The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 236 Mrs. Young Master, send me away

Chapter 236 Mrs. Young Master, send her away thousands of miles away (3)
Yan Jin nodded slightly, his indifferent face stained with seriousness.He has extensive medical skills, but he only knew a little bit about it because of poisoning at that time.

"Could it be possible that you also want to study medicine, General? More and more people are coming to compete with me for jobs, and I'm going to die." Turning his head to see Yan Jin thinking seriously, Yue Churen chuckled.This man also knows a lot, his martial arts are superb, he is proficient in marching and formation, and he has great courage.Now he has studied medical skills again, which is the so-called endless learning.

"Of course not. I have studied your acupuncture technique many times, but I haven't studied it thoroughly." He also turned his head to look at her, and his eyes met. He couldn't help but recall that the old woman called them in the yard. The scene of the son and wife.But that picture just flashed through his mind, seeing her smiling, he calmed down and returned to peace.

"That's nothing to study. That's the so-called unique school. If someone can steal it, it's not considered a unique school." Shaking his hand, Yue Churen unceremoniously persuaded him to give up his heart.

The corners of the pursed lips almost rose slightly, and there was a trace of relief between the sword eyebrows and the starry eyes.

After climbing halfway up the mountain, we finally arrived at the Huguo Temple.The incense is still so strong, and the air is full of the smell of incense, which makes people feel relaxed and calm.

After entering the Huguo Temple, Yan Jin separated from Yue Churen. He wanted to see the master of the outer sect first, while Yue Churen went to the Zen room first, and it would not be too late to go to the old monk Yulin after he settled down.

As soon as they entered the monastery, the top of their heads was completely dark. When everyone looked up, they saw the golden eagle gliding down towards the courtyard. Its huge body covered the clouds and the sun. It had been a long time since they had seen it in Prince Qin's Mansion.

When it landed, a gust of wind blew everyone's hair and robes flying.Looking up at it, after a long time, it seemed to be a little bigger, and the eyes were more domineering, looking down at them, with all kinds of superiority.

"Still bored flying around?" Walking in front of the golden eagle, Yue Churen had to look up at it, stretching out his hand to poke its feathers, while the golden eagle lowered his head and rubbed against Yue Churen's shoulder.

"But I do have too many things to do. Seeing how big you are, it's not convenient to follow along. If it's really boring, why not go to the border with Yan Jin in a few days, and you can also protect him along the way. Come back when you've had enough fun." Yue Churen talked with Jin Diao in a rare tone.

All the guards dispersed, leaving only Ding Dong and Qi Feng standing not far away, watching Yue Churen talk to the golden eagle.Yue Churen is much taller than ordinary women, but standing in front of the golden eagle is like a small flower. The golden eagle only needs to spread its wings, and Yue Churen can be photographed flying.

"You don't want to go to the border either? Then what do you want to do? You've grown in size, and your temper has grown, and you're getting lazier." The golden eagle made a grunting sound, as if complaining about scolding it after meeting for a long time Yue Chu people.

"I'm so busy, I don't have time to play with you. You're such a big guy, it's too troublesome to follow me. When I'm not busy, I'll take you into the mountains." Talking to it seemed like scolding my son.Although such a scene is weird, fortunately, everyone is used to it.

Accompanying the golden eagle to talk a lot, it was near evening, and before dinner, Yue Churen went to the old monk's monastery in Yulin.Only Qi Feng followed behind him, walking in the temple full of pilgrims, fortunately he was inconspicuous.

"Princess, today's work is done, shall we return tomorrow?" Qi Feng said in a deep voice, walking beside Yue Churen.

Yue Churen turned his head and glanced at him, the sky was full of evening light, and it also coated him with a layer of golden light, which looked very soft.

"You can't just leave as soon as your goal is achieved, why? Are you in a hurry?" That is more or less suspected of not going to the door to cross the river and demolishing the bridge for nothing.

Qi Feng shook his head, then said: "No, this subordinate is just asking."

