Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 527 Meeting

Chapter 527 Meeting

When everyone saw the ten peak immortal artifacts in the sky, there was a touch of shock in their eyes.

Ye Tianling, 17 years old, emperor star, one realm of immortal mansion, but has ten peak immortal weapons!

Even if the Buddhist sect has a deep foundation in the Southern Immortal Territory, it is impossible to have ten immortal weapons!

Mu Nantian was under a strong pressure at this moment, and his pressure from the peak Immortal King had long been rebounded. At this moment, his whole body was in pain, and a terrible pressure swept over him.

Jin Huazi, the suzerain of the Buddhist sect, frowned with white eyebrows, and there was a strange light in the old eyes.

The origin of this Ye Tianling is unknown, but he has ten peak immortal artifacts. Where did this person come from?
Ye Tianling put away the fairy artifact, raised his eyelids, glanced at Mu Nantian, and said coldly, "Why, don't you dare kill me?"

Mu Nantian's face was extremely ugly at the moment, Ye Tianling's realm was so much lower than him, and his age was tens of millions of years younger.

But he couldn't beat Ye Tianling, ten peak immortal weapons, even if he hadn't really launched a killing attack, but these coercion alone were enough to make him eat a pot.

"Since you don't dare to do anything to me, then shut up!" Ye Tianling said coldly, looking at Jin Huazi, and said lightly: "Leave the source of Xixin to me."

Jin Huazi had a sullen face. He is the suzerain of Buddhism and he is very trustworthy. Although Ye Tianling's methods are very strange, he can't see it. Now that Ye Tianling is the first in the competition, he should give him the source of Xinxin.


Jin Huazi was silent for a while, then stretched out her hand, a crystal ball appeared in her hand, the ball was filled with a strange rune, even if it was just a breath.

Everyone felt that the filth in their hearts was being gradually washed away.

"Is this the source of Xinxin? It really is extraordinary!" Everyone exclaimed.

But they can't enjoy this source of heart-washing, and in the end it can only be enjoyed by Ye Tianling.

Jin Huazi passed the source of Xixin to Ye Tianling, and Ye Tianling took it in his hand.

In the waiting seats.

Dongfang Qingqing frowned slightly, she knew that Ye Fu's things were hidden in Xixinyuan.

very important stuff.

"Do you want to grab it?" Dongfang Qingqing looked at Ye Fu.

"No need." Ye Fu smiled lightly.

Dongfang Qingqing didn't say anything, Ye Fu should have his own plans.

Mu Nantian and Jin Huazi who were on the side both heard Dongfang Qingqing's words, and the corners of their eyes couldn't help twitching.

Does the Dongfang family have the strength to snatch it?What is there to compete with Ye Tianling who has ten peak immortal weapons?

When empty.

Ye Tianling's face was calm, he looked at Ye Fu on the watching table, and said with a smile, "Go to Dongfang's house?"

"Okay." Ye Fu got up lazily, looked at Dongfang Qingqing and said with a smile: "Daughter-in-law, let's go home."

Dongfang Qingqing raised Liu Yemei, could it be that Ye Tianling knew her husband?
Dongfang Qingqing left here with Ye Fu, Ye Tianling, and Oriental Pearl.


Everyone had complex expressions, at first they all thought that Xixinyuan would fall into the hands of Shi Xiaohu and Shi Wukong.

When the Oriental Pearl broke out with a strong combat power, they felt that the Oriental Pearl could get a source of refreshment.

But who would have thought that the result would be that Ye Tianling from Yijing Xianfu got the heart-washing source.

In the unique yard of an oriental home.

Ye Tianling threw Xixinyuan to Ye Fu, and said, "You've been living in style all these years."

Ye Fu lay lazily on the chair, with a beautiful woman in his arms, he smiled at Ye Tianling and said, "You should be living a chic life."

"To each other." Ye Tianling smiled, and then sat down.

The eyes of Dongfang Qingqing and Dongfang Mingzhu are full of doubts, what is the relationship between these two people?
"Can you introduce him to me now?" Dongfang Qingqing broke away from Ye Fu and sat aside.

"You are so stupid, you can't even guess this, of course he is Su Tianling..." Ye Fu rolled his eyes.

Normal people can think of it, there is Buddha in his name, and Tianling in Ye Tianling's name.

Except that the surname is different from the previous life, everything else is the same.

"What! Su Tianling! Damn!" Dongfang Qingqing's eyes widened, and she looked at Ye Tianling in disbelief.

The young man in front of him turned out to be Ye Tianling, who once made people talk about it!
Dongfang Mingzhu raised Liu Yemei and asked Dongfang Qingqing cautiously: "Patriarch, I only know that there is an invincible Tianzun named Su Tianling, but he has been dead for many years."

"You girl." Dongfang Qingqing gave her a big look, then looked at Ye Tianling and said, "I didn't expect it to be you, it really surprised me."

"I didn't think you were too surprised..." Ye Tianling rolled his eyes and said suavely: "Back then you couldn't be Brother Buddha's wife, but now you finally have your wish. When are you going to have a baby?"

Dongfang Qingqing's beautiful eyes glared at Ye Tianling resentfully, and scolded: "When are you planning to have a baby?"

Ye Tianling smiled, but didn't answer.

The Pearl of the Orient at the side felt turbulent in his heart. This Ye Tianling turned out to be the invincible Tianzun in his previous life.

Isn't Yefo the former invincible Buddha Sufo?
Oriental Pearl felt dizzy, unexpectedly, she saw the two famous Heavenly Venerates in the Immortal Realm!
Although it is only in the Immortal Mansion now, Ye Tianling can easily defeat her by relying on the Immortal Mansion, which is enough to show that Ye Tianling is a well-deserved peerless evildoer.

"Brother Buddha, what I know now is that our wives in previous lives were both 17 years old and born on August [-]st, and only the names have not changed except for the change of surnames. Body!" Ye Tianling said slowly.

Ye Fu frowned slightly, and said: "I stayed in the Southern Immortal Territory for 17 years, and it took me nearly a year to recover my previous memories, but I didn't find out about the Absolute Yin Body, and it was the daughter of our previous wife."

"You found your previous wife?" Ye Fu raised his eyebrows and asked.

Ye Tianling nodded lightly, and said leisurely: "Qingxue, Menghan, and Ran'er are all found, only Ruoxi is missing."

"I also found Brother Mo, and he also found his wife from his previous life, who is now staying in the Demon Sect of the Western Immortal Territory." Ye Tianling said.

Ye Fu nodded lightly. He felt a sense of urgency in his heart. He also wanted to find Gu Xiaolian, but he didn't know how to find it before.

There is no point of reference.

"Brother Buddha, I know Xiao Lian's whereabouts." Ye Tianling said.

"Where is she?" Ye Fu stood up quickly, impatient to see Gu Xiaolian immediately.

"She is in the frontier, and now she is the daughter of Dharma King Tianzun." Ye Tianling said.

"Dharma King Tianzun!" Ye Fu raised his brows, Dharma King Tianzun is a three-step Tianzun.

He knew it, but he didn't expect that the place where Gu Xiaolian was reborn was not in the fairyland, but in the borderland.

"She has a marriage right now, but as for who the marriage is with, I don't know." Ye Tianling said.

(End of this chapter)

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