Chapter 58

"Oh my God... Nanyang Town is just a small town, and the Ye family can actually raise a talent like Ye Wuchen and such a beauty in such a barren land... I can't imagine it!"

"Ye Tianling is also very powerful. With the spiritual master realm, he can fight tens of thousands of spiritual master soldiers alone. Looking at the world, how many people can do it?"

"Hiss... It's unbelievable that a small place like Ye's family can produce three great talents in succession."

Gu Qingfeng in the crowd couldn't help looking at Ye Tianling in astonishment, and said, "I didn't expect you to be members of the Ye family... Your Ye family is really powerful..."

Ye Tianling smiled without saying a word.

Gu Qingfeng asked: "Just now I heard that Ye Li claimed to be the patriarch of the clan. Could it be that she is the patriarch of the Ye family?"

Ye Tianling nodded lightly.

"Damn..." Gu Qingfeng said in shock: "There is still a patriarch in his twenties... Your Ye family is really different..."

Ye Tianling glanced at him and said softly, "She is already 32 years old..."

"..." Gu Qingfeng was confused, looking at Ye Li in the air, he looked like he was in his twenties...

At this time, in the air, the five gods were silent, they had experienced the era of Ye Wuchen.

At that time, they were suppressed by Ye Wuchen and could not raise their heads. Unexpectedly, after 16 years, they were suppressed by Ye Wuchen's portable sword again.

The five gods looked at Chi Yan, and said in a low voice, "Your Highness, we are no match for her."

Chi Yan nodded, his face was gloomy, he didn't expect the Bingchen Sword of Linghuang level to be so powerful!
But Ye Li is only a one-star spirit king, how much spiritual energy can he consume?
The Spirit King holds the Bingchen Sword in his hand. Although he can exert the power of the Spirit Emperor, every time he uses it, he needs to consume a huge amount of spiritual energy!

And Ye Li has already shot twice in a row, yet he still hasn't experienced the powerless state caused by exhaustion of spiritual energy, it's really puzzling!

Although the five gods can continue to fight again, if Ye Li really exerts all his strength to exert a strong fighting power, then the life of the five gods will be threatened!
Five gods!It is too important to the Tengfeng Empire, and it is impossible to lose even one!

Chi Yan took a deep breath, turned around and looked into the palace, and said slowly: "I ask the queen mother to take action, abolish Ye Li's cultivation, and then kill Ye Tianling!"

Everyone also followed Chi Yan's line of sight and looked towards the entrance of the palace.

Tap, tap, tap...

Footsteps sounded in the palace, and the footsteps were even and smooth...

As the voice became clearer, everyone saw a woman walking out!
She was wearing a phoenix robe, a crown on her head, and an exquisite face. She was a great beauty!

However, her delicate and pretty face has traces left by the passage of time!
Judging from his face, he is about 40 years old.

Although already forty, but the charm still exists, the charm is infinite!
When everyone saw this figure, they knelt down and bowed together: "I have seen the king!"

Even the five gods were no exception, they all swept down, and then bowed to salute.

This woman is Qiu Qianxue, the lord of the current Tengfeng Empire.

Qiu Qianxue stood with her hands behind her back, her beautiful eyes looked at Ye Li in the air and said slowly: "Why do you have to stand there, why not come down and talk!"

Ye Li's beautiful eyes looked down at Qiu Qianxue indifferently and said coldly: "There is nothing to say, the current crown prince Chi Yan ordered the three great spirit kings to attack my Ye family and kill more than 30 members of my Ye family. The patriarch must report today!"

Qiu Qianxue smiled faintly, and said: "With your own strength, you have no chance of revenge... unless you use that hole card... But... that hole card, you won't use it unless it is absolutely necessary... ..."

Ye Li's beautiful eyes flickered, and she didn't respond to Qiu Qianxue, but looked at her coldly and said: "Hand over Chi Yan, and then let Lin Menghan go, this matter will be over! Otherwise... even if I Paying a heavy price will also hurt the Tengfeng Empire!"

Qiu Qianxue's beautiful eyes flickered, and Ye Li's tone was full of determination, as if if he didn't hand over Chi Yan, he would definitely use that hole card!

As for that hole card, Qiu Qianxue was quite afraid in her heart, but it was absolutely impossible for her to hand over Chi Yan!
If Chi Yan was handed over, it would be equivalent to the Tengfeng Empire surrendering. If the empire had surrendered, there might be discord among the people and unforeseen consequences.

"Chi Yan is the current crown prince, the emperor will not let him out!" Qiu Qianxue said lightly, her voice full of firmness.

"Then die!" Ye Li looked at Chi Yan with icy eyes, and the Wuchen Sword in his hand pierced through the void, radiating a lingering sword glow, and descended from the sky!

Wherever the sword light passed, afterimages were left behind!
This blow!Obviously, it was aimed at Chi Yan!
"Mother's queen." Chi Yan's pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately called out to Qiu Qianxue
"Overreaching!" Qiu Qianxue shook her head, and with a flick of her sleeve casually, the turbulent power rushed towards the sky like a stormy sea!
With one blow, the sword light of this sword dissipated immediately...

And Ye Li in the air, because of the strongest blow, drained all the aura in her body, leaving her without aura to support her body in the air!
Ye Li fell from the sky, with his arms open, his dress fluttering, his three thousand beautiful hair fluttering like ink...

A figure suddenly rose into the sky, this person was Ye Tianling, he caught Ye Li.

The figures of the two slowly descended from the air, Ye Li looked at Ye Tianling with beautiful eyes, showed a wry smile, and said weakly: "I... tried my best..."

"Don't talk..." Ye Tianling looked at her softly, feeling a pain in his heart.

Ye Li, who is usually domineering and domineering, has lost all his arrogance at this moment, and his current appearance makes people feel pity.

Countless people watched this scene, each and every one of them showed envy and jealousy.

Why wasn't he holding Ye Li?But Ye Tianling?
"Mother!" Chi Yan immediately said to Qiu Qianxue: "Destroy Ye Li's cultivation, and then slaughter Ye Tianling!"

Qiu Qianxue looked at Chi Yan with her beautiful eyes, and she said coldly, "You are the prince! You are not qualified to order me yet!"

Chi Yan's heart skipped a beat, his face turned slightly pale, his mother... seemed to be angry.

Qiu Qianxue looked at Ye Tianling and Ye Li who had landed on the martial arts stage, and said slowly: "This emperor took out a book of high-grade mysterious exercises and high-grade martial arts, plus 1000 million spirit stones, how about finishing this matter?" ?”

As soon as these words came out, Chi Yan's face immediately became ugly. He couldn't figure it out, why his mother didn't do it when he had the opportunity to abolish Ye Li and then kill Ye Tianling?

At this time...Ye Li took a Qi Gathering Pill, and the aura in the sea of ​​Qi in his body was replenished.

She stood with her hands behind her back, looked at Qiu Qianxue and said indifferently: "This matter must be paid with Chi Yan's life!"

(End of this chapter)

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