Yue Churen didn't research too much, whether Qi Feng just asked, maybe only he himself knows.He could clearly see the current situation, Yan Jin would stay in the temple for a few days before leaving, and the people of Yue Chu were also in the temple.

The Buddhist temple of the old monk Yulin was still quiet. Qi Feng stopped outside the Buddhist courtyard, and Yue Churen went in alone, with a relaxed pace.

Walking through the path, I stopped in front of the open door. In the room, Yulin was sitting on the futon, wearing a yellow monk robe and a gray beard. Even though his eyes were closed, his brows were full of peace.

"Amitabha, old monk Yulin, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Wuzi walked in, and Yue Churen squatted down beside him, his eyebrows and eyes curved.

After nearly a minute, Yulin opened his eyes, eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything were full of tolerance, "Amitabha, I have already understood the purpose of the donor, and I am willing to benefit all living beings in the world."

Raising his eyebrows, Yue Churen took the futon beside him and sat down, then looked at Yulin seriously and said, "Now there is no one else here, old monk, tell me, is there any change in my fate?" Actually She wanted to know if she would go back again.

Yulin smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, making people feel quite good for no reason.

"The benefactor is afraid?" Yulin's voice was gentle, and with those eyes, he could contain the whole world.

Yue Churen sighed and nodded, "I'm really scared. If I go back, I don't know how I can come back. Everything here will become a dream. How terrible?" Said that he was also afraid of worrying.

"It's not the world, it's not the world, it's not the realm of desire, it's not the realm of form, it's not the realm of formlessness, it's neither birth nor death, nor defilement nor purification. How do you know that everything in front of you is not a dream?" Yulin closed her eyes slightly and said slowly.

What he said made Yue Churen even more uncertain.Slightly opened his eyes wide, looking at Yulin, "What does the old monk mean, I might be dreaming of all this now?" How could it be?
Yulin smiled and shook his head, "The world is just a dream, you just jumped from one dream to another, as long as you want to stay in this dream, then you will not disappear from this dream."

Yue Churen's eyes lit up, then he laughed, folded his hands together and bowed his head towards Yulin and said Amitabha.From the time she met Yulin to now, this was the first time she did this.Yulin closed her eyes with a smile on her lips. If she looked closely, she was very similar to the Buddha in the altar.

After reading the scriptures with Yulin for nearly an hour, Yue Churen's tongue was almost tied up, but he was in a good mood.Although she had doubts about Yulin in the past, she also had her own confusion.People are like this, when there are things that they can't solve, as long as someone gives affirmation, then they will be full of confidence, and the hanging heart will fall, and she is no exception.

Especially seeing Yulin's appearance similar to the Buddha this time, Yue Churen completely chose to believe him.As long as her heart is firm, then this dream will not wake up.

The sun sets, and night covers the land.In the meditation room, he and Ding Dong had a vegetarian meal, washed up and entered the bedroom.

Undressed and lay down, the smell of incense wafting in the room made one feel calm, the speed of blinking slowed down, and finally closed completely.

The lights were faint, and a shadow flashed by the half-open window, driving the wind and making the candlelight flicker.

The ankle was grabbed, and Yue Churen, who was in a daze, was startled, it was not a dream!And she is in Huguo Temple, not King Qin's Mansion.

She opened her eyes, and the person who caught her eyes had a gentle smile, and the hand holding her ankle was dragging her out of the bed bit by bit.

"You're haunted, scare me." Relaxed, she sat up and looked at him up and down, "Why did you come here? Don't you have a lot of things to do?"

"I miss you." With the corners of his lips hooked, he looked at her with deep eyes, which were as warm as good Wen Yu.

She curled her lips, but her eyes were stained with a smile, and she straddled his lap with her body, and looked at him closely with her arms on his shoulders, "If you miss me, just stay here with me?"

Feng Yancang's smile didn't change, but there was something secretive in his eyes.He knew what happened to them in the small town at the foot of Mount Zhi today. After hearing the secret guard's report, he felt that he should come overnight, otherwise he would be easily forgotten.

(End of this chapter)

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