Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 6 Are You As Handsome As Me?

Chapter 6 Are You As Handsome As Me?

from time immemorial,

book of fate,

hold the past,

insight into the future,

go against the sky,

Ye Tianling continued to look down, the fusion of the soul and the book of destiny, can break the rules and go against the sky.

"So that's how it is..." Ye Tianling murmured, it turned out that his body and soul had escaped the rules of heaven and earth in some aspects!
So when you are a one-star spirit disciple, you can have the power of a six-star spirit disciple!

But at this time, the door of the dynamometer room was suddenly opened, and Ye Han and a young man walked in.

They first looked at the six rays of light on the force measuring stone, and their pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly!
"So you are a six-star spiritual disciple!" Ye Han said with a sullen face.

Ye Tianling turned around and took a look at him, then didn't look again, and was about to walk out of the dynamometer room immediately.

"Stop!" The young man beside Ye Han suddenly stopped Ye Tianling, he looked at Ye Tianling coldly and said coldly: "Ye Kongcheng's hand was broken by you, you are guilty!"

Ye Tianling glanced at him. This young man's name was Ye Bo, and he was also an inner disciple.

Ye Tianling just glanced at him, and walked out of the dynamometer room.


Ye Bo clenched his fists tightly, his face was gloomy, and there was a gleam of coldness in his eyes, this Ye Tianling is really arrogant...

Ye Han laughed, looked at Ye Bo and said, "Don't worry, I'll embarrass him later!"

Ye Bo nodded, already imagining Ye Tianling's anger in his mind.

After a cup of tea, everyone came to the meeting hall of inner disciples!
I saw a graceful and luxurious beauty standing with her hands behind her back, and her beautiful eyes looked at everyone indifferently.

When many inner disciples saw this beauty, they couldn't help being awe-inspiring, and they didn't dare to be presumptuous.

Because this beauty is Ye Li, the patriarch of the Ye family.

She is very beautiful, her face is overwhelming, and her skin is like jade. Even though she is in her 30s, she still cannot hide her magnificence.

Ye Li looked at Ye Tianling and Ye Han with beautiful eyes, and said in a low voice: "You two will become inner disciples of the family, you must practice hard, and you will become the pillars of the family in the future."

Ye Han was extremely respectful, and he said in a concentrated voice: "I, Ye Han, have dedicated my whole life to the family, and I will definitely cultivate hard and relieve the family's worries as soon as possible!"

Ye Li nodded and praised: "That's right...it's very rare for you to have such a heart."

Ye Li looked at Ye Tianling again, and her black eyebrows couldn't help but frowned slightly, because Ye Tianling was sitting lazily on a chair, tasting tea.

She didn't get angry, but she was just wondering, why are you sitting when everyone else is standing?And not the slightest bit nervous?
"Ye Tianling, do you have anything to say?" Ye Li asked quietly.

Everyone also looked at Ye Tianling in unison, and couldn't help sneering in their hearts seeing him so casually.

How dare you act like this in front of the patriarch, you are really defiant and reckless!
Ye Tianling took a sip of the tea, and then looked intoxicated after tasting the taste of the tea. After a long time, he looked at Ye Li and said softly: "There is nothing to say."

Ye Li's black eyebrows frowned slightly, this guy...

"Patriarch, I have something to ask!" Ye Han said suddenly at this moment.

Ye Li looked at him and said softly, "Speak."

Ye Han glanced at the lazy Ye Tianling, and immediately said to Ye Li: "Patriarch, I like Ye Qingxue, I want you to betroth Ye Qingxue to me."

Ye Li's black eyebrows slightly raised, she looked at Ye Han and said calmly: "As far as I know, Ye Qingxue seems to like Ye Tianling."

Ye Han's face changed, and he immediately said: "Patriarch Hui, as far as I know, Ye Qingxue just has a crush on Ye Tianling!"

Ye Li nodded, looked at Ye Han and asked in a low voice: "Qingxue is a beauty of the Ye clan, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to marry her..."

"Is this enough!" Ye Han was shocked, and nine rays of light suddenly appeared all over his body!
Seeing this, everyone was shocked and dumbfounded. The nine rays of light represent nine spiritual roots...

When Ye Han tested the spirit root yesterday, wasn't it seven cuts?Why did it suddenly become nine pieces today?
Ye Tianling, who was lazily sitting on the chair, couldn't help but frowned slightly. Why did Ye Han's spiritual roots suddenly grow in two?
Could it be that like him, he also has the technique of devouring other people's spiritual roots?
This idea was quickly vetoed by Ye Tianling. He believed that such a heaven-defying technique like the Tuntian Jue was absolutely unique in the world.

Ye Li's beautiful eyes couldn't help revealing a look of shock, she stared at the nine rays of light, and said in a concentrated voice: "Nine sections of spiritual roots! The talent is very good..."

Seeing Ye Li's shocked eyes and everyone's stunned look, Ye Han felt very happy.

He glanced provocatively at Ye Tianling, and immediately explained to Ye Li: "Last night, my spiritual root suddenly grew in two pieces. I was also shocked at first. Logically speaking, when the age reaches sixteen, the spiritual root will not grow again." long."

"Later..." Ye Han pondered for a while, and said: "After I asked my father, I found out that my real age has not yet reached sixteen, and I am still one month away from actually reaching the age of sixteen."

"So that's how it is." Ye Li said lightly, looking at Ye Han with a gleam of joy in her eyes, she said: "You propose marriage to Ye Qingxue, I agree!"

After hearing this, Ye Han's face was overjoyed, and the patriarch had spoken, so Ye Qingxue had to marry if she didn't marry, and she had to marry if she married!


A voice suddenly broke the good atmosphere, and everyone looked at it!
Seeing that Ye Tianling had already stood up, he looked at Ye Li and said in a low voice: "I object to Ye Qingxue marrying Ye Han!"

Ye Li's beautiful eyes froze, she frowned slightly, stared at Ye Tianling, and said softly: "Ye Han has nine spiritual roots, Ye Qingxue will not be wronged if he marries him!"

"Won't you be wronged?" Ye Tianling sneered, looked at Ye Li's beautiful eyes, and said coldly: "That's just what you think, I dare say, Ye Qingxue will never want to marry Ye Han!"

Ye Li's face was slightly sullen, Ye Tianling actually scolded her like this!
"Ye Tianling! I think you are mentally unbalanced. You are jealous of me, envious of me, and you don't like me. You don't make me feel better, right?" Ye Han smiled, looked at Ye Tianling and said coldly.

"Jealous of you? Envious of you?" Ye Tianling smiled, the smile was meaningful and a little weird.

"Apart from having nine spiritual roots, you have nothing better than me. Are you as handsome as me? You are not! Are you as attractive as me to girls? You are not!" Ye Tianling stood with his hands behind his back and said disdainfully.

After Ye Han heard this, he couldn't help showing a sneer. Although he was not as good-looking as Ye Tianling, he was not much different.

As for...to please girls, he only needs to stand on the square, and there are countless girls in the clan who are crazy about him and scream for him!
(End of this chapter)

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