubt, no doubt." Everyone waved their hands again and again, Ling Miao took out so many fairy artifacts, how could they doubt it?
(End of this chapter)

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