Chapter 244 Disguise, Escape (1)
People from Yue Chu couldn't guess Pei Xiye's purpose.But this time he insisted on inviting her to go to northern Xinjiang, Yue Churen always felt that he had other things to do.If he just told her who the person who wanted to arrest her was, although he would play tricks on him given his temperament, he shouldn't have made such a big fuss, and asked her to take a trip to northern Xinjiang.

Asking Feng Yancang, he just smiled and shook his head and said he didn't know, the specifics were true and false, Yue Churen didn't know, anyway, she was already confused.

Because he can't go out of the house, Qi Feng has to run many things. Fortunately, the Imperial City Jishi Hall is relatively close.The person Feng Yancang sent to take charge often reported the situation of Jishitang, and everything went well.

But Guanzhou is too far away. She learned some information through scholar Zhang, and Qi Jian will send letters back on time.A few days ago when Qi Feng ran away to Guanzhou, he took Feng Yanxing with him directly. It was the first time he went to such a far place when he grew up.

After much deliberation, she actually didn't worry too much about opening Jishitang. Her task was to pay for it, and the boss made it so easy.

They must go to Northern Xinjiang, but the date of departure has not yet been determined, but at this time it will be in late June, and they will have to rush to the central capital of Northern Xinjiang on July [-] anyway.Everything was decided by Feng Yancang, and Yue Chu people didn't ask, just wait for him to make arrangements.

The past few days have been very peaceful, with a large number of guards in the mansion, Feng Yancang accompanied her all the time, at a certain time, she seemed to have forgotten that someone was going to arrest her.

The sun was shining brightly, and the only place with water in the mansion was a small fish pond with an area of ​​no more than [-] square meters. Yue Churen sat on the railing and threw the cake crumbs in his hand into the pond.The brightly colored fish in the pond are fighting for each other in an orderly manner. These fish seem to be much more stable than other fish.That's because Yuechu people fed them medicine.

Counting the animals in the mansion in detail, I am afraid that they have all eaten the medicine of the Yuechu people, so their behavior is different from the animals in other places.Fortunately, no one usually comes to this mansion, if outsiders saw it, they would be shocked.

A bowl of pastry crumbs came to the bottom, Yue Churen whistled, and the next moment the fish swam away leisurely, as if they had become spirits, and they all understood what she meant.

Looking at the sparkling water surface, Yue Chu people sighed softly, looking at the entire huge mansion, there is only this fish pond in front of them.Like other mansions, there are lotus ponds and artificial lakes, and you can go boating to pick lotus seeds when you have nothing to do. Here, you can only catch fish when you have nothing to do.

There used to be a lotus pond in this mansion, but it was filled in, and it was a pity for the people of Yuechu when it was filled in.But at that time, her relationship with Feng Yancang was not the kind it is now, so of course her pity was only in her heart.Thinking about it now, maybe it was better to stop it at that time, so that when I was bored, I could go boating to the lotus pond to relax.

A hand was suddenly pressed on her shoulder, Yue Churen turned his head abruptly, and the face that he never tired of seeing came into sight, she scolded lightly, then pursed her lips and smiled, "So you like pretending to be a ghost? But next time you have to change Moves, I always use this move, I don’t think it’s novel.”

Dressed in a white shirt that is elegant and elegant, upon hearing this, Feng Yancang raised the corners of his lips, turned around and sat beside her, glanced at the pond and said: "Who are willing to scare you, it's already extremely boring, if you really scare you, you Just crazy."

"You're crazy. I'm not bored. It's interesting to feed the fish and play with the birds." Leaning on the railing and tilting his head to look at him, Yue Churen was slightly duplicity.But being able to watch him like this all day is not boring.

"The weather is too hot, it should be cooler in the north at this time." Said seemingly unintentionally, causing Yue Churen to raise his eyebrows and look at him.

Feng Yancang was calm and composed, and the smile on the corner of his lips was particularly alluring.

"What do you mean by that... we can leave for northern Xinjiang today?" I guess he meant this, otherwise why did you mention the north?
Feng Yancang smiled without saying a word, causing Yue Churen to lift his leg and kick him.

"It's too rude, and now it has developed to the point where I can't beat or scold this king." He shook his head slightly, looking helpless.

"Unconvinced?" Pursing his lips, Yue Churen pretended to snort coldly, pretending to be like that.

"Convince me, it's a great honor to be beaten and scolded by the princess." She chuckled lightly, seeing her proud face with her chin raised, her smile deepened.

"Slick tongue, you are getting more and more eloquent now. Come here and have a look, but there are flowers growing on your tongue." He raised his hand and squeezed his chin, insisting on looking at his tongue.

Feng Yancang grabbed her hand and brought it into his arms, Yue Churen leaned on him, the breeze was blowing in the pavilion, just leaning on him was extremely comfortable.

"Let's go on the road tomorrow, but we have to keep our clothes simple and low-key. The northward team will start after three days." It turned out that the plan was formulated in this way, and they marched as quietly as possible to get rid of the entanglement of those men in white.

"Okay, then I'm going to prepare." She wanted to break free from his arms, but unexpectedly he hugged her so hard that she couldn't move.

Lying in her arms and looking up at him, "What are you going to do?" She pursed her lips, looking at him from this angle, she looked extraordinarily good-looking.

"So what to do in a hurry, there is still a lot of time, stay with me." Touching her jaw and neck with one hand, he leaned over slowly, Yue Churen raised his arms around his neck and pulled him towards him with a light smile, the breeze blowing The sun is shining brightly, and the air here is full of sweetness.

Traveling north seems to be more attractive than traveling south, because this season, including the imperial city and the south, is as hot as a steamer.Only the sky in the north is high and refreshing, just thinking about it makes people envious.

Traveling all the way north was like what Feng Yancang said was extremely low-key.Feng Yancang turned into an ordinary son of a wealthy family studying abroad, and Yue Churen was forced by him to pretend to be a servant. She was quite critical of this. Have you ever seen a tall and beautiful servant with thin skin, tender flesh, and skin like her?

But in the end she compromised and followed him on a poor-looking horse, especially when passing by the town, she looked like a dog's leg, and Feng Yancang looked extremely happy.

Naturally, there were countless guards who went north with them, but they were all scattered. Even if they lived in the same inn at night, they pretended not to know each other. Everyone pretends to be quite addictive.

In a small town, there are not many people, but there are quite a few people passing by.

Leading the horse into the town, Feng Yancang walks calmly and elegantly with one hand behind his back, wearing a white shirt that is more upscale than ordinary people, with the same color headband to tie his hair, and he resumed his teacher's posture, It is true that no one will doubt that he is a traveling scholar.

Two steps away, Yue Churen was a bit miserable. She was wrapped in a light gray gown with a slender body, and the material was heavy, which made her quite hot.And there was a corset wrapped inside, which made me feel a little stuffy and out of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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