Chapter 2 Lost

The Seventh Prince got married, and the news that the bride and groom were carried into the bridal chamber in a coma spread quickly throughout the entire imperial capital.From old people who are about to enter the coffin, down to children with yellow mouths, even stray dogs on the street have heard about this incident.

People feel sorry for the Seventh Prince who has been suffering from illness for a long time, and even more so for the bride who is about to be widowed. In a peaceful and prosperous world, when such a thing happened, it became a topic of conversation when everyone was free.

What's more, they began to speculate that the red silk on the gate of the Seventh Prince's Mansion would turn into white gauze tomorrow.

Man's destiny is destined to give you glory and wealth, but it may not necessarily give you a long life, so good!
At night, the seven princes' mansion was brightly lit.The patrolling guards passed by the Changqing Pavilion from time to time, but there was no sound from inside.The red candles are faint, and the new house is full of joy, except for two clear and shallow breathing sounds, you can hear a needle drop to the ground quietly.

On the spacious wedding bed, two people dressed in red were lying side by side with their eyes closed, not delaying the other.

The woman had a thin but bumpy figure, and her long black hair was scattered on the bed, making her paler face.Even with my eyes closed, I could tell she was a beauty.Because of his figure and pale complexion, he looked a little pitiful.

Suddenly, the woman's eyebrows twitched, and the next moment they knit together, a hoarse sob came out of her mouth.

"It hurts." Yue Churen opened his eyes with great effort, but the light entering them was too dazzling, so he had no choice but to close them again.

Why did my whole body hurt after I fell asleep, especially my chest and lungs, like needle pricks.

She didn't do anything before going to bed, she just put the two red toads in the glass box, and planned to see which one could win today.If she wins, she will extract the venom to nourish Gu, and then give it to that dead old woman to try it out.

Oh, it hurts!

Yue Churen raised his weak left hand, intending to prick himself a few times with the silver needle at the head of the bed, otherwise what would happen in this state.

He raised his hand to touch it to the left, only to find something tight and hot.

"Huh?" What is this?Yue Churen calmed down, and opened his eyes suddenly, this is a person!

She turned her head, she was dizzy too quickly, but she didn't obstruct her sight, there was a person lying on the left!And he's looking at her!
Time stood still for a moment, Yue Churen looked at him, and he looked at Yue Churen.Her eyes were full of puzzlement, while his eyes were as calm as water.

After a long while, Yue Chu realized that this was not a dream, the person in front of him was indeed a man with long hair in red clothes!

man?Depend on!

Looking at his outfit, is this a costume drama?Looking around in a blink of an eye, this bed is old enough!

Then saw his own arm, huh?Why is she also wearing a red dress with wide sleeves?

Slowly touching the body, the fabric in hand is the same as what you see, and most importantly, the body is so skinny that you can even touch the ribs!

This is not her, she is not so thin!He suddenly raised his hands up to his eyes, turned them over and over to see, his slender fingers were covered with bones, and the blue blood vessels were exposed.This hand like a chicken paw is not hers either!

"Damn it! This is a dream!" He closed his eyes and blinked vigorously, nothing in front of him had changed.

She sat up with her painful body, jumped to the ground and almost fell.Walking staggeringly all over the room, everything in sight is antique, and the lighting is actually candles.

The people of Yuechu panicked a little, not like being kidnapped or dreaming, but where is this place?Obviously she slept in her big soft bed last night.There was a voice-activated desk lamp by the bed, a penguin humidifier on the bedside table, and a picture of her and her pet little red snake, but why did they disappear in a blink of an eye?

where is thisBy the way, there is someone on the bed!

Turning around, she staggered to the bed, her eyes fixed on the person lying there looking at her, before she could speak, the person suddenly frowned, his face was instantly pale as paper, his body under the red robe was tense, The sound of gnashing of teeth was extremely loud in this silent room.

Yue Churen looked at him, then slowly frowned, took a few breaths and looked at his face again, this man was poisoned!

Seeing him getting more and more painful, Yue Churen didn't know whether to help him or not.She didn't know who this person was, and what her sudden appearance had anything to do with this person.But if you don't save him, seeing that this person won't live long, and he is the only living thing in front of you, maybe you should help him.

Looking around in a blink of an eye, there was no silver needle or anything.Hey, there is a row of gold hairpins on an old dressing table by the window, and this one will do the trick.

He ran over and grabbed a few, then sat on the edge of the bed, reached out and grabbed his tight hand like a stone, and checked the pulse-detecting door.Rolling his eyes, he leaned over decisively and quickly tore off his clothes.

Feng Yancang wanted to stop it, but he couldn't speak because of the pain, and his body couldn't control because of the pain and convulsions.

Watching her tearing off her clothes, and then holding a sharp hairpin in one hand and ruthlessly piercing her chest.

The pain hit, and before she could speak, the woman quickly took the hairpin and pierced it all over her body. The pain was only momentary, but the next moment her body relaxed suddenly, the fishy sweetness stuck in her throat surged up, she turned her head, and a mouthful of black blood spurted out , There is a pungent smell on the pillow where the mandarin ducks are playing in the water.

The sky is high, the clouds are light, the wind is breezy, and the quiet Changqing Pavilion of the Seven Kings' Mansion is surrounded by five steps, one sentry post and ten steps, one post. At first glance, it seems that there are important people here who need to be protected.

But whether it is protection or not, only the people inside will know. This is not protection at all, but detention in disguise.

It's been three days, and Yue Churen has been staying in that room full of red silk and red happy characters for three days. Accompanying her is a young girl who claims to have served her for five years The personal servant girl.

She sat lazily in the armchair, her delicate face was a little confused.The eyes are huge because of the thin body, she was almost terrified the first time she looked in the mirror and saw this face, it was not her face, she was healthy, her limbs were well-proportioned, and this body seemed like a starving ghost reincarnated Same.

That night she detoxified the sick ghost with acupuncture and moxibustion. As soon as it was done, a group of people rushed into the house, two thick and thick men held her down, and another group of people called the prince and carried the sick ghost out.

Now she understands that the sick ghost is a prince, who used to refer to the emperor's son in ancient times.And obviously, all of this is real, she didn't have a dream, but miraculously passed through.

time travel?This word is not unfamiliar, it often appears in movies, TV dramas and novels, but who would have thought that such a thing would actually happen, and it would happen to her.Now she felt in a daze that she was originally the fifth young lady of the Shangshu Mansion, Yue Churen, who was like a starving ghost, not the Yue Churen who was picked up by the dead old woman to learn the secret art of poisonous Gu.

But she clearly remembered everything before, she was injured and bitten by a poison while studying the poisonous venom, she remembered those pains that were worse than death, it was impossible for her to be dreaming.So much so that she feels even more confused now, completely confused.

(End of this chapter)

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