Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 591

Chapter 591
Luo Yiyi blushed when she saw Ye Tianling's eyes, she was puzzled.

At the beginning, he said he was going to leave, but now he looks at her with such eyes, what is the meaning?
Seeing her appearance, Ye Tianling's eyes twitched slightly.

Luo Yiyi is the same as Ye Yaoyao...

Wouldn't they all fall in love with him?

"Ahem." Ye Tianling said solemnly: "I suspect that you may be my biological daughter."

"My daughter?" Luo Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, and then her beautiful eyes widened. It turned out that Ye Tianling looked at her with pampering eyes.

Not between man and woman...

"Yes." Ye Tianling said seriously: "Think about it, only immediate family members will have this kind of blood reaction. This alone is enough to suspect that we are immediate family members. In addition, my daughter is 99 years old this year. .”

"..." Luo Yiyi shook her head and denied: "I'm from the Luo family, what's more, you came from the first layer of space, no matter how powerful you are, you can't give birth to me across the space, right?"

"It's just speculation now, I want to investigate." Ye Tianling said.

Although Luo Yiyi didn't believe it, as long as he believed it, it would be fine.

After half an hour.

Two people came in at the gate of the yard.

They looked dignified and stiff.

Ye Tianling and Luo Yiyi looked at them.

"Father, grandpa." Luo Yiyi called.

Ye Tianling understood, are these two Luo Yiyi's father and grandfather?
Luo Yiyi's father's name is Luo Yang, and his grandfather's name is Luo Jun.

Luo Yang looked at Ye Tianling and said respectfully: "Your Excellency, I don't know that it's rude for an adult like you to stay here."

Luo Jun nodded, and said to Ye Tianling: "Your Excellency, what needs do you have, the Luo family will definitely satisfy you."

Luo Yang and Luo Jun already knew that Ye Tianling had slaughtered the Ascending Origin Realm of the Bai family, as well as the Immortal King.

It can be said that the current Bai family is finished.

And Ye Tianling was able to kill the Immortal King with his Ascending Origin Realm, which deeply shocked their hearts.

They also had scruples about Ye Tianling. They didn't know what kind of heart Ye Tianling was, and whether he would kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Ye Tianling looked at them and said with a smile: "I really have something to trouble you."

"Please tell me, Your Excellency." Luo Jun frowned slightly and said.

"Let me ask you, is Luo Yiyi directly related to you two?" Ye Tianling stared at the two of them.

"This is naturally a direct relationship. What doubts do you have?" Luo Jun asked puzzled.

"What I'm asking is, is Luo Yiyi related to you by blood!" Ye Tianling frowned, and an invisible coercion rushed forward, oppressing Luo Yang and Luo Jun.

Under this oppression, the two of them broke out in cold sweat, feeling panic in their hearts.

Luo Yang trembled slightly: "Yiyi is not my biological daughter."

"What?" Luo Jun's white eyebrows trembled, his old eyes flashed with shock, he looked at Luo Yang in disbelief and said, "Yiyi is not your biological daughter? Whose is it?"

Luo Yiyi was also shocked, she is not Luo Yang's biological daughter?

Luoyang revealed memories, and said: "99 years ago, a sacred stone fell from the sky, and the area where it landed happened to be the place where I retreated. I saw life fluctuations in the sacred stone, so I went over to take a look curiously, and then that The divine stone suddenly shattered, and there was a baby girl inside, so I brought Yiyi back and treated her like my own daughter."

"Then why didn't you tell me!" Luo Jun's white eyebrows trembled angrily, and he didn't even tell him such a big thing.

The corner of Luo Yang's mouth twitched, and he said speechlessly, "If I tell you, I'm afraid you will make me throw her away."

Luo Jun blew his beard and stared, and scolded: "How could I let you throw her away!"

"Stop arguing." Ye Tianling interrupted the two of them, looked at them and said, "Luo Yiyi has a blood relationship with me, and my missing children are just 99 years old this year, so she is my biological daughter. "

"Your?" Luo Yang was taken aback, and Luo Jun was also taken aback.

Isn't this a coincidence?
Luo Yiyi's complexion was slightly pale at this time, after living for so long, she is not from the Luo family.

Could it be that she is really Ye Tianling's daughter?
Ye Tianling nodded lightly. He frowned, stared at the two of them, and said coldly: "You almost married my daughter to someone you don't like, almost ruined her life!"

Luo Yang and Luo Jun's faces turned pale immediately, and there was a hint of fear in their eyes.

Luo Yang said in a trembling voice: "Because the Luo family and the Bai family are family friends, the children of both families will marry each other."

Ye Tianling was silent.

Some family powers do.

With a flick of his sleeve, Ye Tianling casually took out some secret techniques for the two of them, and said in a low voice, "These are the secret techniques of Heavenly Venerate! It's your reward for raising my daughter!"

"Tianzun's secret technique." Luo Yang and Luo Jun's eyes trembled. The Tianzun's secret technique was something they had dreamed of, but now they got it?

They didn't doubt the authenticity of Tianzun's secret method, after all Ye Tianling had no reason to lie to them.

Ye Tianling ignored them, looked at the dazed Luo Yiyi, and said, "Follow me."

Luo Yiyi came back to his senses.

There were so many things that happened that day that she couldn't digest them for a while.

"I want to be quiet, can I?" Luo Yiyi said softly.

"Yes." Ye Tianling nodded lightly, glanced at Luoyang and Luojun, and said, "Let's go."

The three leave.

Luo Yiyi was the only one left in the yard.

There is a complex look in her beautiful eyes.

Originally, she didn't want to marry Bailong, but Ye Tianling's appearance made her free again.


Knowing that she has no blood relationship with the Luo family, I feel very complicated. The place where I have lived for so long has little to do with her.

Although she doesn't want to stay in such a family that sacrifices the happiness of her children.

Now she has a father who is not sure yet, and the father's root bone age is younger than her.

While she was speechless, her heart trembled, not knowing how to face all this.

Until half a day passed.

Ye Tianling walked in, looked at Luo Yiyi who was absent-minded, and said softly: "Have you thought about it?"

"Think about it, I'll go with you." Luo Yiyi looked at Ye Tianling with beautiful eyes, no matter what, she and Ye Tianling did cause a blood reaction, at least it can show that she and Ye Tianling are related by direct blood, they are relatives.

As for whether Ye Tianling is her biological father, it is not yet certain.

Ye Tianling smiled slightly.

He walked to the stone bench and sat down, said with a smile, "If you don't want to part with this place, you can stay here for a few more days."

"No..." Luo Yiyi lightly shook her head, this place... There is nothing she misses, and there is nothing worth staying here for her.

"Then let's start tomorrow." Ye Tianling said, thinking in his heart.

Now that he has found another heir, he only needs to find two more heirs and his wife, Jun Ruoxi.

At that time, is the real family reunion.

(End of this chapter)

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