The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 192 Occupying the latrine and not shitting

Chapter 192 Occupying the latrine and not shitting (1)
Yue Churen looked at him with a little satisfaction, she really wanted to learn from him.If God has good eyesight, let him go straight to it.

Approaching her, he glanced at her face meaningfully, and then clicked his tongue twice: "I have always been curious about one thing, your husband, King Qin, can't you?"

Frowning, "You care too much."

"Haha, he really can't do it! It's a pity that you are as beautiful as a flower, tsk tsk, it's a pity." Laughing, he was very happy.

Yue Churen snorted coldly, and suddenly raised his hand to pat him on the shoulder.He reacted faster, grabbed her wrist when her hand was a few inches away from his shoulder, and pulled slightly into his arms, Yue Churen was pulled into his arms by him, and the other arm wrapped around her waist , all movements are done in one go without pause.

Looking down at the person in his arms, his eyes darkened, "A woman like you, he is really not good enough for you. How about following me? I can give you whatever you want." Dumb The voice is full of different temptations.

Being bound by him, with Yue Churen's strength, he couldn't break free at all. Looking up at his face and listening to what he said, a bright smile appeared on the corner of his lips, his dimples were shallow, and his eyes were darker.

"Can I give you anything? I'll wrap you in flour and fry you, too?" Her eyes were bright, but her words were vicious.

"You woman, you are cruel enough!" His eyes wandered between her eyes and red lips, and his breathing fluttered.

Her eyebrows curved into a smile, and the next moment she pressed her body against him forcefully, before he could feel the softness, his chest ached.

Letting go of her, Yue Churen took a few steps back, looked at his pale face, and arrogantly flicked off the non-existent dust on his body. "Taking advantage of my old lady? You're still a little tender." She was hiding things all over her body, thinking that she couldn't move if it was wrapped around her waist?

"You woman,,,," glaring at her one last time, he covered his chest with one hand and left along the window like a gust of wind.As soon as the window was opened and closed, only Yue Chu was left in the room.

"Hmph!" Facing the window with a cold snort, Yue Churen raised the hand that he had just clamped, the wrist was already bruised, and a handprint was printed on it, which was obvious.

She originally wanted to wrap her wrist with gauze so that Feng Yancang could not see it.But it was more obvious that it was wrapped in gauze, so I tried to hang my hands in my sleeves as much as possible, but he finally saw it.

Holding her hand, Fengyan looked deeply at the bruised handprint on her wrist, and looked up to her eyes after a while, "Who did it?"

Yue Churen twitched the corners of his lips, "Witch Cult Na Sect holy bastard, he's back again."

"Then?" He continued to ask lightly, with no expression on his face, but Yue Churen knew that he was already angry.

"Then I poisoned him. I'm fine. He didn't dare to catch me at first. I used the silver needle to attack him first, but he caught him too slowly." She was also very depressed when she said it. , compared with those who know martial arts, her fastest movements are all in slow motion.

"Does it hurt?" Feng Yancang didn't ask any more, and looked down at her hand, covering the expression in his eyes.

"It doesn't hurt! By the way, when will the King of the North arrive?" Changing the subject, Yue Churen withdrew his hand, then leaned back and put his legs on his.

"Three days later." Looking up at her, his eyes were watery, and he returned to his previous appearance.

"It's pretty fast. Take me with you when the time comes, and I'll see what kind of virtue that Northern King has." It's a waste of time to see such a character.

"Naturally, I have to take you with me. According to the Secret Guardian, there are a few people around the Northern King who are suspected of being witch cultists. You need to see it with your own eyes." After all, they couldn't be sure.

Raising eyebrows, the people of Yue Chu felt that this matter was a bit strange, "This witch cult is all over the world, and there are people from them beside the King of the North. Xiao Cangzi, do you think this witch cult wants to change the dynasty and rule the country? Why? All of them."

Feng Yancang nodded slightly, put his hands on her legs and squeezed gently, "It's also possible. The witch religion is too mysterious, it is really difficult to detect."

"Even if they control the southern and northern borders, you don't need to worry. With me here, they can't threaten Dayan." Lifting his foot and kicking him lightly on the stomach twice, the Yue Chu people comforted him with crooked eyebrows.

Feng Yancang looked at her with watery eyes.Suddenly, he leaned forward to bully her, Yue Churen leaned back, and the two disappeared beside the bed in an instant.

Three days later, the Northern King arrived in the imperial city.Feng Yanshao greeted him personally in front of the Guanghua Gate, and behind him were courtiers and wives. Such a scene was welcoming a state guest, and it was like a gathering of friends.

Standing on the left in the front row, Yue Churen is wearing an orthodox floor-length dress, revealing a fair neck and a faint 'career line' because of the low-cut neckline.

She is not used to blowing the wind with her big chest exposed like this, but since she came to Guanghua Gate and saw all the wives of the courtiers and Yan Su doing this, she ignored it.

The sky was sunny and the sun was shining overhead. Some courtiers and wives were too hot to bear.

After a while, a father-in-law came to report that the King of the North had arrived.Feng Yanshao gave an order, and the crowd came out of Guanghua Gate. On the opposite side, the dark horse team came into view.In this blue sky and white day, the black clouds that seem to be rolling, people can't help but feel shivering, the people from northern Xinjiang are really aggressive.The King of the North came all the way from thousands of miles away, but he came on horseback with the guards without a car. This recognition made it impossible to underestimate him.

A hundred meters away, the black horse team stopped.The outfits of the guards on the horse were completely different from Dayan's. They were all strong men, the kind of toughness came from the bones, and the outfits with their arms exposed made them look extremely wild.

Dismounted in unison, and then the team withdrew to both sides, making way in the middle.

Kicking, kicking, melodious sound of horseshoes approaching, an apricot-yellow sweat horse appeared.The horse has strong limbs and a graceful figure, which is unbelievably beautiful.

No matter Yue Chu people or others, they have never seen a bloody BMW of this color, and many people's eyes can't be taken away immediately.

"Is this man Pei Xiye, the Northern King?" Suddenly, Yan Su whispered into his ears, Yue Churen turned his eyes away from the beautiful horse and looked at the person on the horse, but he was stunned the moment he saw it.

The man on horseback was wearing an ink-colored robe with a red edge, with a tall and straight figure, and a ruby-studded hair crown tied his black hair behind his head, completely revealing his face.His face was completely familiar, his exquisite single-lidded eyes were bent with a smile, and there were two pear dimples on his well-shaped lips, so cute.

At this time, riding on the back of the horse full of arrogance, he is high above the ground, pointing the country with his whole body, which does not contradict his cute appearance at all, on the contrary, it is completely natural.

Looking at him, Yue Churen was completely surprised, did not expect him to be the Northern King?The King of the North who is famous for his viciousness, viciousness and cruelty?It turned out to be him?

(End of this chapter)

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