Jue Tian Ye Di

Chapter 9 Ye Wuchen

Chapter 9 Ye Wuchen

Ye Tianling continued to go deep into the mountains, but still only wandered around the periphery. After all, there were second- and third-order monsters in the inner mountains, and with Ye Tianling's current strength, he still couldn't compete with them.

And when Ye Tianling left Ye Qingxue's house, he was already being targeted by someone with a heart.

The person who sent someone to watch Ye Tianling was Ye Han. When Ye Han learned that Ye Tianling had left the family and went to the Panlong Mountains, his eyes couldn't help but be filled with joy!
"Ye Tianling! This young master will definitely kill you this time! Then he will occupy Ye Qingxue again! Hahaha..." Ye Han looked up to the sky and laughed, his laughter was crazy and hysterical!

Ye Tianling entered the depths of the outer periphery of the mountain range, not far from the inner periphery.

He quietly hid on a rock, cautiously exposed a pair of eyes, looking at a group of wild wolves and monsters in front of him.

This group of wild wolves are only first-order monsters, but judging from their size, they are larger than the wild wolves they encountered before.

"This group of wild wolves is about to break through to the second level, which is just right! There are so many peak first-level monsters, it should allow me to break through quickly!"

Ye Tianling's figure flashed like lightning, and he slapped a wild wolf on the head with his palm, only to hear a bang!
The wolf's head was smashed into pieces in an instant!
Seeing this, the rest of the wild wolves showed fierce eyes one by one, and rushed towards Ye Tianling ferociously.

"It's just ants!" Ye Tianling said coldly. He was already a two-star spirit disciple with a strength of more than 1000 catties. These wild wolves were just nine-star spirit disciples who could rival humans, so how could they compete with him!

punch out,

clap out,

kick out,

In just two breaths, Ye Tianling blasted all the wild wolves to death!

"Swallow!" Ye Tianling immediately activated the Swallowing Art, and the pure aura in the bodies of these wild wolves rushed to Ye Tianling in an instant.

And the sea of ​​energy in Ye Tianling's body was quickly filled!
In just a short time, Qi Hai's aura is full.

Another breath, the sea of ​​qi could no longer hold any more aura, and was instantly broken by the majestic aura!
The sea of ​​energy broke, and a strange force filled Ye Tianling's limbs and bones again!
Three-star spirit disciple!

But these wild wolves are all at the peak of the first level, and may break through the second level at any time, so there is quite a lot of aura in their bodies!

Four-star spirit disciple!

Five-star spirit disciple!

Six-star spirit disciple!

After a cup of tea, the sea of ​​energy in Ye Tianling's body kept breaking through!

Now he is a six-star spirit disciple!

"Huh..." Ye Tianling opened his eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to himself: "Swallowing the sky! This technique is really against the sky..."

He didn't continue to go deeper into the inner mountains, although with his current combat power, he could already rival the second-tier monsters!
But it is not guaranteed to encounter a third-order monster.

Ye Tianling left here, and when he came to the outermost edge of the mountain range, a figure suddenly jumped down from the tree.

"Ye Tianling! Labor and capital have been waiting for you so hard!"

The person who came was a young man in his 20s. He was wearing a purple robe and looked at Ye Tianling coldly.

Ye Tianling frowned slightly, looked at the young man and said softly: "Wait for me? Could it be that you want to kill me?"

The young man sneered and said, "Of course I want to kill you! If you are an enemy of Young Master Han, you will definitely die!"

Ye Tianling laughed, what kind of thing is Ye Han?It's just an ant!

The young man saw that Ye Tianling didn't show the slightest panic, and even smiled, which made him very annoyed. You are nervous, but you are afraid...

"Die to me!" The young man sternly rushed towards Ye Tianling with a stride, and at the same time he raised a punch, blasting towards Ye Tianling with the sound of piercing the air.

A stern look flashed across Ye Tianling's eyes, wanting his life?Then die for me!

Ye Tianling threw out a punch like lightning, and with one punch, the young man's fist was broken abruptly!

"Ah..." The young man screamed loudly, his hand was completely useless!
"Are you wondering why I can easily defeat you?" Ye Tianling smiled playfully.

The young man was very puzzled, he was already a nine-star spirit disciple, why was Ye Tianling's punch broke his hand!

"But... I won't tell you!" Ye Tianling sneered, moved his body, raised his palm, and landed on the young man's head fiercely.

Before the young man had time to defend himself, his head was instantly blasted away.

For a moment, blood splashed all over the sky, staining the surrounding trees with a strange blood color.

"Swallow!" Ye Tianling shouted in his heart, swallowing all the spiritual energy in the nine-star spirit disciple's body.

Seven-Star Spirit Disciple!

Eight-star spirit disciple!

Nine-star spirit disciple!

