Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 560 Level 18

Chapter 560 Level 180
Ye Tianling raised his foot with difficulty, but no matter what, it was difficult to lift his foot out.

After spending a full cup of tea, he still couldn't set foot on the eighth floor of No.90.

Seeing this, everyone was completely relieved. Ye Tianling stayed on the 97th floor for such a long time.

It is difficult to set foot on the 98th floor, let alone the 99th and [-]th floors.

"It seems that he is really going to stop below the [-]th floor, we are sure to win!"

"Hahaha! Just now I invested most of my net worth, this time I can double it." Someone laughed.

Everyone was elated, and they all believed that it was impossible for Ye Tianling to reach a higher level.

This is a sure win.


In the distance, Ye Tianling took a step and climbed directly to the eight steps of No.90.

When everyone saw this, their faces remained unchanged. They thought that Ye Tianling could only stop at the 98th floor.

Ye Tianling continued to climb up, looking very strenuous, even getting his feet off the ground was very difficult.

Everyone's expressions remained unchanged, Ye Tianling would definitely not be able to climb up to the 99th floor.

After a full cup of tea, someone got impatient waiting, and couldn't help saying to Ye Tianling in the distance: "You can't climb the 99th floor, give up quickly, maybe each of us can give you a little bit of mountaineering luck!" fee."

"That's right, admit defeat quickly, you are simply wasting our time." Someone said again, and they all felt that it was a bit of a waste of time.

Only Ye Tianling lost, they just got the compensation.

Ye Tianling's face was calm, he smiled faintly, and suddenly landed his feet on the ninth step of No.90.

Seeing this, everyone's expressions changed, and their hearts were raised again.

Now Ye Tianling is really only one step away from the [-]th floor, if Ye Tianling is still the same as before.

Maybe it is really possible to reach the hundredth floor.

The hearts of the people also became flustered, and they all said to Ye Tianling: "You may not be able to bear it now, if you still want to continue climbing the ladder, I am afraid that you will be shocked by the terrifying pressure and fall down, and you will inevitably get injured at that time. It’s not worth the candle.”

"That's right, hurry up and don't log in, each of us will give you a little source stone, and it will be your hard work."

Everyone persuaded them one after another, they were afraid that Ye Tianling would really reach the [-]th floor, and if that happened, wouldn't they have to lose miserably?

As for the young man sitting in the manor, he looked at everyone and shouted: "You guys are going too far, this is simply breaking the rules of the game!"

Someone retorted: "Where is this called sabotage? It is obviously a good intention to persuade."

"That's right, how could we break the rules of the game? We are trying to persuade you, do you understand?"

The young man in the manor was furious, but when he saw Ye Tianling continuing to climb the ladder in the distance, he felt relieved.

At least from the current situation, Ye Tianling was not moved by the temptation of those people.


Ye Tianling suddenly raised his foot and fell directly into the hundredth floor.

This suddenly made countless people look ashamed, and many people invested all their net worth. Now it seems that their net worth is gone.

Someone's face was ugly, and he said to the young man sitting in the manor: "You just said that it is only below one hundred floors and above one hundred, but you didn't say what will happen to the one hundredth floor, so we won't lose or win this bet. Just pay us back the bet!"

The young man in the manor had an angry face. These people are really bad.

The young man looked at Ye Tianling in the distance and shouted loudly: "Brother, no matter what, you have to climb another ladder. If you do, I will give you half."

In the mountains in the distance, Ye Tianling looked calm, he slowly raised his feet, and finally landed on the one hundred and zero floor.


Everyone was desperate. If Ye Tianling happened to be on the hundredth floor, they could bite the bullet and refute.

However, Ye Tianling is now on the [-]th floor, so what reason do they have to refute?

They have really lost all their wealth now.

The young man sitting in the manor jumped up excitedly and shouted: "Win, win, win, hahaha..."

Everyone listened to his voice, their eyes were like swords, this was simply rubbing salt on their wounds.

Feeling their gazes, the young man immediately stopped his excitement. He was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

On the mountain ladder in the distance.

Ye Tianling became relaxed again at this time, and he didn't feel any difficulty when walking.

Moreover, he stepped up ten steps at once, which made everyone's heart hurt even more. It turned out that Ye Tianling's previous difficult appearance was all pretending and fooling around.

"Hmph!" Everyone was upset, belittled Ye Tianling, and said coldly: "Even if he is relaxed now, it is absolutely impossible to reach the top, and it is even impossible to surpass the son of Tianzun!"

"Of course, this Ye Tianling may have good talent, but compared with the son of Tianzun, he is still far behind."

Everyone talked one after another, trying to belittle Ye Tianling in various ways.

At this time, Ye Tianling had already reached the 150th floor, and Chu Yaoyao beside him followed closely behind.

Ye Tianling stopped, looked at the charming Chu Yaoyao beside him and smiled and said, "You sure don't believe that I can climb to the top, do you?"

Chu Yaoyao smiled and said nothing, if she hadn't spoken before, it would be easy for people to misunderstand that she is dumb.

"Don't you even say a word?" Ye Tianling smiled lightly, continued to walk, and said, "I don't know if you are still so silent when you are under me."

A cold light flashed in Chu Yaoyao's beautiful eyes, she looked at Ye Tianling and said coldly: "Before you reach the top, you'd better speak politely! Also! You said before that I won the bet, so you just listen to it." Respect! Now... I've made up my mind, as long as you lose, I'll cut off the little guy you received as a patriarch!"

"Little guy?" Ye Tianling laughed, this was the funniest joke he had ever heard.

"You will meet the big guy who makes you tremble." Ye Tianling continued to walk upwards.

Chu Yaoyao still followed closely behind. Although Ye Tianling's words were too dirty, she really wanted to know how far Ye Tianling could go.


Wu Yuan, Hai Dongliu, Yun Jingtian, and Huo Nan have already reached the [-]th floor.

Ye Tianling and Chu Yaoyao climbed to the 180th floor.

At the bottom of the mountain ladder, there are a sea of ​​people, many of whom are still on the No.30 ladder.

As time passed slowly.

When the Wuyuan four climbed to the eighth floor of 490, they immediately felt a strong pressure.

Once you feel strong pressure, it will be even more difficult to think about going up to another level, because each time you go up, the pressure will be countless times that of the previous level.

(End of this chapter)

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