Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 566 Level 998

Chapter 566 Nine hundred and ninety-nine floors
Ye Tianling was full of doubts, what happened?

Chu Yaoyao was also full of doubts. She only knew that the eyes of direct relatives when they met for the first time would cause the blood to boil.

However, she was just a baby when she was born, and she didn't remember whether she had such a feeling with her father or mother at that time.

"Let's go..." Ye Tianling didn't say anything, he took a step and climbed directly to the [-]th floor, letting the world know that he has the aptitude of a super emperor star.

Chu Yaoyao settled down, and then took a step, also proving to the world that she has the aptitude of a top super emperor star.

Seeing this, everyone became numb.

Ye Tianling and Chu Yaoyao actually climbed to the [-]th floor and became the sixth and seventh high-level Super Emperor star aptitudes in the entire frontier.

The fire man below has an extremely complicated complexion. Now that things have happened, he is not worthy of Chu Yaoyao at all, not even for lifting Chu Yaoyao's shoes.

Before, he thought about killing Ye Tianling, but now... kill?There is no killing intent at all, and it cannot be killed at all.

His heart was already numb, and he stood there blankly, as if he had lost his soul.

on the ladder.

Ye Tianling and Chu Yaoyao climbed the ladder tacitly.

People are also counting.

"Eight hundred and one."





"890 nine."

On the ninth floor of 890, Ye Tianling and Chu Yaoyao stopped at the same time.

Chu Yaoyao was already dripping with sweat at this time, and she really felt the strong pressure. This pressure not only swept over her body, but also swept over her soul, making her suppressed in all directions.

She felt that her limit might be here, and she couldn't take another step.

She glanced at Ye Tianling beside her with her beautiful eyes, and saw that Ye Tianling's expression remained unchanged, and she didn't seem to be under any pressure, her heart was shaken.

"Don't you feel the pressure?" Chu Yaoyao couldn't help asking.

She was secretly dissatisfied, how many cruel trials had she experienced?And she is born with a unique good fortune, which makes her far surpass many people.

Only then can she have such an aptitude for martial arts that people look up to.

but.What about Ye Tianling?
She could tell that Ye Tianling's root bone was only 17 years old, and his realm was only at the peak of Xianfu.

And her?Already 99 years old, approaching the age of one hundred, she is now at the perfect Ascension Realm, only one step away from becoming an Immortal King.

What about Ye Tianling? 17 years old!Logically, he is only a teenager, but at such an age, he has the aptitude of a high-level super emperor star, which is not in line with common sense at all.

Ye Tianling looked at her and smiled faintly: "There is no pressure at all..."

"..." Chu Yaoyao had the urge to hit someone. She had gone through untold hardships and was uniquely gifted, so she couldn't compare to the 17-year-old Ye Tianling.

This...isn't fair...

"Can you still reach the [-]th floor?" Ye Tianling asked.

Chu Yaoyao was silent.

She didn't know if she could reach the [-]th floor.

Ye Tianling asked: "This dragon ladder has nine hundred and ninety-nine floors, 99 nine floors, and it is already the pinnacle of a super emperor star. I want to know, what do these nine hundred floors mean? What does it mean to reach the top?"

"You don't know?" Chu Yaoyao looked at Ye Tianling suspiciously. This is something that everyone in the border area knows, but Ye Tianling didn't know it.

"I don't know." Ye Tianling shook his head, the dragon ladder only appeared after his death, how could he know?

Chu Yaoyao blinked, with doubts in her eyes, and asked: "You don't know what it means, why do you think you can reach the top?"

Ye Tianling smiled, he looked at Chu Yaoyao, and said: "Looking at the whole world, there are only three people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with me, and apart from these three people, I am the strongest and the most talented person in the whole world."

"..." Chu Yaoyao was speechless, Ye Tianling's confidence turned out to be here!

She asked curiously, "Who are the other three?"

Ye Tianling's eyes revealed a deep light, and he slowly said: "The former supreme, the demon, the Buddha, and Wuzun."

Chu Yaoyao's heart trembled.

She has heard of the three people Ye Tianling mentioned.

It is the Supreme Being who once made people fearful.

Su Mo enters the Tao with the devil, Su Fu enters the Tao with the Buddha,

Wu Zun entered the Tao with porridge, and Su Tianling entered the Tao with humanity.


Chu Yaoyao suddenly remembered something, she asked: "Why did you exclude Tianling Zhizun? As far as I know, Tianling Zhizun is also very good, standing shoulder to shoulder with those three."

Ye Tianling smiled lightly, looked at Chu Yaoyao, and said, "You admire Supreme Tianling very much?"

"It's natural!" Chu Yaoyao's beautiful eyes revealed a faint admiration.

She had heard stories about Su Tianling and his four wives from her elders since she was a child. After hearing such legendary stories, she wished she could marry Su Tianling.

It's a pity that Tianling Supreme was trapped by love and finally fell, which is really sad and deplorable.

Ye Tianling smiled lightly and didn't say anything, but being admired suddenly made him feel a little embarrassed.

"You haven't told me what it means to reach the [-]th floor and reach the top..." Ye Tianling said.

Chu Yaoyao stabilized her mind, and she spoke slowly: "It is rumored that there is another realm above the Seven-step Heavenly Venerable, called the Dominant Realm, just like the Demonic Venerable, Buddha Venerable, and Wuzun you just mentioned."

"Mozun and Buddha have fallen long ago, but Wuzun has disappeared for many years. It's just that many years ago, Wuzun suddenly attacked the current Seven-step Tianzun. The result is unknown, but later, more people appeared in the border area. With such a dragon ladder, it is said that those who can step up to the nine hundredth floor may aspire to be the ruler."

Chu Yaoyao said.

Ye Tianling nodded lightly, it seems that this dragon ladder has something to do with Wuzun.

Since it is because of Wuzun, then he has to climb the Dragon Ladder...

In his heart, he had already ascended to the Supreme, and had come into contact with a little bit of the world's original energy.

He believed that if he was given a little more time, he would be able to aspire to the Domination Realm.

As a result, the wife's turmoil happened.

Later, he learned that Wu Zun had become the master, which made him faintly dissatisfied.


Ye Tianling took a step, and when he took this step, his figure was like a bird, his body was as light as a swallow, flying over the eaves and walls on the ladder!

Just a few breaths.

Ye Tianling had already appeared on the 98th floor, and he was only one step away from reaching the top!

"Depend on!"

far away.

Everyone's numb hearts suddenly started beating. Not only did Ye Tianling climb to the 98th floor, but he also climbed to the [-]th floor in an instant...

This... made everyone feel dizzy, this is too awesome, at this moment, they are completely convinced, and even many people have become Ye Tianling's loyal fans at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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