Married a proud husband after farming

Chapter 1655 Re-inspection required

Chapter 1655 Re-inspection required

Seeing an official come to the door, Father Lu took his old wife and grandchildren and saluted Mr. Cao: "Caomin has seen you."

Cao Shangshu said: "You don't need to be polite, you can't come back to life after death, so please mourn."

Aunt Lu choked up and wiped away tears.

Lu Wuzuo was just a small work of the Ministry of Punishments, and he could not disturb the Minister of the Ministry of Justice to come to express his condolences in person. When Father Lu saw Cao Shangshu came to the door with the police again, he asked, "My lord, what is the matter here?"

Cao Shangshu didn't say much, but said: "Lu Wuzuo is involved in a murder case, and I want to bring his body back to the Ministry of Punishment."

Father Lu was shocked: "My lord, could there be some misunderstanding?"

The old lady cried and said: "This man is dead, what else can be found out, and please be sympathetic to the women and the white-haired man to send the black-haired man, don't take Ah Fu away."

Rong Jiu has checked the cause of death of Lu Wuzuo and Lu's wife. Lu's wife's complexion was pale and her lips were cyanotic, so she died of a heart attack. As for Lu Wuzuo, he committed suicide by hanging and there was a bruise on his neck. Need to retest.

"My lord, my lord," Lu Yuzuo's two children knelt on the ground, grabbed Cao Shangshu's robe, and begged, "Please don't take my father away, please don't, please."

The faces of the two children were covered with tears, and Cao Shangshu couldn't bear to see them, so he turned to look at Rong Jiu.

Rong Jiu's heart was also a little blocked, and he was very sore. He helped the two children up, and said to Father Lu: "The cause of Lu's death is different. We have to take it back to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for autopsy. Please forgive me."

Father Lu was stunned again, stunned and horrified, and asked in grief and indignation: "Ah Fu, Ah Fu was killed by someone? How could this happen? Who, who killed him?"

"Ah Fu, my son," Aunt Lu cried bitterly, beating her feet and chest with excitement, "Who, who is so mad and murdered my son? My poor son, you died so badly Well, my son, my son."

Aunt Lu was so emotional that her body went limp and she passed out.

"Grandma, grandma," the two children were so frightened that they burst into tears and shook Aunt Lu's body.

Rong Jiu asked the police to quickly help Aunt Lu back to the house, and said to Father Lu: "You don't know why Lu died, don't you want to seek justice for him?"

"Then please, my lord, please give my Ah Fu justice."

Father Lu was in tears, and he was about to kneel down to Cao Shangshu, but Cao Shangshu quickly supported him.

Rong Jiu asked: "I heard people say that Lu Yuzuo's wife is not in good health, is she?"

Father Lu nodded and sighed: "She suffers from heart disease. The doctor said that if she takes good care of her, she can still live well for a few years. The family has already spent all their money. How can there be any money to treat her? But the day before yesterday, Ah Fu excitedly grabbed the medicine and came back, saying that her illness is cured, and our family is still very happy, didn't expect to die like this?"

"Did Lu Wuzuo ever say where did he get the money for the medicine?"

"Cao Min asked him, and he said that he picked up a money bag on the road. Cao Min was so happy at the time, thinking that God had eyes to let Ah Fu pick up this money bag and save our family."

But who would have imagined that it was because of this bag of silver that Lu Wuzuo would help the evildoers and tamper with the cause of Gu Wanshan's death, so that he would be wiped out by the Mu family after the matter was revealed.

Rong Jiu sighed in his heart, and asked Father Lu, "Is that money bag still there?"

(End of this chapter)

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