In just one cup of tea, Ye Tianling's cultivation quickly broke through to the nine-star spirit disciple.

"This feeling of quickly breaking through the cultivation base is really cool..." Ye Tianling said lightly, enjoying the pleasure of this rapid increase in strength.

"Ye Han!" Ye Tianling's expression gradually turned cold. He knew that this young man must have been sent by Ye Han. Looking at the entire Ye Clan, he had the deepest grievance with Ye Han, and he was the only one who wanted his life like that.

"Wait for me!" Ye Tianling said coldly, and immediately left the Panlong Mountain Range.

He returned to the family, and just returned to his own yard, when he saw a figure in the yard, he couldn't help but startled.

Sitting in the courtyard was a man in his prime, who looked about 37 or [-] years old.

He has a face with sharp water chestnut angles, and his ink-like three thousand hairs hang loosely behind him, especially he has a pair of melancholy eyes, such eyes are very popular among women today.

He was drinking wine, and there was a vicissitudes of life in his eyes, which made people think that he had a past that he couldn't bear to look back on.

"Father." Ye Tianling called out, and immediately sat on the chair and looked at him.

This man is Ye Tianling's biological father in this life, named Ye Wuchen.

Ye Wuchen glanced at Ye Tianling, his eyes could not help revealing the color of love, he smiled lightly and said: "I heard that your boy has the aptitude of eight spiritual roots, very good..."

Ye Tianling smiled and said: "It's just eight pieces of spiritual roots, it's nothing."

Ye Wuchen took a sip of wine, his eyes revealing vicissitudes of life, and said leisurely: "Out of Nanyang Town, such qualifications are really nothing."

Ye Tianling nodded. He looked at Ye Wuchen with mixed feelings in his heart.

Ye Wuchen, once the strongest arrogant of the Ye Clan, possessed eighteen spiritual roots!
Such aptitude shocked the Ye Clan, the entire Nanyang Town, Yuefeng City a hundred miles away, and even the Tengfeng Empire thousands of miles away.

When they first learned that Ye Wuchen had eighteen spiritual roots, many forces wanted him to join their forces.

But... Ye Wuchen refused!
Many forces were disappointed. Although they failed to let Ye Wuchen join their forces, they still made friends with Ye Wuchen.

But... when Ye Wuchen was 22 years old, Ye Wuchen was already a spiritual king at that time. With this kind of cultivation, he could already be a city lord in any main city.

But... In that year, Ye Wuchen's cultivation base and spiritual root were all abolished, who abolished it?No one knew, and Ye Wuchen didn't say anything.

Everyone only knew that that year, Ye Wuchen lost his soul and returned to his family with a baby in his arms.

That baby was Ye Tianling!


It was also from that year that everyone knew that Ye Wuchen had a Taoist companion, but no one had ever seen that Taoist companion.

Ye Tianling picked up a jug of wine on the table, took a few sips, looked at Ye Wuchen and said, "Father, I'm already 16 years old, can you tell my mother about it? And your cultivation Who abolished He Linggen."

Ye Wuchen glanced at Ye Tianling, he drank a few more sips of wine, and said in a low voice: "You should never ask about these things again!"

Ye Tianling frowned slightly, and he couldn't help feeling a little angry in his heart.

He had no father or mother in his previous life, and he has a father and a mother in this life, but he doesn't even know what his mother looks like or what her name is, so he feels very upset!

Ye Tianling suddenly patted the table, staring at Ye Wuchen, and said in a deep voice: "I have the right to know the information about my mother!"

Ye Wuchen glanced at Ye Tianling in surprise, he didn't expect Ye Tianling to be so excited...

He shook his head and said in a deep voice: "It's not that I don't want to tell you, I'm afraid that you will go to your mother impulsively. Your mother's family is too powerful."

"Strong?" Ye Tianling disdains, he was the pinnacle spiritual saint in his previous life, and in today's era without emperors, the spiritual saint is the strongest!
Looking at the entire Tianling Continent, how many people can stand shoulder to shoulder with him?

"How about Tengfeng Empire?" Ye Tianling asked lightly.

Ye Wuchen took a sip of his wine and said softly: "Compared to your mother's family, the Tengfeng Empire is like ants!"

Ye Tianling knew it well, it seemed that his mother's family was from a first-class region.

"Tell me, what is my mother's name!"

Ye Wuchen took a sip of wine, he was silent for a while, and then said: "Her surname is Jun!"

"Jun?" Ye Tianling frowned slightly. In his impression, there was only one powerful family with the surname Jun!
"The Holy Land of King's Landing!" Ye Tianling looked at Ye Wuchen and said in a deep voice.

After Ye Wuchen heard this, his pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly, staring at Ye Tianling, and asked in a deep voice: "How do you know King's Landing Holy Land!"

