Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 68 Chi Muchun

Chapter 68 Chi Muchun

With one day left before the four major forces, Ye Tianling came to Wanjin City first.

He came to a restaurant in the center of Wanjin City, drinking and eating on the second floor of the restaurant.

When he was in the imperial capital, he showed his extraordinary strength, relying on the spirit master realm to forcibly freeze tens of thousands of spirit master soldiers!
This scene!Countless people have seen it, and now the Tianjiao of the four major forces are about to compete!

Ye Tianling is confident that he can definitely win the first place in this competition!

However, only three people can enter the King's Secret Realm, and one of the four people will be eliminated.

Yunxiazong, Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, and Tengfeng Empire are all aware of this point.

"I really want to know how they will cope with this big competition..." Ye Tianling took a sip of his wine, feeling rather curious.

He came to Wanjin City one day in advance, just to know which geniuses in the spiritual master realm were sent by the three major forces.

At this time, a group of young people came to the second floor and sat down at a large round table.

As soon as he sat down, a young man said: "This time the empire has sent Chi Muchun to participate in this competition, and he will definitely be able to enter the top three!"

"Chi Muchun is a veteran genius. He has stayed in the spiritual master realm for five years in order to enter the king's secret realm that can only be opened once in ten years. Although there was an accident this time, a porridge hall suddenly appeared. But... Chi Muchun's strength is unquestionable, maybe he can become the number one in the competition!"

A young man in green shook his head and said: "Although Chi Muchun is very strong, it is still too difficult to be the first... This porridge hall was established by members of the Ye family, and the people participating in the competition this time are probably Ye Tianling!"

Another young man disdainfully said: "Although Ye Tianling is very strong, he must have reached the realm of a half-step spirit general. Only in this state can he defeat tens of thousands of spirit master soldiers with one hand, and Chi Muchun is also a half-step spirit general." Realm, it is not certain who will win and who will lose at that time!"

"It doesn't matter who wins between Chi Muchun and Ye Tianling, as long as Chi Muchun can enter the top three, and then enter the king's secret realm to get a chance!"

After hearing this, many young people stopped arguing, as long as the arrogance of the empire could enter the King's Secret Realm, that would be fine.

One of the young men in white glanced over the entire second floor, and when he caught sight of Ye Tianling, he couldn't help but froze slightly.

"Ye Tianling!" The young man in white couldn't help but lose his voice.

After hearing this, many men couldn't help but follow the gaze of the young man in white, and then looked over.

They have all seen Ye Tianling, the day the crown prince Chi Yan became the crown prince a few days ago, they stood in the crowd and saw all the scenes!
Ye Tianling raised his head and glanced at them, then he didn't look again, and continued to drink wine and eat meat.

He heard everything that those young people said just now.

Chi Muchun!Half star general realm!

Although a half-star spirit general does not belong to a real spirit general, but is still in the realm of a spiritual master, he is much stronger than a normal nine-star spiritual master.

Ye Tianling wasn't worried at all. He was already a nine-star spiritual master, and he had escaped the rules of heaven and earth. In addition, he possessed advanced martial arts and nine-rank all-attribute talents!
Even in the face of a real spirit general, he has no fear!

Seeing that Ye Tianling didn't pay attention to them, these young people couldn't help but look slightly ugly. Could it be that they were looking down on them?

Several people looked at each other, then left with gloomy faces...

Ye Tianling cast a glance, then shook his head, and continued drinking without saying anything.

And not long after, a piece of explosive news spread throughout Wanjin City!

That is Ye Tianling, the arrogance of the porridge hall, has come to Wanjin City and has already eaten in the restaurant!
After this news spread, it immediately attracted the attention of Tianjiao of the three major forces.

Among them, Chi Muchun, the Tianjiao of the Tengfeng Empire, rolled his eyes slightly, and muttered to himself: "I really want to see what the rumored Ten Thousand Slayer Ye Tianling looks like!"

At this time, a young man came to the restaurant. He was wearing extremely luxurious clothes, inlaid with crystal clear and extremely precious diamonds!

He also wears a glittering golden necklace around his neck and a jade wrench on his thumb!

At first glance, people think that this person is a local tyrant, and a very rich local tyrant!
The young man casually came to Ye Tianling's table, and then sat directly opposite Ye Tianling.

"Young Master Ye...why didn't you tell me when you came to Wan Jincheng? I am a direct descendant of the Ding family. I have a precious status and own millions of fortunes. I can treat you well." The young man lay on his back on the chair, Looking at Ye Tianling, he smiled lightly.

This young man is none other than Ding Xuan who participated in the competition in the imperial capital a few days ago.

Ye Tianling glanced at him and said softly, "What do you want from me?"

Ding Xuan smiled, and said: "Nowadays, the Congee Hall, which is comparable to the three major powers, is born, and this time the four major powers will hold a contest of geniuses. With your strength... I'm afraid you can easily win the first place..."

"First and second are not important, as long as you can enter the King's Secret Realm." Ye Tianling smiled lightly.

After Ding Xuan heard this, his eyes couldn't help flickering. It turned out that the Tianjiao who will appear in the porridge hall tomorrow is really Ye Tianling.

"Brother Ye...I wish you the best tomorrow."

Ye Tianling frowned slightly, and asked, "Aren't you the one who participated in the competition at the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce?"

Ding Xuan shook his head and said: "This time the situation is special, so we will send out geniuses who have stayed in the realm of spiritual masters for a long time to ensure that there will be a place to enter the secret realm of kings."

Ye Tianling nodded. It was similar to what he thought. The three major forces would send out veteran geniuses to ensure that they could enter the King's Secret Realm.

And at this moment, a young man walked up to the second floor, he glanced around, and finally stopped at Ye Tianling's table!
When he saw Ye Tianling, his expression turned ugly.

"I didn't expect you to be here! Last time you beat me up, this time I'm going to kill you!" This young man was Ding Tao who met at the inn a few days ago.

At that time, he deliberately raised the price of food, and was beaten up by Ye Tianling in the end.

Ding Xuan turned his back to Ding Tao, he turned around, frowned slightly, stared at Ding Tao and said in a deep voice: "Who do you want to kill?"

When Ding Tao saw Ding Xuan's face, his originally angry expression suddenly changed, and his face turned slightly pale.

He tremblingly said: "Brother Xuan... I... I'm not trying to kill you... I'm going to kill... the person opposite you..."

"Kill him?" Ding Xuan sneered, and shouted at Ding Tao in a deep voice: "Kneel down for me and kowtow to him to apologize!"

Ding Tao was confused for a moment, what's going on?He even made himself kneel down to apologize to Ye Tianling.

(End of this chapter)

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