Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 575 The Infinite Sect

Chapter 575 The Infinite Sect

Chu Yaoyao just felt dizzy, what is the origin of her biological parents, there are so many one-star treasures.

You know, even the first-step peak Tianzun in the first layer of space does not have a one-star treasure.

And Ye Tianling sacrificed ten one-star treasures before, so one can imagine how profound Ye Tianling's background is.

Now that Xiao Ran has also taken out so many one-star treasures, even if her Dao heart is extremely stable, she can't help being shocked.

"Hurry up." Ye Tianling urged.

Chu Yaoyao rolled her eyes, but now it has been confirmed that she is the daughter of Ye Tianling and Xiao Ran, logically speaking, she wants to be called.

"Father, mother."

After hearing this, Ye Tianling and Xiao Ran had a sweet smile on their faces.

"I'll give it all to you. With these treasures, I can defend myself." Xiao Ran gave a bunch of treasures to Chu Yaoyao with all his might.

"Eh... I don't need so many, one is enough." Chu Yaoyao said speechlessly.

"It's okay, there are many one-star treasures, let's play with them." Xiao Ran smiled, wishing to give all the good things to Chu Yaoyao.

"Okay." Chu Yaoyao was speechless, she didn't take the one-star treasure seriously, what else could she say?
Ye Tianling said at this time: "From now on, your name is Ye Yaoyao!"

Ye Yaoyao nodded.

"Before I felt that there were many Quasi-Tianzun, what happened?" Ye Yaoyao asked the doubts in her heart.

"Those are the disciples of the God of War Palace, a total of 46 people, each of whom is a quasi-celestial being..." Ye Tianling said slowly.

"What!" Ye Yaoyao's eyes widened, all of them were quasi-celestial beings, this is too strong...

Ye Tianling communicated with the heavenly book in his mind and asked: "Can Yaoyao enter the page of time to practice?"

"Yes!" Tianshu said.

"That's good." Ye Tianling felt relieved, looked at Ye Yaoyao and said, "After two days, I will take you to practice and break through to the Quasi-Emperor before coming out."

"Ah?" Ye Yaoyao blinked her beautiful eyes, it will take many years to break through to the Quasi-Emperor...

"Don't worry, you can come out in three days at most." Xiao Ran said with a smile.

Ye Yaoyao was puzzled, but she didn't ask any questions, anyway, she would know when the time came.

Afterwards, Ye Yaoyao inquired, wanting to know the situation of Ye Tianling and Ye Tianling in the God of War Palace.

When she learned that Ye Tianling was actually the former Invincible Supreme, she couldn't help but feel a turmoil in her heart.

When he learned that Xiao Ran and the others were actually one of the former six female supreme beings, his heart was even more strongly stimulated.

Her parents, and even her father's woman, are all so famous, that is the top level of the entire universe!
Then one after another learned a lot of things, Ye Yaoyao felt dizzy, this time she learned too much shocking news at once, she wanted to take a bath and be quiet for a while.

Ye Tianling and the others smiled and said nothing.

Ye Tianling looked at Duanmu Qingxue and the others, and didn't know what to say...

Duanmu Qingxue and the others were also silent all the time. After learning about that incident, they were very flustered and didn't know what to do.

"Actually, I think that even if you are not my wife in the previous life, you can't be my daughter!" Ye Tianling said.

"Why?" Duanmu Qingxue asked doubtfully.

"Feeling." Ye Tianling said forcefully.

"Feeling..." Duanmu Qingxue and the others remained silent, feeling that sometimes this kind of thing is accurate, sometimes it is not accurate, how about it, who will know until the end?
Ye Tianling didn't say anything more.

at this time.

outside world!

There has already been an uproar, just because someone climbed to the top of the Dragon Ladder. In such a place, no one can reach the top for at least tens of millions of years!

In addition, everyone is also rumoring that Chu Yaoyao has climbed to the top of the 890th floor. With such a talent for martial arts, there is an [-]% chance that she will be able to reach the Supreme in the future.

In the Borderlands, far away, where the highest sky rises a mountain of glorious air!

This mountain range stretches for thousands of miles, and people can't help but feel awe just by seeing it.

And that's not the most important thing!
The main thing is that such a mountain was uprooted by a powerful force and thus built in the sky. One can imagine how powerful the person who can do this is?I am afraid that only the power of Tianzun can shake it?

Build a palace on this mountain, and in front of the palace are carved three powerful characters.

Wuliangzong is as famous as Haibozong, Yunfengzong, and Huoyan Palace, and they are the pinnacle forces.

The suzerain is Wuliang Tianzun and Wuyuan's father.

Within the sect.

An imposing middle-aged man stood in the hall with a cold face, his eyes were gloomy, and he said coldly: "If you kill my son, you must die!"

At this time.

A figure hurriedly appeared outside, and then entered the palace.

He said to the middle-aged man in a deep voice: "Sovereign, the matter has been found out, the person who killed the young suzerain is called Ye Tianling, Ye Tianling and Chu Yaoyao climbed the ladder and left, and then went to Feijianmen, and we also went to Feijianmen After inquiring about the situation, it turned out that Feijian Tianzun, including Haibo Tianzun and Yunfeng Tianzun, were all killed by Ye Tianling."

"What!" After Wuliang Tianzun heard this, his expression suddenly changed. The three Tianzun who were in the same realm as him were all killed by Ye Tianling!
"What is the origin of Ye Tianling!" Wuliang Tianzun said in a deep voice.

"According to the news from the people of Feijianmen, they heard the three words of the God of War Palace. The Palace of the God of War should be a force that recently appeared in the border area."

Wuliang Tianzun frowned, panic flashed in his heart, and he said in a deep voice: "Check it out for this sect! We must find out the truth about this person!"

"Yes!" The quasi-Tianzun said, and then left.

There was only Wuliang Tianzun left in the hall, and he frowned thoughtfully!
He is about the same strength as Haibo Tianzun and the others, even they lost against Ye Tianling, if he faced Ye Tianling, wouldn't he be defeated too?
"No! You must contact the law enforcement officers on the second floor!" Wuliang Tianzun said in a deep voice.

The Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate is not only the giant of the first layer of space, but also the law enforcer of the first layer of space!
Looking at the first layer of space, only he can contact the Tianzun of the second layer of space.

Time flies by.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

During these seven days, Wuliang Tianzun learned that the God of War Palace is a force that just came up from the Immortal Realm!
And the owner of the God of War Palace is Ye Tianling.

"Hmph!" Wuliang Tianzun sat on the main seat, his eyes were gloomy, and he said to himself coldly: "When Erbu Tianzun arrives, it will be your death time!"

He has already learned that Ye Tianling killed Haibo Tianzun mainly with the Tianzun treasure.

And the number of treasures made him dumbfounded, which made him really want to get those treasures.

"Treasures..." The eyes of Wuliang Tianzun showed greed. It is needless to say how precious the treasures are.

Whoever it is, wants it!

(End of this chapter)

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