The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 190 A different kind of provocation, the King of the North is here

Chapter 190 A different kind of provocation, the King of the North is here (2)
"Princess, why don't you go?" Ding Dong knew that they were fine, and Yue Chu people were lying.

Glancing at Ding Dong, Yue Churen raised the corners of his lips, "Why should I go? I do have something to do. Let's go and sit with Concubine Chen."

Ding Dong blinked, and hurriedly followed Yue Churen who had already left. He clearly never said that he would go to Concubine Chen's place today, so why did he go so suddenly.

Concubine Chen still lives in the original Hengshui Palace. The name of this palace may be based on the characteristics of Concubine Chen.

Since that day in Chengde Palace, Yue Churen has not seen Concubine Chen, and she is also very quiet in her palace.Some concubines contacted their mother's family and were dissatisfied with Feng Yanshao. Concubine Chen was the quietest among them, as if she was gone for a while.

The Hengshui Palace was exceptionally quiet, and the flowers and plants in the palace were lush and clean, which proved that there were still people living in the palace.

Approaching the hall, the little father-in-law next to Concubine Chen greeted her from inside, plopped and knelt down, "I have seen Princess Qin, and Princess Qin is well."

"Get up. Where's Concubine Chen?" Most of the palace people in the palace today are like this, and when they saw her, they immediately knelt down.This is not Prince Qin's Mansion, and she couldn't stop saying that she doesn't need to give a big gift when she sees her in the future.There are no rules, no rules, kneeling is still necessary, but every time she will stagger a little distance.She couldn't bear other people's kneeling.

"Princess Huiqin, Your Majesty is chanting scriptures in the Buddhist hall." The little eunuch stood up, still hunched over like a shrimp.

"Chanting? When did she believe in Buddhism?" It stands to reason that her brother is a national teacher and a Taoist, so she shouldn't believe in Buddhism.

"Princess Huiqin, the Buddhist hall has been repaired a long time ago, and I just went to burn incense in time for the first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year." The little eunuch replied swiftly.

Nodding, Yue Churen, led by the little father-in-law, walked into the Buddhist hall in a room in the apse. The smell of incense was wafting, and the smoke was lingering. .

Looking at the back figure, Yue Churen was stunned for a moment.

Walking in, Ding Dong and the little eunuch stayed outside.She approached Concubine Chen, stopped by her side and looked down at her. She was also a little surprised when she saw her face. Without makeup, she looked less charming and enchanting without makeup, but very temperamental.

Crouching down, Yue Churen carefully looked at her side face, "You don't really want to shave your hair to become a nun?"

The hand that turned the Buddha beads stopped, and Concubine Chen opened her eyes after a few seconds, her pupils were clear, and because of her opening her eyes, the enchantment returned. "If you cut your hair, you will be ugly. How can I cut my hair?"

"Then what are you?" He looked at her up and down, and it seemed that her clothes were only worn by nuns.

"How can the buddha be so beautiful? If you are not sincere, you will not work." She stood up as she spoke.It may be that he has been kneeling for a long time, and his figure is a little wobbly.

Yue Chu people helped her, stood up, glanced at the altar, and then said: "So you plan to accompany the ancient Qingdeng Buddha in the future?" In fact, Yue Chu people think that as long as Feng Yanshao and Concubine Chen If both of them want to, then they can emulate Yang Guifei or something like that.Send her to the temple to be a nun first, and bring her back in another capacity a few years later, everything is logical.

"In this life, my heart has never belonged to him. I owed him the first half of my life, and I will atone for my sins in front of the Buddha in the second half of my life." Looking at Yue Churen, she smiled lightly.And there was a sense of relief in those eyes that was never seen before, she was speaking the truth.

The people of Yue Chu knew that she was referring to Feng Zhaotian, and although Concubine Chen had no feelings for him, she still had righteousness.Her heart never belonged to him, but her body did.So she allowed her heart to betray him, but her body no longer allowed it.

Knowing her choice, Yue Churen sighed a little.Concubine Chen's determination is incomparable to others, as long as she made up her mind, she will not change it, which makes Yue Churen appreciate it very much.

A 'change of the sky' has changed many people.It was like a dream for a while, which made Yue Churen a little confused.She watched everything, like an outsider, but she was also in the middle of the game.

She once felt that she came to this world just for Feng Yancang, but now, she has participated in the history of this country.

As the sun was setting, Yue Churen and Ding Dong walked slowly between the palaces. For two consecutive days, she and Feng Yancang only left before closing the palace gates.At this time, he must be in the imperial study with Feng Yanshao, and she has to go there to find him.

The political center of that country now comes in and out with her, and there is probably no one in the world who has such a special case.

Walking to the imperial study room, Ding Dong stopped and waited outside, and Yue Churen walked in without anyone stopping him.

In the study room, there is no ambergris fragrance that always lingers, and it is full of the smell of books and ink, which smells very good.

Feng Yanshao was wearing an apricot-yellow robe, embroidered with a golden dragon riding a mist on it. This costume showed his identity, although he was not an emperor, he was no different from an emperor.

Feng Yancang was dressed in a moon-white robe, elegant and elegant, as if he had floated down from the clouds, and he was completely different from him who was possessed by the god of death that day.

When the Yue Chu people came in, Feng Yanshao was reviewing the papers after the case, Feng Yancang was sitting on the grand teacher's chair on the left, with letter paper in his hand, and a pile of envelopes on the small table beside him.

"Fifth Brother." After greeting Feng Yanshao, Yue Churen went straight to Feng Yancang.

"There are still a few more letters. Let's go back after we finish processing them." Feng Yancang looked at Yue Churen who walked over with a smile, Feng Yancang was as gentle as the wind as always.

Yue Churen nodded, "Look slowly, don't worry." He sat down at the side, took a sip of the tea that Feng Yancang had drunk, and didn't care if it was a little cold.

Turning his head to look at her for a while, Feng Yancang always had a smile on his lips, his deep eyes reflected her delicate and beautiful face, and he was not dissatisfied in any way.

"Look at what I'm doing? Hurry up and get to work." Glancing at Feng Yanshao who was buried in reviewing papers after the imperial case, Yue Churen frowned slightly and looked at Feng Yancang.

"Seeing that you are absent-minded, but what did you see or hear?" You smiled, looking pretty damn good.

Yue Churen almost raised his eyebrows, "Do you have any secrets to share with me?" When he said this, it must be that something new happened.

His thin lips curled slightly, and he raised his hand to wipe her chin lightly, and then said: "The King of the North will visit in a few days, and I'm afraid he has already entered the territory of Dayan by now."

Hearing this, the people of Yuechu really opened their eyes wide. At the beginning of the year, envoys came from Beijiang to deliver a letter from the King of the North.Bei Wang said that he would visit after the spring blossoms, and sure enough, he kept the time!

"It's really here? But our own affairs have just been settled, will we be in a hurry to welcome him?" What Yue Chu said was that Feng Yanshao had just been confirmed as the crown prince. It's coming, will there be chaos inside?

"Don't worry, it won't." Feng Yancang shook his head, his calm appearance was another kind of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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