Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 573 Heartbroken Xiao Ran

Chapter 573 Heartbroken Xiao Ran

at this time.

Ye Tianling and Chu Yaoyao were galloping, and a palace gradually appeared in Chu Yaoyao's sight.

This palace stands at the highest point of the first floor space, and there are iron rules in the first floor space.

Only the top forces can build the palace at the highest point in space, because the higher the place, the more intense the original material energy.

If every force establishes the sect at the highest point, it will reduce the original material.

The original energy substance permeates steadily every day. If there are too many sects, the supply of the original energy substance will be in short supply.

Therefore, there is such a regulation.

"Is this the God of War Palace?" Chu Yaoyao looked at the majestic palace, shocked and puzzled.

She was born in the first layer of space, and she knows the forces of the first layer of space like the back of her hand. However, when did the God of War Palace appear?
And it's built on top of that.

Boom boom boom!
When Ye Tianling and Chu Yaoyao were standing outside the palace of the God of War Palace, there were suddenly countless waves of terrifying majesty's power that filled the air!

Feeling the power of so many quasi-celestial beings, Chu Yaoyao felt extremely shocked.

It was as if the soul had been hit hard by a heavy hammer.

When did the first layer of space have so many quasi-celestial beings?Based on her perception alone, she felt that there were more than 40 quasi-celestial beings.

This terrifying lineup, even if placed on the seventh floor, can definitely be regarded as a large army!

Several figures came out of the palace, each of which was unparalleled in beauty and elegance.

When Chu Yaoyao saw these beauties, her heart suddenly trembled. There are so many stunning beauties in the first floor space!
For cultivators, there are almost no ugly women, but... a group of beautiful women like this are extremely rare.

Ling Miao, Leng Xue, Dongfang Qingqing, Xiao Ran, Chi Menghan, Duanmu Qingxue, Gu Xiaolian, Ouyang Qing.

All the girls are there.

When they saw Chu Yaoyao, the beautiful Liu Yemei immediately frowned, and her beautiful eyes were sizing up Chu Yaoyao.

Chu Yaoyao is extremely beautiful, but!

Why did Ye Tianling bring her here?

Is it!

Is this beauty Ye Tianling's fourth wife who has not been heard from?

Ye Tianling looked at them with complicated eyes, Xiao Ran and the others...is there really one of them who is his daughter!
If this is the case!It is against human reason.

If so, what should he do?
Looking at Ye Tianling with Lingmiao beautiful eyes, she said lightly, "Tell me, who is she!"

"Let's go in and talk about it." Ye Tianling said, and led Chu Yaoyao into the palace.

Lingmiao and the others entered the palace together without saying anything.

In the hall of the palace.

People sit down.

Ye Tianling held his forehead, looking very distressed.

Everyone was silent, waiting for Ye Tianling to speak first.

It's time for a cup of tea.

Ye Tianling glanced at everyone, and said, "Her name is Chu Yaoyao, and she is my biological daughter."


The faces of the women showed shock, how could this be possible!

Lingmiao knew that Ye Tianling had no heirs in his previous life, so where did this Chu Yaoyao come from?

Xiao Ran was extremely annoyed, stood up abruptly, looked at Ye Tianling coldly with beautiful eyes, and said coldly: "Do you have other women outside!"

"No more..." Ye Tianling shook his head lightly, looked at Xiao Ran with a complicated expression and said: "You and Yaoyao look at each other for three breaths!"

Xiao Ran frowned, what time is it!Want to stare at a Chu Yaoyao who came out of nowhere?
"Hurry up and look at each other!" Ye Tianling said in a deep voice.

He is not afraid of anything else now, but he is afraid that Xiao Ran and Chu Yaoyao will not resonate in their blood.

If so, wouldn't it mean that Xiao Ran and Chu Yaoyao are not mother and daughter?If so, then who exactly is Xiao Ran?

Xiao Ran felt that Ye Tianling seemed a little angry, she showed displeasure, but she still looked at Chu Yaoyao.

Chu Yaoyao was also looking into Xiao Ran's eyes, and took three full breaths without any reaction.

Seeing this, Ye Tianling felt as if his soul had been struck by lightning, which made his soul tremble.

Chu Yaoyao and Xiao Ran didn't resonate in blood!
"Huh..." Ye Tianling was restless, this matter is too serious, so serious that it is a knot.

Xiao Ran frowned, looked at Ye Tianling, and asked in a deep voice: "Why do you want me to look at her?"

Ye Tianling was silent for a while, and finally, looking at Xiao Ran, he said: "At first, I thought that Yaoyao was the daughter made by me and you, but when you first met, there was no resonance in blood!"

Ye Tianling didn't continue talking.

Xiao Ran was stunned.

It turned out to be the case.

However, she and Chu Yaoyao really do not have a blood resonance...

"This Chu Yaoyao should not be your biological daughter!" Xiao Ran said.

"She is!" Ye Tianling said weakly.

Xiao Ran froze there.

The girls were also stunned there.

If Chu Yaoyao is really Ye Tianling's daughter, and Xiao Ran, Chu Yaoyao and Xiao Ran did not form a blood resonance!
Could it be that Xiao Ran was not Ye Tianling's wife in his previous life?

Lingmiao frowned, looked at Ye Tianling and asked, "Why do you think she was born to you and Ran'er? Maybe, she was born to you, Qingxue, Menghan, and Ruoxi?"

"Yaoyao's appearance is three points like what Ran'er looked like when he was in Tianling Continent." Ye Tianling said softly.

The crowd was silent.

Xiao Ran's heart was broken!
She understood, that is to say, she was not Ye Tianling's previous wife, everything was wrong.

Xiao Ran suddenly felt that he had become an outsider.

When she was in Hulu Town, she was very disgusted that she married Ye Tianling because of her unwarranted wife from the previous life.

And now.

She wished so much that she was Ye Tianling's previous wife.

But... it's just hope.

Xiao Ran's beautiful eyes were like dots of stars, unparalleled in brilliance, at this moment she shed crystal clear tears.

Dongfang Qingqing spoke at this time, breaking the silence, and said to everyone: "As far as I know, there are many immediate relatives, mother and son, father and daughter can cause blood resonance, but mother and daughter, father and son cannot cause blood resonance. "

After hearing this, Ye Tianling frowned, it was true...

The creatures in the world are divided into yin and yang, with yin as the mother and yang as the male.

The fusion of yin and yang is the complete sky.


Yin and Yang seem to be like heaven and earth, the sky is the male and the earth is the female!

among humans.

It also has the original reaction of opposite sex attraction and same sex repulsion.

Therefore, most relatives can achieve blood resonance between the opposite sex.

Only a very small number of people can resonate with the blood of the same sex.

"There is a way!" Ye Tianling frowned, and said to everyone: "Yaoyao has been in Ran'er's stomach for ten years, and there is a certain similarity between mother and daughter. , taking a bath together, can also form a blood resonance!"

Lingmiao and the others nodded lightly.

Lingmiao looked at Xiao Ran with a melancholy face, and comforted him: "Don't be sad, even if you are not Tianling's previous wife, you still have a relationship with Tianling, no matter what, you and Tianling are still husband and wife!"

(End of this chapter)

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