Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 553

Chapter 553
"Then just wait and see!" The disciple of the God of War Palace waved his hands in disgust at Haibo Tianzun: "Get out, if you don't get out, I'll hit you!"

"Hmph!" Haibo Tianzun snorted angrily, and then left with Chu Feng.

At this time, the disciples of the God of War Palace began to discuss.

"If it wasn't for the fact that the palace lord didn't give the order, these two guys would have been killed long ago!" said one person.

"The Palace Master should have other plans, it's better not to make too much noise for the time being." Another person said.

"Understood!" Everyone nodded.

Although they are all Quasi-Tianzun now, they still respect Ye Tianling and others in their hearts.

in a faraway place.

Haibo Tianzun did not return to the sect, but came to a more distant sect. This sect was vast, radiant, and permeated with a strong terrifying pressure.

Haibo Tianzun stood in the sky, he looked inside the sect, and said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Yunfeng, I have something important to discuss with you."


A figure appeared in the sect, he was wearing a purple robe, looked at Haibo Tianzun with surprise on his face, and asked, "Fellow Daoist Haibo, what made you come forward in person?"

"Hmph! Of course it's very annoying!" Haibo Tianzun's eyes were cold, and he said angrily: "Someone in the Immortal Realm has broken through the Quasi-Tianzun, and ten people have broken through the Quasi-Tianzun. Now they have established a sect in the border area. For the God of War Palace!"

"Oh?" Yunfeng Tianzun raised his brows, before he and Haibo Tianzun jointly questioned Lingmiaozong, but they were shocked back and were ambushed one after another.

"I've never heard of the power of the God of War Palace." Yunfeng frowned slightly, and asked, "Do you know which power the God of War Palace belongs to in the fairyland?"

"I don't know." Haibo Tianzun shook his head and said: "Not long ago, I had a fight with the people from the God of War Palace. They had a total of ten quasi-Tianzun, and they fought hard with me. I would like to invite Yun Fellow Daoist Feng and I crusade against the God of War Palace together, show them some color, and let them know that in the first dimension, they must lie on the ground obediently."

Yunfeng Tianzun frowned slightly. Normally, ten quasi-Tianzun can match the one-step Tianzun who just broke through.

And Haibo Tianzun is already a peak Tianzun, logically speaking, Haibo Tianzun should be able to settle the ten quasi-Tianzun.

But it was hard to give up!
This is enough to show that the ten quasi-celestial lords are all the arrogance of the emperor star overlord.

"I think it's better not to offend such a force." Yunfeng thought for a moment and said.

"Fellow Daoist Yunfeng!" Haibo Tianzun frowned, and said in a deep voice: "The God of War Palace is built on the highest point of the first layer of space. They have ten quasi-Tianzun, and ten of them absorb the essence energy, which directly affects our cultivation. process!"

Yunfeng frowned. In the border area, the most important thing is the original energy of heaven and earth. There are seven kinds of original energy of heaven and earth, and the highest source energy is the most dense.

Now there are so many Quasi-Tianzun in the God of War Palace, which really hinders their cultivation process.

"I'll go with you!" Yunfeng Tianzun said.

A faint smile appeared on Haibo Tianzun's face, and he said: "This time not only you and I are required to go together, but also all the quasi-Tianzuns!"

"As for?" Yunfeng Tianzun said: "It's just ten quasi-Tianzun, the two of us are enough to handle it!"

"Bring more people, be strong and powerful. If you start to scold them, people will talk too much and scold them to death." Haibo Tianzun said, he was very upset by the ten quasi-Tianzun of the God of War Palace before. Aggrieved.

Moreover, the ten quasi-Emperors of the God of War Palace were not afraid of his threat. At that time, he said that he would take all the Heavenly Lords to attack the God of War Palace, but the people of the God of War Palace didn't care.

Hai Bo Tianzun was a little puzzled, he didn't know if the God of War Palace really had a hole card.

"..." Yunfeng Tianzun felt speechless, and he wanted to lead people to scold him when he crusaded against the God of War Palace?Which Tianzun doesn't respect his status, how could he do the deeds?
"I'm going to summon the Quasi-Tianzun, and then you take all the Quasi-Tianzun to my place!" Haibo Tianzun said, and then he left here.

Yunfeng Tianzun was speechless, he frowned, wondering what happened?To make Haibo Tianzun so nervous?Do you have to call so many quasi-Emperors?
"Forget it." Yunfeng Tianzun shook his head, Haibo Tianzun should have his reasons for doing so.

After half an hour.

Outside the Haibo Sect, all the Celestial Venerables gather!
Headed by Yiyifeng Tianzun Haibo Tianzun and Yunfeng Tianzun, as well as the nine quasi-Tianzuns of the Haibo Sect, and the nine quasi-Tianzuns of the Yunfeng Sect.

There are twenty Heavenly Venerates in total.

"Let's go!" Haibo Tianzun said, and then everyone stepped forward, the most excited one was Haibo Tianzun, he wanted to be ashamed, and he was determined to win the God of War Palace this time!

After a cup of tea, twenty Heavenly Venerates appeared not far from the God of War Palace.

Tianzun Yunfeng looked at the Palace of God of War standing high in the sky, frowned, and said to Tianzun Haibo: "Why does the palace of God of War look exactly like the Lingmiao Sect of the Eastern Immortal Territory?"

"Really." Haibo Tianzun was speechless. He didn't think too much before, but now that he thinks about it carefully, the appearance of the God of War Palace is simply too similar to the Lingmiao Sect.

"Could it be...these people are quasi-Tianzun who broke through from the Lingmiao Sect? But this is impossible..." Haibo Tianzun shook his head, full of doubts in his heart.

How could the Lingmiao Sect have so many quasi-celestial beings?
"Just ask later!" Yunfeng said.

Haibo Tianzun nodded lightly, then stared at the palace, and shouted sharply: "People of the God of War Palace, listen up, you have built the palace at the highest altitude, which violates the law of the frontier! Therefore, you must immediately surrender and plead guilty! ! Dead end!"

As the words fell, Haibo Tianzun and many Quasi-Tianzun, each of them was bursting with tyrannical coercion.

This coercion is like a wave of awe, making the space tremble.

"Confess? Are you worthy?" A disdainful voice sounded in the Palace of God of War, and then ten Quasi-Tianzun appeared, standing in the sky, looking at Haibo Tianzun and others with disdain!

Seeing that there were still the original ten people, Hai Bo Tianzun couldn't help but sneered and said: "Please open your dog eyes to see clearly. Now I have two step-level peak Tianzuns on my side, and 18 quasi-Tianzuns. It's easy to kill you!"

Yunfeng Tianzun looked at them and said: "Bianyu has Bianyu's rules, and the rules of Bianyu are made by Qibu Tianzun. You admit your mistake now, maybe it's too late!"

"Admit it?" The disciple of the God of War Palace sneered, and said, "The laws of the frontier are also made by people, and the laws made by people can be changed!"

(End of this chapter)

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