Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 86 Grafting Spiritual Roots

Chapter 86 Grafting Spiritual Roots
Ye Tianling and Ye Li have already returned to the porridge hall. Just after returning, Ye Qingxue and Lin Menghan are like good wives, taking good care of Ye Tianling.

Seeing this, Ye Li couldn't help sighing with emotion: "If you have a man, you just look at me as the patriarch, you really don't have any conscience at all..."

Ye Qingxue couldn't help but blushed when she heard this, she quickly poured Ye Li a cup of tea, then lowered her head and said: "The patriarch has worked hard too."

Ye Li shook his head speechlessly.

Ye Tianling sat on the soft chair, looked at Ye Qingxue and said lightly: "Here's something nice for you."

"What good thing?" Ye Qingxue blinked her beautiful eyes and asked curiously.

Ye Tianling spread his hand, and there was an extra fireball in his hand. This fireball was obtained from the King's Secret Realm.

"This can burst out the power of a star spirit king. I will give it to you and keep it for self-defense."

Ye Qingxue shook her head, waved her hand and refused: "You need this thing more, I'll stay here all day, there won't be any danger."

"I don't need this thing, take it." Ye Tianling said lightly.

Ye Qingxue was silent, she knew that Ye Tianling had good intentions, but Ye Tianling was prone to conflicts with others, so it was better for Ye Tianling to keep such a sharp weapon for himself.

"Take it!" Seeing this, Ye Tianling's expression darkened, and he said in a deep voice!
Ye Qingxue saw Ye Tianling's face was a little angry, she was silent for a while, and then took the fireball away.

"Then what should you do?" Ye Qingxue asked.

Ye Tianling smiled faintly: "I can also explode the power of the Spirit King, don't worry."

Ye Qingxue nodded.

On the other hand, Lin Menghan's beautiful eyes darkened slightly, and she couldn't help but envy Ye Qingxue in her heart.

"This is for you." Ye Tianling stretched out his hand again, and there was an extra snowball in his hand, which also contained the power of a star spirit king!

When Lin Menghan saw this, the loss in her heart disappeared. It turned out that Ye Tianling also gave her the same treasure.

Lin Menghan didn't refuse. She knew that Ye Tianling could unleash the power of the Spirit King, so she immediately put the snowball away.

Ye Li, who was sitting on the soft chair, raised her eyebrows slightly, thinking in her heart, Ye Tianling should give him something, right?

One breath passed!
Ye Tianling remained silent!
Three breaths!

Ten breaths!

Ye Li was a little angry, Ye Tianling gave things to Ye Qingxue and Lin Menghan, why didn't he give her something?
Twenty breaths!
Ye Tianling sat there, eating fruit leisurely, enjoying the service of the two women.

And Ye Li!
She was so angry that she was about to explode. For Ye Tianling, she fought against Mo Wentian and Qiu Qianxue many times, and paid so much, but...Ye Tianling didn't even give her a small gift!

Ye Li is only angry in his heart!
After Ye Tianling ate some fruits, he looked at Ye Li with a light smile and said, "Beautiful Ye, can you cook me a bowl of porridge?"

After hearing this, Ye Li became even more angry. Grandma, why don't you die if you don't give the patriarch a gift and want the patriarch to cook porridge for you?
"No cooking!" Ye Li refused coldly!
After hearing this, Ye Tianling frowned slightly, looked at Ye Li suspiciously, and asked, "Why is your face so ugly? Could it be... You've come to the day when women bleed every month?"

After hearing this, Ye Li waved his sleeves and hit Ye Tianling with a blow!
Ye Tianling's figure flew upside down and fell heavily to the ground.

"Tian Ling!"

Seeing this, Ye Qingxue and Lin Menghan hurried forward, trying to help Ye Tianling up.

"Cough cough." Ye Tianling held his chest, and said to Ye Li, "Ye Li! Didn't you just ask if you have a bloody day, why beat me like this?"

"You deserve it! You deserve it!" Ye Li said coldly.

After beating Ye Tianling, the anger in her heart dissipated a little bit.

"You!" Ye Tianling was very angry, this is the first time Ye Li beat him up?

He didn't say anything more, he had already swore in his heart that when Lao Tzu breaks through the Spirit King, he will definitely suppress you!
Ye Qingxue and Lin Menghan glanced at each other, and then glanced at Ye Li who was looking angry.

I vaguely guessed something in my heart.

Ye Tianling gave them something, but Ye Li was left out, and Ye Li would definitely be angry!
If they were Ye Li, they would be very angry...

Ye Tianling has already stood up, he glanced at Ye Li unhappily, and then said to Ye Qingxue: "Follow me into the room!"

After all, Ye Tianling directly entered the room, while Ye Qingxue was a little dazed, why did she enter the room properly?

But she went in anyway.

After entering the room, Ye Tianling looked at Ye Qingxue and said: "You lie on the bed, no matter what I do to you later, you are not allowed to resist."

After hearing this, Ye Qingxue's pretty face blushed, she lowered her head, clenched her fists, and was very nervous.

"This...isn't this very good..." Ye Qingxue said weakly, not daring to look directly into Ye Tianling's eyes.

Ye Tianling patted his forehead, feeling speechless to Ye Qingxue, why is he so impure?I thought it was wrong!
"Lie down!" Ye Tianling's voice had an undeniable will!
Ye Qingxue took a deep breath, then lay down nervously!

She was very nervous, her nervous little heart was beating!

But outside the door, Ye Li's face was extremely ugly, she was already the Spirit King, and her ears and eyes were very clever!

She could clearly hear the voices in the room!

"Bastard! In broad daylight, you actually do such a mediocre thing!" Ye Li clenched his fists tightly, gnashing his teeth angrily.

Lin Menghan is a spiritual person, and her ears and eyes are very clever. At such a close distance, she can also hear the voice inside!

She blushed pretty, this Ye Tianling...really...

And in the room.

Ye Tianling communicated with the book of destiny, the book of destiny vibrated twice, and immediately filled with a strange power.

Forcibly tore out a section of Ye Tianling's spiritual root, and then grafted it onto Ye Qingxue's spiritual root!

Ye Qingxue felt that her spiritual roots had grown a bit, and she couldn't help but exclaimed in shock.

"Don't make any noise!" Ye Tianling stopped immediately.

Ye Qingxue immediately shut her mouth tightly. Only then did she realize that she had made a mistake. She thought Ye Tianling was going to bully her, but she didn't expect it to be like this...

However, Ye Tianling was able to increase her spiritual roots. This kind of method was unheard of, which shocked her very much!
But she wasn't too shocked, she had seen Ye Tianling's ninth-rank full attribute!
There is absolutely no one with such qualifications in the entire Tianling Continent!
But outside, Ye Li's expression became even uglier, Ye Qingxue couldn't help screaming, but Ye Tianling still didn't let Ye Qingxue scream!
It's so overbearing...

Thinking of how Ye Qingxue was being bullied by Ye Tianling at this time, Ye Li was very annoyed, wishing to beat Ye Tianling up!
(End of this chapter)

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