The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 172 Tenderness, Threat

Chapter 172 Tenderness, Threat (2)
"There are so many strange women in that palace." Shaking his head, the people of Yue Chu couldn't catch up.

But how did she know that in the eyes of others, she was also a strange woman.

After chatting with Concubine Chen for a long time, Concubine Chen stayed with her and had lunch with her.Concubine Chen looks very luxurious, she is a very particular person, but she was able to accompany Yue Churen to eat at the bedside, even Ding Dong was surprised for a long time.When seeing her in the palace, Ding Dong only felt luxurious and coquettish, and he must not offend her, otherwise, it would be very miserable.

But now, the two women are chatting and laughing happily by the bedside, and they look like they are married to Jinlan. I am afraid that no one will believe it.

After noon, Concubine Chen went back and moved away a few pots of flowers that had sprouted.

Ding Dong was wiping the furniture in the bedroom, while muttering, "This Concubine Chen is really good-tempered. I never thought that she would have such a personality before." Admiring, Ding Dong looked very strange .

Lying on the bed, the corners of Yue Churen's lips curled up, "It's just a helpless person forced by the situation. If she was given a choice, she would definitely not want this kind of life. Even if she eats chaff, she will be happy in her heart." of."

Dingdang stopped what he was doing, looked back at Yue Churen, with a bit of uncertainty in his eyes, "Princess, you think so too?"

"What do you think? They can't control their own destiny, but I can control it. Therefore, those situations can't happen to me." With a meaningless curl of his lips, Yue Chuqi remained calm.

Ding Dangle, then nodded, "The concubine's temperament is uncontrollable for most people, and only the prince has such a heart and ability." She spoke highly of Feng Yancang.

Yue Churen snorted, control her?She felt that she was controlling him!

Wrapped in the quilt, she fell into a drowsy sleep for a long time, and vaguely felt that someone walked to the side of the bed, and then a warm hand touched her face.Feeling and touching, he went in along the quilt, brushed her shoulders and arms, and then placed them around her waist.

"The surname Feng, don't touch it randomly." After twisting twice, the Yue Chu people lazily warned.It took a while for her to open her eyes after she finished speaking, and sure enough, someone sitting by the bed was looking at her with a smile.

"Is it better?" Feng Yancang stretched out his hand from under the quilt, pinched her cheek and shook it, and said in a warm voice.

"It's okay, but I don't want to get up, I just want to lie in bed." Looking at him, Yue Churen's voice was lazy.There were only the two of them in the whole room, and they were looking at each other so affectionately, she felt very at ease.

"Hehe, then lie down. If you have any request, just tell me to be your husband." His phoenix eyes smiled, and those pupils were like a lake rippling with waves, so charming.

She curled her lips, but her eyes were smiling.Yue Churen held his hand and stroked his palm, "Are you bluffing today?"

"Who said that?" Feng Yancang chuckled, not paying attention.

"Ms. Concubine Chen, you know she's here today, right? I've been talking with me all morning, and I've specially conveyed your performance in court today. It is said that I have frightened many people." She was very interested, and looked Looking at his face, no matter how you look at it, it looks good.

"Only people with a guilty conscience will be afraid. If you don't do bad things, you won't be afraid of ghosts calling your door." He shook his head slightly, but he didn't think his appearance today was scary.Perhaps it is a little different than usual, and more serious may be aggressive.

Raising eyebrows, Yue Churen scolded lightly, "Those who are afraid of you have done bad things? You ancient man, you have weird thoughts." Raising his hand to push his face, he turned around and back, making Yue Chu people laugh suppress.

"Are you afraid of me too?" Holding her wrist and pressing on the bed, Feng Yancang leaned forward to bully her, his breath rushed, Yue Churen narrowed his eyes slightly, and took a deep breath, it was all his scent.

"I'm afraid you're a ghost." She scolded lightly, and as he approached, her voice faded away.

The four eyes met, and the pupils clearly reflected each other's face.Feng Yancang pressed down completely, before Yue Churen protested that he was heavy, the next moment his warm kisses fell on her cheeks and around the bridge of the nose, forcing her protest back.

The lips touched each other, tossed and turned for a while, and then the lips and tongue became entangled, enthusiastic and eager.

Putting his arms around Feng Yancang's neck, Yue Churen exerted a little force, Feng Yancang went to bed, and the two of them rolled into the side of the big bed, covered by the gauze beside the bed, so they couldn't see their shadows.

There is an invisible hand in the huge imperial city, and that hand can always quietly push out some secret happenings, letting the streets and alleys know.

What happened in the prison of Baozhen Tower spread everywhere on the second day of the Lantern Festival. A group of people with witchcraft forced their way into the prison to rescue Ning Yu, but hundreds of forbidden troops were defeated. In the end, the Seventh Princess forced Ning Yu to escape by herself. He retreated from the enemy, but was seriously injured.

The rumors outside spread a bit too much, but it made everyone see the woman of the Seventh Princess again.A few days ago, she punished the courtiers in the court hall, but now retreats the enemy by herself in the court hall. This woman is unusual.

Today, the people of Yuechu have gained some strength, and they can get out of bed and walk, but they are still not as lively as before.

Walking in Feng Yancang's bedroom, bypassing the bedroom, there is a small side hall, except for the tea seat, the soft couch by the window, and a bookshelf standing against the wall.It is full of books, which is very in line with Feng Yancang's temperament.His hobby when he has nothing to do is probably reading books.People from Yue Chu felt that he was reading books not because of interest, but because he wanted to store more things in his mind. He was that kind of person who was so-called poetic and literary.

Walking to the bookshelf, Yue Churen casually flipped through a few books.There are all kinds of books, landscapes from all over the world, ancient legends, jade treasures, and a complete range.

But these Yuechu people are not interested, because they are very difficult to understand and very obscure.

With a casual glance, there is a rectangular sandalwood box next to the books in the corner of the fourth floor. Although it is not eye-catching, Yue Chu people really want to know what is inside.

Dragging the chair over, Yue Churen stepped on the chair, and then took down the wooden box.

After weighing it, it still has a lot of weight.Raising eyebrows, Yue Churen guessed that it might be some kind of martial arts cheats.Then he became more interested, stood in front of the table and couldn't wait to open it.

A thick stack is neatly placed inside. The books are a bit old, but they are kept very tidy.

Picking up a book and opening it, the next moment, Yue Churen had a strange expression.

This is,,,, this is the text version of sex cheats?
She was a little dazed, put down the book in her hand and looked through the others, almost all of them were about this kind of thing, and they all talked about boudoir affairs. If it was a small yellow book, it was actually more inclined to the teaching category.

Lao Gao raised his eyebrows, Yue Chu was speechless.After thinking about several possibilities in her mind, she finally affirmed that the ancient Feng Yancang was learning!

After affirming this idea, she couldn't help laughing, this person,,,, is so cute!
(End of this chapter)

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