The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 254 Patriarch, 2 flanks attack

Chapter 254 Patriarch, attacking from both sides (3)
"You still want to send me away? You are too dishonest. My mother, I will help you to talk, but you still want to use me to claim credit?" He walked up to Pei Xiye and stood side by side, shaking his head and sighing with regret .

"Otherwise? If you follow me, I won't send you away, and I promise that I will only favor you in the future." Pei Xiye approached her with a smile as he tilted his body.

Leaning at him, Yue Churen snorted coldly, "It's a big sin for me to cause a bunch of flowers in your harem to die of thirst because of me alone."

"I bear all the sins, including the sins you have done before, how about it?" He leaned over and bumped her with his shoulder.Yue Churen staggered slightly, and then raised his hand to push him away. The two talked to each other, as if they had forgotten the few men and women blocking the way ahead.

"Your Majesty, the Holy Ancestor has explained that she is in poor health and will not see anyone today." Maybe it was because she couldn't stand it any longer, but finally someone spoke in front of her, with a cold and hard tone, there was no respect for the emperor.

Yue Churen and Pei Xiye looked up at the same time, glanced at those people almost in unison, then turned their heads to look at each other, and the next moment they flew out a handful of things at the same time.

Hula!A black cloud and a green cloud of two different colors of mist rose out of thin air, instantly surrounding the few people in front of them.

The purple bamboo flute wrapped in gold leaf fell into his hand and put it on his lips. The sound of the flute sounded, and the green fog seemed to have life, and it was futile for the people inside to struggle.

Beside him, there was a yellow note in Pei Xiye's hand, his fingers flipped over, and the paper turned into a puff of smoke.He raised his hand to pat the smoke, and the smoke floated forward in an instant, merging with the black mist, and there was a roaring sound from inside, piercing the sky.

"Let's go." Pei Xiye put his arms around Yue Churen's waist with one hand, and led her to jump up lightly, jumping over the two clouds of different colors but glued together to surround the men and women, and walked directly towards the mountain.

The sun jumped out from the side of the mountain, and the two who walked halfway up the mountain also entered the range of the sun, which was very warm.

But at this time, there is no time to care about what the sun looks like, because a palace appears on the road leading to the mountain, with faintly misty woods on both sides. Although the sun is shining, there is still a hint of weirdness.

Walking up, Yue Churen twirled the purple bamboo flute in one hand, and asked, "Who is in here?"

Pei Xiye looked relaxed, her dimples were shallow, and her delicate eyes were full of joy.

"The white-clothed holy guard's residence leads to the back of the mountain. There are seven holy guard palaces, but now all of them are attracted by your husband. We can easily climb to the top of the mountain."

Hearing this, the people of Yuechu couldn't help turning their heads to look in the direction of Zhongdu. Standing here, they could see the whole city.But he couldn't see where Feng Yancang was, so he couldn't help speeding up his pace.

Pei Xiye smiled but said nothing, she turned her head to look down the mountain but couldn't see anything, because Feng Yancang was here at all, he was on the other side of the holy mountain.

Pass through the first holy guard palace and extend upward steps, and the first holy guard palace is a few hundred meters away.You can imagine how strict the guards are here.Anyone who wants to reach the top of the mountain can only walk one way.There are fog barriers in the woods on both sides, and ordinary people will die of exhaustion within 5 minutes after entering there.

Yue Churen hastened to speed up his feet. Although Pei Xiye walked leisurely, he always kept pace with her.

The last holy guard palace is on the top of the mountain, but I didn't expect there were two white-clothed holy guards here.

Pei Xiye acted very relaxed, because there were very few of them today, only two.Normally, he would definitely have fear, but now there is no fear at all.

Yue Churen frowned slightly, turned his head and glanced at Pei Xiye who had excited eyes, "You don't plan to fight them, do you?"

"It's rare to have the opportunity to fight against the mysterious white-clothed saint guard, so you don't want to see the exciting fight?" Pei Xiye planned to fight, because he planned to wipe out all these dog legs.

"Go ahead, let me go first." Feng Yancang was dragging the rest of the white-clothed holy guards, so she naturally wanted to hurry up.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and wait." After saying that, he jumped out and fought with the two white-clothed holy guards in front of the holy guard palace.

With Yue Churen's eyes, he couldn't see anything clearly, but he could see the red light constantly flashing in Pei Xiye's hand, which was even more dazzling because of the sunlight.

He not only suppressed it with skill, but also used Gu.The white-clothed holy guards couldn't block the Gu, but they couldn't escape at this time either. This was the last checkpoint, so they had to guard it, so the two of them also tried their best.

Frowning, she couldn't understand the moves, but she knew that the two white-clothed saint guards were good at hiding, and Pei Xiye couldn't touch them at all.But the two of them kept Pei Xiye in the middle, so that he couldn't escape.

Unable to help being depressed, he dug out a long-necked porcelain bottle from his waist pocket, pulled out the stopper and sprinkled it on the white marble steps. The dark green liquid lay on the steps, sticky and smelly.

Take the needle and stick it in the middle finger, and the red blood drops rolled down with a little force, just falling into the liquid.The next moment, the liquid rolled and condensed into a line, and Yue Churen stretched out his finger, and the condensed liquid suddenly turned into a black snake and rushed out as if it had life.

There was a muffled groan from the people who were fighting, and a white-clothed holy guard fell down, and his whole body quickly turned black at a visible speed.In just five or six seconds, he was completely out of breath.

Yue Churen's brows were almost frowned, and at the same time another man in white also fell down, and the fierce liquid snake also fell to the ground from mid-air.The instant it landed, it returned to liquid, splashing everywhere.

A look of pain flashed in his eyes, Yue Churen stepped up the steps quickly, and walked straight into the Shengwei Palace regardless of Pei Xiye.

Although this thing is a good helper for killing people, but it is the type that kills one thousand enemies and hurts eight hundred. The tendons in her arms throbbed violently for a while.

Pei Xiye chased after him, smiling as if it was no big deal to fight those two white-clothed saint guards just now.

"Don't be so impatient, there is still a lot of time. There will be a higher master waiting for us in a while, but you can't get hurt now." Although the two people's ways are different, they are generally similar.Yue Churen used that trick just now, and he knew she must be in pain now.

"Aren't you procrastinating?" Yue Churen reprimanded, but he was not as angry as usual.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault." Pei Xiye shook his head and stopped arguing with her.Passing through the last Holy Guard Palace, you can see the stairs leading to the bottom of the mountain, and you can see the appearance of the mountain from here.

There is another mountain on the opposite side, but it is not as high as the holy mountain.Exquisite pavilions are built on the opposite mountain, and what is very eye-catching is a wide lake at the bottom of the mountain, with a few peacocks strolling leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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