The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 221 Breaking the Formation, Injured

Chapter 221 Breaking the Formation, Injured (2)
This person seemed ordinary, but his appearance at this time was unusual, because he didn't look surprised at the arrival of these three people, his eyes were as calm as water, and he just looked at them like that, without any action.

Yue Churen raised his eyebrows slightly, this person is unusual.Judging by his appearance, he was clearly waiting for them.

Yan Jin's complexion was gloomy, his eyes seemed to have penetrating power, he looked at the man for a while, then cupped his hands, and said, "I'm Yan Jin, I will look at Haihan when I enter the mansion at night."

Yue Churen took a look at Yan Jin, although he was serious, but she thought it was a bit funny, he even broke into his house, so why not hold back.

"Marshal Zhongyu, I have admired your name for a long time." The middle-aged man spoke, his voice was calm, with traces of his age.

"You must be the owner of the Qin family, Qin Ruhai, Boss Qin. Boss Qin must be sitting here tonight because he knows we will come uninvited. Straight to the point, will Boss Qin be arrested without a fight?" Yan Jin's words were like drums, listening His words will definitely make people automatically cheer up.

Qin Ruhai's face was calm, as Yan Jin said, he knew that someone would come tonight, and he also knew that they came here to deal with him.

"The three of you might as well come in. You all want to know a lot, why don't you listen to the next one?" Standing up, Qin Ruhai was full of bookishness.

Yue Churen glanced at the ground in the house, it was very clean and there was nothing suspicious.Yan Jin also glanced at it, and then took the lead across the threshold and walked in.

Yue Churen then stepped forward, and just after taking one foot, she was surprised that she could not see Yan Jin who was only half a meter away from her.But looking at Qin Ruhai, he could see clearly, he was still standing there looking at them.

Stretching out his hand to grasp the void, he grabbed Yan Jin's hand in front of the transparent nothing, and pulled back hard, half of Yan Jin's body came out, but the other half of his body seemed to be covered by an invisibility cloak. of.

However, Yan Jin's body was falling into the invisible layer of nothingness, Yue Churen's foot that was left outside the door was stuck on the threshold, but he couldn't compete with Yan Jin's strength, and he was about to be taken by him. into the house.

Her waist tightened, and Pei Xiye, who was always behind her, hugged her waist, pulled back hard, and pulled Yue Churen and Yan Jin out at the same time.

Pei Xiye took several steps back with Yue Churen in his arms. Yan Jin staggered in front of him, and stopped a meter away from the threshold. He frowned and looked at Qin Ruhai who was still standing in the innermost part of the room.

"What's going on? What's in that room?" She gasped, she had never seen such a weird thing.Others have always thought her weird, but now they finally see something even weirder.

"There is a formation in this room." Yan Jin replied, his voice was freezing cold.

"Yunlong Seven Star Formation. General Yan has just entered the formation, which has changed the formation. It is not easy to break the formation." Behind him, Pei Xiye's leisurely voice sounded, speaking clearly and logically.

He was talking behind him, only then did Yue Chu realize that his hands were still around his waist, he opened them and turned to look at him, "How about burning this house down?"

Pei Xiye looked down at her, and laughed when he heard this, "You burn the whole house down, the formation is still there, and it will become even more unpredictable." One of the five elements is not lacking. If the house is really burned down, I can't imagine what will happen.

"Then we can only break the formation?" Raising his eyebrows, Yue Churen's eyes lit up suddenly, and he walked to Yan Jin's side in a few steps, and grabbed his arm.

Yan Jin looked down at her, Yue Churen's eyes were shining, and he moved his mouth silently, telling him that the entrance to the vault and armory might be in this room.Otherwise, what would Qin Ruhai do to set up formations for this room?
Yan Jin nodded slightly, he had already thought of it.

Taking a deep breath, Yue Churen let go of his arm, "Break the formation!"

"I'll try my best." Yan Jin replied, his voice was no longer that of an iceman.

"General Yan is going to die?" Pei Xiye said with a smile, gloating in his tone.

Yan Jin's expression remained unchanged, and he glanced at Pei Xiye, "North King wants to help?"

The people of Yue Chu almost raised their eyebrows, but Yan Jin could still say the right thing.Seeing Pei Xiye's indifferent appearance, Yue Churen scolded coldly, "Won't you help me if you lose money?"

"Yue Chuchu, are you begging for less?" The one surnamed Yue and Chu Chu were merged into one, becoming a nondescript Yue Chuchu.

Yue Churen didn't have time to discuss titles with him, "Let's show it to prove that you, the King of the North, are not in vain."

"Provocative method? It's of no use to me. But since you are so sincere, it's okay for me to show you a little bit." Walking over, walking in front of Yue Churen, he lowered his head and blew at her. , Yue Churen stepped aside coldly.Those two people stood at the door, Qin Ruhai in the room still maintained that posture and looked at them, he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

"Although the formation has changed, the gate of life remains the same. According to the book, the gate of life is the old man's feet." With a finger pointing, Pei Xiye seemed very confident.

"The gate of life remains the same, but the gate of death has increased. As long as you enter, you will die inside unless you exit through the gate of life." Yan Jin said calmly, intending to scare Pei Xiye.

"Being able to fight side by side with General Yan is something I never thought of! I will have General Yan soon." Pei Xiye cupped his hands without sincerity, full of confidence.It seems that even without Yan Jin, he can make it by himself.

Yan Jin didn't even look at him, and slightly raised his hand, "Northern King please!"

"Let's go together." Pei Xiye moved his feet, and Yan Jin on the other side also took steps at the same time. In just a moment, the two of them entered the room, and then disappeared at the same time.

This scene is very similar to a ghost movie. The two people were clearly in front of them just now, but they suddenly disappeared.Surrounded by silence, only the sound of his own breathing could be heard, Yue Churen stopped half a meter away from the door, and looked at the small hall with a clean floor that hadn't been cleaned, the lights were dim, but it was strange in vain.

That Qin Ruhai stood in the room, maintaining that posture, as if looking out the door.But if he looked closely, he could see the middle of the room.

"Hey, rich businessman Qin, can you see the two of them?" Studying his gaze, Yue Churen came to this conclusion.

Qin Ruhai remained motionless and ignored Yue Churen.

"I know you can see it, and the two of them must be about to break your line. Because I saw the word admiration on your face, such a young hero, it's a pity that you met too late!" Shaking his head, Yue The Chu people also sighed.This Qin Ruhai doesn't look like a businessman at all, let alone a treacherous person.Bookish all over the body, more like a hermit.

"Time doesn't wait for me! Heroes come out of youth, and this generation of heroes comes out in large numbers." Qin Ruhai finally spoke, and there was a smile on his face, but he was a little helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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