The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 215 Dog skin plaster, friend and foe

Chapter 215 Dog skin plaster, friend and foe (1)
The people of Yue Chu finally learned from Feng Yancang who was behind the recent riots in Linzhou. The richest man in Linzhou is the Qin family, a Confucian businessman who is three points more prestigious than the governor of Linzhou in the hearts of the people. .

Although the Qin family is a businessman, it only developed more than 50 years ago. They moved to Linzhou from other places, took root in the ground, and developed until now.Most of the people in Linzhou believe that the Qin family's wealth is comparable to that of an enemy country. Even though all the Qin family's commercial firms were closed this year for no reason, the people still believe that it is more than enough to buy a small border country with the Qin family's wealth.

The people don't know the details of the Qin family, even the governor of Linzhou may not know it, because the Qin family is the economic back nest of Ning Yu's development, and the person who developed the Qin family 50 years ago is Ning Yu's own uncle.At this time, the owner of the Qin family is Ning Yu's cousin, a cousin brother. The Qin family has been providing financial assistance to Ning Yu for so many years.

Last year when Ning Yu fell from the horse, the Qin family also closed all the business houses at the same time. For a while, it seemed like they were bankrupt. The people of the Qin family kept a low profile. Even in Linzhou, it is rare to see people from the Qin family, and there are very few small servants.

Ning Yu is in prison, but the Qin family has been secretly thinking of a way.Feng Yanyi is gone, and they have been looking for Feng Yanyi.Feng Yanshao was appointed as the crown prince to supervise the country. The Qin family had no hope of finding Feng Yanyi, and they didn't want Feng Yanshao to be peaceful, so they thought of such a trick. The entire five or six counties under Linzhou's rule were made into a mess by his Qin family.

The governor of Linzhou should know that the Qin family has backing in the court, but he may not have figured out who it is, so he has never dared to provoke the Qin family.There was a riot in Linzhou, he was powerless to suppress it, the investigation was unclear, and he concealed the report from the court, Feng Yancang wanted to get rid of him wholeheartedly.

But before that, he couldn't be moved, otherwise he would startle the snake.Yan Jin took away the three kings, Feng Yanzhi, and the Qin family stopped immediately because they led troops into the city. There was no movement in the past two days, which shows how cautious they are.

The Qin family secretly cultivated death guards. According to the investigation of the secret guards, there may be nearly two to three thousand death guards, a huge number.Raising soldiers privately, just this one thing can make him kill the whole family of the Qin family. Feng Yancang can take advantage of this to lead his troops to destroy the Qin family directly.However, he also has another purpose, which is the Qin family's treasury and armory.

The Qin family made sufficient follow-up preparations for Ning Yu's uprising. The accumulated wealth and forged weapons in the past few decades are huge. Feng Yancang made an estimate. Perhaps those wealth and weapons are enough to supply Dayan's army for several years.

However, the locations of the treasury and the armory are a secret. The Qin family's house in Linzhou is not that big, and it can't compare to the house of the third king, Feng Yanzhi.Everything in the house is very ordinary, without any high-end decorations, just like an ordinary rich gentleman's house.

There is no shadow of the death guards they trained in the house, just dozens of ordinary servants and maids. All the daily activities of the master are normal, rising at sunrise and resting at sunset, so people can't find any clues.

There have been several groups of secret guards who have sneaked into the Qin residence, but they have gained nothing. They have searched for the owner's room in the flower pond and rockery in the residence, and searched everywhere possible, not to mention the treasury and armory, even the wine cellar. .

Because of this, Feng Yancang did not take action for a long time, and the secret guards came back to report one by one every day. He seemed to be relaxed, but in fact his mind was not relaxed for a moment.This is the struggle among highly intelligent businessmen, and no one else can help.

The people of Yue Chu wanted the scholar Zhang to start looking for the location of the Qin family's treasury and armory. There are many people in the beggar gang, and they walked around the streets all day long. They traveled almost the entire Linzhou, but they didn't find any suspicious places at all. Not to mention the vault armory.

For a while, Yue Churen also had a headache. When she came to this world, this Qin family was the first difficult opponent she encountered, comparable to Pei Xiye.

But no matter what, she can still catch Pei Xiyebiao with a string of swear words, but this Qin family is an octopus at all, you can't touch it, not only is it slippery and you can't catch it, if you touch it, you will shrink back and catch it thoroughly Can't stop.

It is about to enter June, and the weather is hot and dry. Even if I sit still in a room where the sun cannot be seen, a thin layer of sweat will break out on my forehead.

At this time, it is estimated that the north will be cooler, and there will be cool breeze from time to time. Just thinking about it, the people of Yuechu will feel envious, that feeling must be extremely refreshing.

Feng Yancang was not there, and there were only Qi Feng and other four guards in the yard, and the rest followed Feng Yancang out. Although there was no big move, they still needed to follow Feng Yancang at this moment.

Leaning on the chair, Yue Churen rested his feet on the small table opposite, waving a fan in his hand, lazily.

Thinking back to the past in the stockade, I used to wear short-sleeved suspenders and short-sleeved hot pants and slippers in the hot summer to release the heat under the skin, which would relieve a lot.But it's out of the question here, she still has to wear a long skirt on a hot day, and according to the rules, she has to wear a pair of trousers underneath.But after the heat of the sun came up in the morning, she took it off decisively. It was so hot that she almost fainted.

Her legs were bare, and the skirt was made of two layers of fabric. Her legs were not exposed, but it was very airy and relaxed a lot.

Squinting his eyes, his hand shaking the fan became slower and slower, as if he was about to fall asleep.

Suddenly, she frowned, the fan in her hand fell to the ground, she clasped the armrest of the chair with both hands, and closed her eyes tightly.

The heat continued unabated, and the sweat on her forehead and the tip of her nose came out again. After a long time, she let out a sudden breath, and opened her eyes. Beads of sweat flowed down her forehead and into her eyes, and she had no time to wipe them off. He just blinked his eyes hard twice, then stood up and walked out quickly.

"Qi Feng, come out." He walked to the door and shouted Qi Feng, Qi Feng also quickly came out from the next door, and was a little surprised to see Yue Churen's sweaty face.

"Princess, what's the matter?" Seeing the beads of sweat slipping down her forehead, Qi Feng moved his hand to wipe it off for her, but finally held back.

"Scholar Zhang and the others saw a dozen people suspected to be the death guards of the Qin family in Waluo Lane. Go over and have a look. If you see them, don't let them see you. Scholar Zhang has already sent two little beggars to follow. You go and see if it is the Qin family's death guards." These days, Feng Yancang's secret guards are also looking for the Qin family's death guards, but they were lost last time when they were seen.

"Yes, this subordinate will go there now." Hearing that it was the Qin family's death guard, Qi Feng also became serious, seeing that Yue Churen had no more orders, he left immediately.

Raising his hand to wipe off the sweat on his forehead, Yue Churen squinted his eyes and sighed, then walked away from the yard.

After noon, there were few people on the street, the air was hot and dry, and people seemed lazy.

The people of Yuechu walked on the street, a little aimlessly.People passing by came into sight, but they were all ordinary people, and there was no suspicious person.

The Qin family is indeed too cautious, it is too difficult to catch their tails.The few people that scholar Zhang saw walked into Waluo Lane from Zhonggu Lane, and the people from Yuechu walked towards Zhonggu Lane.

(End of this chapter)

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