Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 61 81 Spirit Roots

Chapter 61 81 Spirit Roots

Ye Tianling couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then looked at Ye Wuchen and said, "Isn't this not very good?"

"I think it's pretty good." Ye Wuchen looked at Lin Menghan with a smile and said, "The only way you can repay us seems to be the only one..."

Lin Menghan took a deep breath, and she said slowly: "If Ye Tianling doesn't dislike me, I, Lin Menghan, are willing to marry."

"Cough cough..." Ye Tianling coughed speechlessly, and said, "My dad was just kidding with you, don't take it seriously..."

After hearing this, Lin Menghan couldn't help showing a hint of disappointment in her beautiful eyes.

Ever since Ye Tianling appeared in the palace, her heart has been completely captured.

But I didn't expect...Ye Tianling didn't want to marry her?Is it because you are not good enough?
Lin Menghan glanced at Ye Qingxue at the side from the corner of his eye, feeling bitter in his heart.

With such a virtuous wife, Ye Tianling really doesn't seem to have any advantages...

For a moment, she couldn't help feeling sour in her heart, and she also envied Ye Qingxue very much.

Ye Qingxue breathed a sigh of relief, she never thought that Lin Menghan would be willing to marry Ye Tianling, but luckily... Ye Tianling refused.

Although Lin Menghan has a good relationship with her, every woman is selfish in this regard, and she doesn't want to share her man with others.

Ye Li gave Ye Wuchen a hard look, and reprimanded: "Aren't you too despicable? You actually used this method to make Menghan marry your son!"

Ye Wuchen lay on the chair, glanced at Ye Li lazily, and said lightly: "Don't be so fierce... If I become your father someday, you will suffer."

"Become my father?" Ye Li was angry, her beautiful eyes glared at Ye Wuchen and said angrily: "You have learned to swear now, have you recovered your cultivation, and forgot yourself!"

Ye Wuchen smiled without saying a word, he glanced at Ye Tianling meaningfully, and teased in a voice that only he and Ye Tianling could hear: "Take Ye Li and let her call me daddy."

Ye Tianling had a strange look on his face, he was speechless to Ye Wuchen...

But...Ye Li has a special flavor...If she is really asked to marry someone else, it will still hurt a little...

"What are you talking about!" Ye Li looked at the faces of the father and son, and couldn't help saying angrily.

What shameful words do you have to gather together to form a thread?Keep them from hearing?
"I'll tell you when I become your father." Ye Wuchen said with a faint smile.

"You..." Ye Li's pretty face flushed with anger, she wished to beat Ye Wuchen up, but she couldn't, she couldn't bear it, sooner or later, she would hang Ye Wuchen from a tree and beat him up!
Lin Menghan and Ye Qingxue looked at each other, speechless in their hearts.

However, Lin Menghan liked this kind of atmosphere very much. When she was the young city lord, she couldn't find anyone to talk to. Even with her father, she talked in a normal manner.

How can there be such an unrestrained and harmonious atmosphere.

"Okay...I'm going back to rest for a while." Ye Wuchen said, and returned to his room.

Ye Tianling's eyes flickered for a moment, he looked at the three women and said, "I have something to do, you guys continue to eat."

Ye Tianling also left immediately.

Only the three girls were left standing there with puzzled faces, how many mouthfuls did they eat?Why don't you eat it?


And Ye Tianling had already left the Ye family, he knew that Ye Wuchen would leave tomorrow and go to a first-class region.

Although Ye Wuchen's eighteen spiritual roots are outstanding in a second-rate area, but in a first-rate area, such a talent is average at best.

And he wants to obtain a large number of spiritual roots before Ye Wuchen leaves, so as to graft the spiritual roots to Ye Wuchen. Only in this way can Ye Wuchen avoid some detours in the first-class area.

Ye Tianling's figure is like a ghost, flashing and flashing at dusk.

He came to the gambling room in Nanyang Town, where there were many gamblers, the place was full of smoke, and it was a gathering place for bad guys.

He sneaked into the depths of the gambling room. There were many rooms in it, and each room was made of solid steel.

There are a large number of gamblers who have no money to pay their debts, and there are also some people who specialize in guarding here.

"These people are doing all kinds of evil, and they will be killed as soon as they are killed. They just use your spiritual roots to pave the way for my father!"

Ye Tianling murmured in his heart, and with a flick of his sleeve, streams of ice-attribute spiritual power turned into water mist that filled the sky and attacked everyone here!

In just an instant, hundreds of people here were all frozen!


Ye Tianling punched out, and the metallic spiritual power burst out, turning into a phantom war hammer, and smashed at them fiercely!

Bang bang bang!

With one blow, these people were all spurted with blood, and when the blood flowed out, it was immediately frozen and formed a solid state!

Ye Tianling circulated the Heaven Swallowing Art, a powerful golden light filled the air, and there was a strong suction in the golden light.

When the golden light filled everyone, the spiritual roots in their bodies were all sucked out.

Ten spiritual roots!

Twenty spiritual roots!
Thirty pieces of spiritual roots!
Sixty spiritual roots!
81 Cutting the root of the spirit!
In just one cup of tea, Ye Tianling has devoured 73 spiritual roots!

And the spiritual root is only 81 pieces at most, Ye Tianling can no longer devour the spiritual root, so as to graft onto his own spiritual root!

Ye Tianling let out a deep sigh, what he absorbed this time was no longer the spiritual root, but the aura in their dantian qi sea!
In just a split second, the rich aura was wrapped in golden light. Because the aura was too rich, it could not help sublimating into a solid state, becoming spiritual water!
These spiritual waters permeated the sky, and at a glance, there was as much as a tank!

As Ye Tianling's words fell, a tank of spiritual water surged into the acupoints all over his body!

After flowing into the key points, Qi Qi poured into many meridians, and finally flowed into the sea of ​​qi!

In the time of two breaths, Ye Tianling's dantian made a muffled sound, which was the muffled sound when the sea of ​​Qi was broken by spiritual energy and broke through the realm.

"Three-star spiritual master!" Ye Tianling murmured, while many spiritual qis were still pouring into the sea of ​​qi.

"Five-star spiritual master!"

"Seven Star Healer!"

"Nine-Star Spirit Master!"

It was time for another cup of tea, and Ye Tianling's cultivation continued to break through, and finally stayed in the realm of a nine-star spiritual master, and there was no more spiritual energy to pour in.

"Huh..." Ye Tianling opened his eyes and let out a breath of foul air. He glanced at the frozen crowd, his eyes were deep, and he muttered to himself: "It's time to go home and graft the spiritual root to my father."

After all, Ye Tianling flashed and quickly left here...

When he left the gambling room, the sky had already darkened a lot, and the bright moon in the night sky had slowly risen, illuminating the dark night.

(End of this chapter)

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