Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 569

Chapter 569

The two walked down the dragon ladder. At this moment, countless pairs of eyes were staring at them.

Ye Tianling climbed to the top.

Chu Yaoyao climbed to the ninth floor of 890, proving that she is the overlord of the Super Emperor Star.

No matter who it is, they are all incomparably dazzling.

Not far away, Bi Qingqing and Huo Nan were silent together. Originally, they wanted to wait for Ye Tianling to come down the ladder, and they would give Ye Tianling a hard lesson. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

Ye Tianling looked at Chu Yaoyao and smiled faintly: "Feijian Tianzun is your father?"

"En." Chu Yaoyao nodded lightly.

"I want to see him." Ye Tianling said lightly.

"Meet my father?" Chu Yaoyao panicked for a moment. Is this going to propose marriage?
After everyone heard this, they all had mixed feelings in their hearts. They didn't expect Ye Tianling to come to propose marriage.

But looking at the current situation, Ye Tianling and Chu Yaoyao are a good match.

"That's right." Ye Tianling looked at Chu Yaoyao and said, "There are some things that I need to clarify."

Chu Yaoyao didn't say anything, it was a tacit agreement.


At this moment, a strong coercion suddenly permeated the sky. When this coercion pervaded, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they were covered in cold sweat, and their souls felt a strong impact. Everyone's heart trembled.

"Ye Tianling! Take your life!" A stern voice rang out.

Everyone looked up, only to see a group of people walking towards the sky in the distance.

"Wuyuan! Wuyuan has moved in to rescue the soldiers!" Everyone's hearts froze, Ye Tianling showed the invincible top talent.

Is it going to die now?

When empty.

Wuyuan stood with his hands behind his back, with a cold and arrogant expression, and his eyes were extremely fierce. Beside him, there were several figures standing, all of them filled with the might of a quasi-celestial being.

Seeing that Ye Tianling was so close to Chu Yaoyao, Wu Yuan's eyes became more angry.

"Ye Tianling! You will definitely die today!" Wu Yuan looked at Ye Tianling with sharp eyes and said coldly.

Ye Tianling raised his brows, looked at Wuyuan, and said coldly: "You want to kill me? You just aren't qualified enough."

"Hahaha..." Wuyuan laughed wantonly as if he had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world.

"Not qualified?" Wu Yuan sneered: "Then let you see if I am qualified or not!"

"Uncle Zhao, please take action!" Wu Yuan said to a middle-aged man beside him.

He is a quasi-celestial venerable, and when he heard Ye Tianling say that they are not qualified, he felt angry for a while.

His majestic Quasi-Tianzun was actually looked down upon by others.

"Death!" Zhun Tianzun surnamed Zhao said coldly.

"Wait!" Chu Yaoyao said suddenly, her beautiful eyes stared at Wuyuan in the sky, and said coldly: "Just now, Ye Tianling successfully climbed to the top! If you dare to kill him at this time, you will definitely be punished by law enforcement." Those who are obliterated!"

"Climbing to the top?" Wu Yuan sneered and said, "What about lying to ghosts? Who in the world can reach the top? Even if you want to prevent me from killing him, you must find something that I believe in!"

The murderous intent in Wuyuan's heart was even stronger at this moment, and his sweetheart actually lied to him for Ye Tianling.

Bi Qingqing below, she frowned and said to Wu Yuan: "Ye Tianling has really climbed to the top, we all saw it!"

Wu Yuan raised his eyebrows, Bi Qingqing is the daughter of Bihong Tianzun, there is no reason to lie to him.

However, it is impossible to climb to the top!
Huo Nan opened his mouth at this time, and said to Wu Yuan: "He really reached the top."

"En?" Wuyuan's brows frowned suddenly, and he looked at Huo Nan suspiciously. Huo Nan and Ye Tianling were deadly enemies before, so it is even more impossible to lie to him.

However, there are nine hundred and ninety-nine floors of the Dragon Ladder, and looking at the entire border area, who can climb to the top?This is simply impossible.

"I don't believe it!" Wu Yuan said to Zhun Tianzun surnamed Zhao: "Kill him!"

Of course, Zhun Tianzun, surnamed Zhao, didn't believe it. His eyes turned cold, and he raised his hand to pat Ye Tianling below.

This palm looked light and without the slightest strength, but... the random palm of Zhun Tianzun was extremely terrifying.

Everyone was shocked. Ye Tianling, who has reached the top, is going to fall like this!

Chu Yaoyao's heart throbbed even more.

Ye Tianling's face was calm, he casually took out a treasure of heaven, and then suddenly threw it upwards.

A terrifying might of Heavenly Venerable surged out.

When the power of the treasure was blasted upwards, the expression of Zhun Tianzun surnamed Zhao suddenly changed, and he felt the power of the treasure.


When he was still immersed in shock, the terrifying power directly annihilated his palm, but this did not end. The Zhun Tianzun surnamed Zhao and even the few Zhun Tianzun who followed were all shocked by this terrifying power Tremble.

None of the four Quasi-Tianzun could resist Ye Tianling's attack. At this moment, each of them spurted blood wildly, and their faces were pale.

"How is this possible!" Wu Yuan's complexion changed drastically, he never thought that Ye Tianling was actually holding a treasure.

You know, even his father doesn't have the treasure of heaven!

Everyone was even more stunned, who is Ye Tianling?There is a heavenly treasure?

Ye Tianling looked indifferent, he glanced at these quasi-celestial beings, and said coldly: "Go to death."

The treasure in his hand suddenly smashed away, the terrifying power was like a flood, extremely ferocious.

"Not good!" The expressions of the four quasi-celestial gods changed drastically, and they immediately mobilized the most powerful force, trying to resist this terrifying blow.

The next moment, there was just a bang, and the attack released by the four of them was like an egg, which was crushed directly, followed by another bang, and they felt terrible power sweeping over and wrapping around their bodies.

In an instant, their flesh and blood, internal organs, and even their souls were forcibly wiped out.


The scene was silent.

Ye Tianling possessed treasures and easily crushed and killed four quasi-celestial beings, which made everyone fearful.

When empty.

Wu Yuan's face changed drastically, he looked at Ye Tianling in horror, and said in a trembling voice: "How is it possible, how can you be so powerful!"

"How is it possible?" Ye Tianling smiled playfully, and launched an attack at random.

"No." Wuyuan yelled in horror, and hastily used the most powerful force, but it was of no avail at all. Ye Tianling's attack was a step of the power of a god, no matter how hard he tried, it was absolutely impossible to block it.

With a bang, Wu Yuan's figure turned into a blood mist.

A generation of geniuses fell away.

Chu Yaoyao stared blankly at Ye Tianling, thinking that Ye Tianling would surely die this time, but who would have thought that Ye Tianling would be so powerful.

Huo Nan and Bi Qingqing were also terrified by this scene. Fortunately, they didn't attack Ye Tianling, otherwise their end might be the same as Wu Yuan.

Ye Tianling smiled faintly, not at all because he had killed someone just now, he looked at Chu Yaoyao and smiled and said: "Didn't it scare you? Actually, I don't usually kill people."

(End of this chapter)

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