"Hehe..." Ye Tianling said lightly: "I read a book on the division of the Tianling Continent, and there are introductions to the families of the top powers in the continent!"

Ye Wuchen was silent, and continued to drink, he knew that Ye Tianling had deduced that his wife's background was King's Landing Holy Land.

"You won't be able to touch the Holy Land in your life, so you should marry a good wife and have a few fat boys." Ye Wuchen said slowly.

His voice was full of helplessness and desolation.

"Hehe..." Ye Tianling smiled expressionlessly, his eyes revealing a deep and remote aura.

The Holy Land of King's Landing is the Holy Land established by his rival in love, Jun Changkong!

He didn't expect that his own mother was still in the Holy Land of King's Landing!
"Jun Changkong! One day, sooner or later, I will set foot on the Holy Land of King's Landing with my father and rescue my mother!" Ye Tianling murmured in his heart, and his eyes revealed a look of determination.

Ye Tianling continued to drink wine with Ye Wuchen, while his consciousness entered the sea of ​​consciousness, he looked at the book of destiny glowing with golden light.

He knew that the Book of Destiny was a treasure beyond the sky, and when his spiritual root was abolished, it was the Book of Destiny that restored his spiritual root.

Then can he use the Book of Fate to restore Ye Wuchen's spiritual roots?
He tried to ask: "Book of Destiny, can you restore my father's spiritual roots?"

The Book of Destiny suddenly opened a page, and a few lines of words gradually emerged on this page.

It can restore your father's spiritual roots, and also restore your father's cultivation base!
"Damn!" Ye Tianling swallowed in shock, he was just trying to communicate with the Book of Fate, and didn't expect that the Book of Fate would reply to him.

But I didn't expect that the Book of Destiny was psychic and able to communicate with people normally.

"How to recover?" Ye Tianling asked impatiently.

"Knock your father unconscious, and leave the rest to me." Another sentence appeared on the page of the Book of Fate.

"Okay." Ye Tianling's consciousness withdrew from the sea of ​​consciousness, he glanced at Ye Wuchen who was drinking, then walked behind him, raised his palm and patted his neck.

Then Ye Wuchen fell into a coma.

At this time, the book of destiny vibrated, and a strange force invisible to the naked eye penetrated into Ye Wuchen's body!

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Tianling came to the inner gate. When he appeared, Ye Han in the arena couldn't help frowning slightly.

He had already sent people to the Panlong Mountains to kill Ye Tianling, but the people he sent hadn't returned for a long time, yet Ye Tianling came back first.

Ye Tianling glanced at Ye Han on the arena, and there was a stern look in his eyes.

call out!
Ye Tianling tiptoed, jumped towards the arena, looked at Ye Hanhan and said in a voice: "You sent that person in the Panlong Mountain Range?"

Ye Han's expression changed suddenly, he immediately realized something was wrong, he said coldly: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Immediately, Ye Han was about to leave the arena, and he had to find out what happened.

But suddenly stopped by Ye Tianling!
"Don't leave in such a hurry, are you guilty?" Ye Tianling played with taste.

"There's nothing to be guilty of, I have something to do, I need to get out of here!" Ye Han said coldly.

"What if I don't let you go?" Ye Tianling said lightly.

The voice fell.

The other inner disciples in the arena surrounded Ye Tianling one after another.

Among them were Ye Wuliang, Ye Bo, and Ye Kongcheng who had lost one hand.

Seeing this, Ye Han stood with his hands behind his back, looked at Ye Tianling and said coldly: "If you don't let me, then I'll join hands and teach you a lesson!"

"Lesson? Hahaha..." Ye Tianling shook his head, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

He looked at Ye Han coldly, and said coldly, "Look who teaches whom!"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Tianling suddenly raised a slap, and it landed on Ye Han's face hard!
Ye Han was caught off guard, and was a little confused by this slap.

At the same time, Ye Wuliang, Ye Kongcheng, and Ye Bo all made a move together, with all their strength when they made a move!

Ye Tianling sneered, kicked them backwards with one kick, and sent them flying backwards!

"Teach me together? Just rely on you?"

Ye Tianling let out a disdainful expression, and in a flash, he came to Ye Kongcheng, and said coldly: "One hand has been crippled, so you don't have a long memory, right?"

Immediately, a foot suddenly landed on his other hand.


Suddenly, there was a bone cracking sound.


Immediately afterwards, Ye Kongcheng's screams sounded!
"Then Ye will let you have a long memory!"

Ye Tianling dropped another foot suddenly, and this foot landed on Ye Kongcheng's left knee!
"Ah..." Ye Kongcheng screamed again, his face was distorted due to the pain.

He looked at Ye Tianling in horror, and begged for mercy loudly: "I...I was wrong...let...let me go..."

(End of this chapter)

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