The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 208 The General Saves the Beauty, Friendship

Chapter 208 The General Saves the Beauty, Friendship (4)
About a quarter of an hour later, Yue Churen began to take out the needles. The order of taking out the needles was reversed from that of applying the needles, starting from the last needle that fell.Sun Zhongyi had about twenty needles on the back of his neck and around the Tianling cover, but she remembered the sequence clearly.

"Let him lie down." After taking the needle and throwing it away, Yan Jin over there put Sun Zhongyi down, turned around and got off the bed.

"What else do I need to do?" Yan Jin didn't seem to be unhappy as he was helping all the time.

"No, just let him rest. By the way, didn't you say that the prison was smashed in the middle of the night last night? Let's go and have a look." Looking up at him, Yue Churen's eyes were bright.

"I was going. The group of people who smashed up yesterday should have brought back." It was the group of hooligans who were restrained in the rapeseed field, so they wanted to question who ordered them.

"Let's go." She naturally wanted to ask, besides, Qi Feng hadn't come back yet, so she didn't know what he was doing.

Walking out of the Yamen, the two walked down the alley to the prison.The prison in Qingmiao County was built on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by high walls, but one of the high walls has already collapsed. This is the masterpiece of the gang of hooligans yesterday.

Officers and soldiers gathered here, as well as the guards of the palace, and they are now in charge of this place.

When the two appeared, the guard saw them coming up immediately, "Princess, General Yan. General Yan's soldiers just brought back more than 60 people, seven of them died, and the others were sent to the torture chamber."

Yue Churen nodded. Of course she knew that someone had died, but she didn't expect seven of them to die.

Step over the collapsed wall and enter the execution room under the leadership of the guards.

The execution room was a mess, and the originally not too big place seemed even more cramped due to the fact that a bunch of people were tied up.Standing at the door, Yue Chu people looked around, they were all seriously injured.

Yan Jin's face was cold, and just one glance could not help but make people feel fearful. When his gaze swept away, no one dared to meet his gaze and meet his gaze.

"Can I ask who is the leader?" Yan Jin said, his voice was like a drum.

Yan Zijun's personal soldier who was in charge of bringing them back raised his hand and pointed at a bearded man, "General Hui, it's him."

Yue Churen naturally recognized him, he was the one who threatened to arrest her in the woods.

"What's your name?" Yue Churen put his arms around his chest and raised his brows fiercely.

Although the bearded man looked fierce, he was terrified at this moment. He trembled when he heard Yue Churen's questioning, " name is Chen Bei, and everyone calls me Chen Laoer."

"Second Chen? Who is Boss Chen?" This name is concise enough.

"That...that's my real brother." Second Chen replied, shrinking back unconsciously.

Yue Churen turned to look at Yan Jin, "Qi Feng went to catch Boss Chen, but he hasn't come back yet."

"You don't need to worry, Qi Feng's guards are highly skilled in martial arts, more than enough to deal with a reckless man with mediocre martial arts." Yan Jin comforted, although it sounded like no consolation to others, Yue Chu people believed it.

"Brother Chen, who ordered you to make trouble everywhere?" Yue Churen turned his head and continued to question Chen Laoer.

"This...we don't know about this." Chen Laoer shook his head, and at the same time turned to look at the others, who also shook their heads.They are not afraid of the officers and soldiers in the city, and the lethality of the officers and soldiers is not as good as them.But today's group of people is unusual, and seven or eight brothers died, and the corpses were dragged away from them, and the timid ones already peed their pants.

Sighing slightly displeased, "I can only wait for Qi Feng to come back. He first went to the city to meet the scholar Zhang yesterday, and then went to Liuzhuang to find Boss Chen."

Yan Jin nodded, "Wait with peace of mind, he will definitely be back before noon." He said in a deep voice as the two walked out of the execution room.

"The situation in Linzhou is okay now. Although there are still people who are still preaching about the Three Kings, most people ignore him. Everyone knows what kind of person he is." Yue Churen knew some of Lin through the scholar Zhang. At the same time, it is certain that the three kings are indeed dishonest.

Yan Jin glanced at the Yuechu people who seemed to be in control of all, and then said, "How did you know?"

"Because I have clairvoyance." Smiling, the dimples are shallow, and there is a little pride between the corners of the eyes and the brows.

The corners of Yan Jin's lips rose almost insignificantly, "Is there any wind ear?"

"Yes, I can hear it very clearly." She turned her head and looked at him with crooked eyebrows.

Yan Jin smiled faintly, "Then listen, if someone's stomach is growling."

Yue Churen raised his eyebrows, rolled his eyes around, and realized that he was talking about her!

"I'm really hungry. I ate early today, and I can't digest it now." Rubbing her stomach, it was indeed her stomach that was crying.

Watching her rubbing her belly, the lines of Yan Jin's face are very soft.

"Hurry up and finish the matter here, and the wedding of Fifth Brother and Yan Su is coming soon. Xiao Cangzi said that Fifth Brother wants everything to be simple, and you, the future uncle of the country, don't bother, when the time comes, there will be a big ceremony for the Empress Dowager." Yan Su scenery." According to personal friendship, the two of them are friends.If they follow Feng Yanshao's side, they are still relatives.

"Everything is according to the prince's wishes, and Su'er is also willing, so I have nothing to say." Yan Jin looked down at the road under his feet slightly, and said lightly.In fact, Yan Su was able to have what he is today, so why not because of him?If Yan Su didn't have this Grand Marshal brother, how could she have the crown princess?
Looking at his bearish appearance, Yue Churen still admired him very much.Yan Jin has no selfish intentions, let alone overthrow the master because of his meritorious deeds.In this era, among the courtiers and officials she has seen, he is very special, and she admires him very much!

(End of this chapter)

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