Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 529 Heavenly Venerate Comes

Chapter 529 Heavenly Venerate Comes
After Ye Tianling finished speaking, he put away the Peak Immortal Artifact, and then hid his figure in the space.

After staying here for seven days, he didn't notice any news about the Absolute Yin Body, so he left here.

Although Jun Ruoxi is very important to him, it is not a problem to wait like this.

His current time is very tight, Wuzun and Eternal Book can only last three years at most against the Nameless Book.

One year has passed now, and two years remain.

For him, even one day is precious.

"I hope Ruoxi is safe and sound." Ye Tianling looked at the sky and muttered to himself.

After finishing speaking, he left Beixianyu.

After a day, he returned to Dongfang's home in Southern Immortal Territory.

in the yard.

Oriental Pearl told Ye Tianling about the past few days, but there was no news of Jun Ruoxi.

Ye Tianling's eyes showed disappointment.

He looked at the Oriental Pearl and said, "I'm going back to the Eastern Immortal Realm, there is nothing to stay here anymore."

Dongfang Mingzhu nodded lightly, and said: "If there is any news about the Absolute Yin Body, I will immediately notify Lingmiaozong of the news."

"En." Ye Tianling nodded lightly, gave her a few peak immortal artifacts, and said, "I'm leaving, I have to practice hard."

"Yeah." Dongfang Mingzhu nodded again and again. She is very happy these days, and it is a great honor to serve the former Invincible Heavenly Venerable.

Ye Tianling smiled, and then left Dongfang's house.

Flying across the sky like this, it took a full day before arriving at the Eastern Immortal Territory.

When he first arrived in the Eastern Immortal Territory, suddenly there was a power of Heavenly Venerable pervading in the direction of Lingmiaozong.

Then, there was another burst of the power of the Heavenly Lord, this time the power of the Heavenly Lord is the power of the treasure of the Heavenly Lord!
The two powers of Tianzun are competing with each other!

Ye Tianling raised his brows, could it be that the Heavenly Venerable from Border Region came to fight against Lingmiaozong?
Ye Tianling sacrificed the meteor hammer, the treasure of Tianzun, and the meteor hammer helped him resist all the coercion of Tianzun.

He hid in the meteor hammer, and quietly swept towards the direction of Lingmiaozong.

Outside the Lingmiao sect.

Lingmiao, Ye Fu, Dongfang Qingqing, Hua Qianyue, the chief elder of Lingmiao Sect, and all the core elders were there!
Their eyes stared at a middle-aged man in front of them, and this middle-aged man was a Celestial Venerable!
All Tianzun are detached, standing there, he is indeed there, but it also gives people a feeling that he is not there, as if he has merged with the heaven and the earth.

"Lingmiao! You have wiped out the Buddha Sect stationed in the Eastern Immortal Territory! Do you want to be an enemy of the deity!" The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

"The Immortal King Futu deserves to die. If we can do it all over again, Immortal King Futu will still die!" Standing with her hands behind her back, Lingmiao looked at the middle-aged man coldly with her beautiful eyes, and said coldly: "Although the Lingmiao Sect is the power of the Immortal King, but! It’s not like you, a step-by-step Heavenly Venerate, can handle it at will!”

Haibo Tianzun's face was ugly. He just came to the Immortal Territory and wanted to find the forces he was stationed in the Eastern Immortal Territory.

Originally, the Eastern Immortal Territory was dominated by the Lingmiao Sect, the Futu Sect, and the Pingnan Sect.

But now, both the Buddha Sect and the Pingnan Sect have been wiped out. As the backer of the Buddha Sect, he must intervene in this matter.

When he learned that it was the work of the Lingmiao Sect, he felt a touch of fear in his heart. This kind of fear was in addition to Tianling Tianzun's long-standing reputation.

In addition, there may be Tianzun treasures in Lingmiaozong.

But it was only possible, he still bit the bullet and came to Lingmiaozong Xingshi to inquire about his crimes. Unexpectedly, when he had just released the mighty pressure of the Ninth Five Lord.

Lingmiao also immediately sacrificed a Celestial Treasure.

"Lingmiao!" Haibo Tianzun looked at Lingmiao sharply, and said solemnly: "Although you have a treasure of Tianzun, but your treasure is only one star! After all, a treasure is just a treasure, so how can it be compared with the real Tianzun?" ?”

"Hehe." Lingmiao looked at Haibo Tianzun with a calm expression, and said, "Tianling once told me that everything can be cultivated, and weapons can go through transformations over and over again to reach a certain level. Only by practicing can you reach a certain level, if Haibo Tianzun is so confident, just give it a try and see if you can defeat the Lingmiaozong!"

Haibo Tianzun's complexion changed, all treasures have spirits, no matter whether it is a person or a treasure, they have experienced hardships again and again, and only then have they reached a certain level!

To be honest, there is no difference between a man and a weapon, but a man is afraid, but a weapon is not.

"Hmph!" Haibo Tianzun snorted coldly, not knowing what to do for a while!

"Fellow Daoist Haibo, this deity is here to kill the Lingmiao Sect together with you!"

Just when everyone thought the atmosphere was stalemate, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Haibo Tianzun.

"Fellow Daoist Yunfeng, I didn't expect you to come too." When Tianzun Haibo saw this man, he had a big smile on his face.

"Of course I want to come!" Yunfeng Tianzun looked at Lingmiao, and said coldly: "Pingnanzong was destroyed by Lingmiaozong, this matter must be explained to the deity!"

"If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. What do you want this sect to explain to you?" Immortal King Lingmiao looked indifferent.

"Whoever wiped out Pingnanzong, hand it over!" Yunfeng Tianzun stared at Lingmiao.

Lingmiao looked at him lazily, and said: "It is my husband who wiped out the Buddha Sect and the Pingnan Sect. Do you think I will hand over my husband?"

"Husband!" The faces of Haibo Tianzun and Yunfeng Tianzun suddenly changed, Lingmiao actually has a husband!

How can this be?

"You don't like Su Tianling anymore?" Haibo Tianzun frowned, looked at Lingmiao and said, "I want to meet your man! I want to see what kind of person he is that can capture you!"

"Hehe." Lingmiao smiled faintly, looked at him, and said, "You don't need to see him, and now you don't need to talk nonsense, I just want to ask, do you want to start a war?"

"Aren't you afraid? We now have two Heavenly Venerates!" Yunfeng Tianzun frowned, staring at Lingmiao.

"So what?" Lingmiao shook her head lightly, and said, "I'm too lazy to waste time with you guys, just fight if you want!"

"You!" Haibo Tianzun and Yunfeng Tianzun's faces were livid, and the miraculous expression was so indifferent that they lost their minds!


Hua Qianyue, the chief elder of the Lingmiao Sect, sacrificed a snow sword, which wielded the might of a heavenly treasure!


Each of the nine core elders of the Lingmiao Sect sacrificed a piece of Heavenly Venerable Treasure!
There are a total of ten treasures of heavenly treasures, and the vast power has swept the entire fairyland!
Terrifying power swept towards Yunfeng Tianzun and Haibo Tianzun!

"Ten one-star treasures!" Yunfeng Tianzun and Haibo Tianzun's expressions changed drastically, and their eyes were full of fear.

The foundation of Lingmiaozong actually has ten one-star treasures. Is this nima still the power of the fairy king?

Even if it is the power of Tianzun, it is very difficult to take out so many one-star treasures.

(End of this chapter)

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