The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 195 Occupying the latrine and not shitting

Chapter 195 Occupying the latrine and not shitting (4)
Pei Xiye's brow twitched almost indistinctly, sat up straight, looked at Yue Churen and said word by word: "This young master is very normal, why don't you follow this young master."

"Send you a word, get out!" With a movement of red lips, Yue Churen leaned back on the couch.In this world, no one can compare to Feng Yancang.

Pei Xiye grinned, imitating Yue Churen and leaning back, lazily and uninhibited.

"Why haven't you shown up in the past few days? Knowing this young master's identity, you deliberately hid?" It was precisely because he hadn't seen her for a few days that he came to Jishitang.

The eyebrows were raised slightly, and the Yue Chu people snorted, "You are running at me with eyebrows all over the face in public, so I naturally have to avoid you. You are not afraid of shame, but I am."

"This is unbelievable. How could you be afraid of being ashamed? Maybe you are worried that your diligent husband will be angry? Tsk tsk, you really have a heart for him!" Shaking his head, it was a pity.

"It's more than a single heart. In my eyes, there is no man in this world except him." Raising his jaw, Yue Churen said these words quite beautifully.

Pei Xiye tilted his head and looked at her, his exquisite eyes flickered thoughtfully, "Loyalty? Hehe." He smiled lightly, but the smile lacked a little sincerity.

After looking at him for two more seconds, Yue Churen turned his face and looked at him smiling, she felt very cold.Loyalty and loyalty, these two words come out of his mouth with a strong taste of irony.

"Tomorrow's outskirts of the city, you come too." He stood up, shook the robe on his body with one hand, and after the afterimage passed, he had disappeared into the room.

horse racing?Yue Churen blinked slowly, recalling Pei Xiye's expressionless face just now, she was somewhat touched.How much loneliness is hidden under that expressionless face?Everyone has their own story, why not him?
Outskirts of the city horse racing, as early as yesterday, this field was circled out.There is a small hill on the left, and the other three sides extend in all directions. Such a wide place is indeed suitable for horse racing.

The grassland is green and faint, stretching endlessly, the hillside on the left side is beautiful, there are birds chirping, it is extremely lively.

The stand for Feng Yanshao and Pei Xiye to rest had been set up long ago, when Yue Churen and Feng Yancang arrived, the palace people were carrying tea and fruits to the stand.

After getting out of the carriage, the sun shone on her face, shaking her eyes a little bit.Feng Yancang walked up to her and stood there, just blocking the sunlight shining on her face.

"Really sensible!" Yue Churen praised Feng Yancang with crooked eyebrows.

With phoenix eyes like abyss, he looked down at her with a smile on his lips, "Give me some rewards?"

"Here you go! We came too early, they didn't come yet. Come on, accompany me to the hillside." At this time, I can't sit on the stand carelessly, and I have to bear it when I stand here. The sun was shining, and he simply took Feng Yancang's hand and walked towards the hillside behind the stands.

Feng Yancang followed her without any doubt.Walking calmly and gracefully, in the green hills and grasslands, there were a few moments when he was so unreal.

"That's Du Ruo." Walking to the side of the mountain, Yue Churen saw Du Ruo in the shade at a glance. This is the time when they bloom, and the pure white flowers are very beautiful.

Let go of Feng Yancang's hand and walk over, Yue Churen broke it, and then saw several other plants not far away.

Feng Yancang stood there, watching her running among the flowers and plants, smiling lightly all the time.

After a while, she took off her arms and walked back with them in her arms. She smiled dimpledly, "Does it look good?"

"People are more beautiful than flowers!" With a widened smile, Feng Yancang exclaimed warmly.

She pursed her lips, but her eyes were still smiling, she walked up to him, and looked up at him slightly, "Little Cangzi, you are the most beautiful person." Although Hua'er is beautiful, compared with him, Hua'er is lost color.

With a low laugh, Feng Yancang raised his hand to pinch her chin and lifted it up, he leaned forward and pressed a kiss on her lips.

Her praise is not appropriate for a man.But she likes it, so he will accept it.

While playing on the side of the mountain, Feng Yanshao and Pei Xiye had already arrived.The long line stopped at a distance of [-] meters from the stands. The two of them walked in front side by side.If there is a day to compete for the deer, I don't know who will win the deer!
"Didn't you say that King Qin would bring the concubine with you? Why didn't you see anyone?" Approaching the stands, Pei Xiye looked around, but there was no sign of the two of them.

Feng Yanshao smiled, looked to the back of the stands, and two figures came into sight, "There."

Pei Xiye followed Feng Yanshao's line of sight, his delicate eyes contracted for a moment.

The two were dressed in white, walked similarly, and smiled.She is full of duruo, delicate and pretty like a flower, with a cunning and fierceness that is different from ordinary women.The most special thing is the way she looks at the people around her, as if he is the only one in the whole world.

Blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green land, the background is so beautiful, and so are the people.However, he felt very dazzling.

"Fifth brother, His Royal Highness the King of the North." Approaching, Yue Churen spoke first and nodded as a salute.

Feng Yanshao nodded his head in response, and then looked at Feng Yancang. The brothers exchanged everything with just one look.

Pei Xiye looked at Du Ruo in her arms, with a smile on his lips, dimpled slightly, "What kind of flower is this?"

Yue Churen looked up at him, and smiled back with dimples, "Du Ruo."

"It's beautiful." Seeing her smile, he responded with a brighter smile, with a touch of cynicism in the cuteness.

"Let's sit in the stands." Feng Yanshao waved to Pei Xiye to invite first, and a group of people walked up to the stands.

Feng Yanshao and Pei Xiye sat in the middle, Feng Yancang was next to Pei Xiye, Yan Su was beside Feng Yanshao, and Yue Churen sat next to Yan Su.

Du Ruo in her arms was placed on the table in front of her, her body was covered with Du Ruo's fragrance.

"Why are you here today? I thought you would continue to hide in Jishitang." Yan Su leaned slightly, talking to Yue Churen in a low voice.

"I heard about the horse race. I haven't seen the horse race yet. I want to see the excitement." Yue Churen glanced over there, and Feng Yancang looked forward and sat upright.Pei Xiye, who was next to him, was sitting very casually, with his eyes slightly squinted, and his smile was not at all lethal.

"Do you think it's just a horse race? If you lose, you have to pay." Yan Su shook his head, the fighting power of Beijiang is well known in the world.Whether it is a man or a horse, they are all extremely sturdy.

"And this?" Yue Churen raised his eyebrows, she really didn't know.

The two women here are talking, although they are soft, it doesn't mean that others can't hear them.

Pei Xiye pursed his lips and looked very happy. Suddenly, he said, "King Qin, do you think the guards of Zhen will win this time, or your guards of Dayan?"

(End of this chapter)

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