Chapter 256
"Hmph, small tricks." The old woman snorted contemptuously, and grabbed the couch beside her with one hand. A piece of fiery red powder was sprinkled on the ground, and the Gu worms frantically flocking to the couch were instantly turned into a puddle. water.

Without stopping, Yue Churen took out a porcelain bottle from his waist, opened the lid and blew lightly, a puff of smoke came out of the bottle, and the temperature of the whole room dropped instantly.

There are also many treasures in Pei Xiye's hand next to him. Although this guy doesn't seem to be hiding anything all over his body, he can find it from anywhere at critical moments.However, the treasure he shot did not deal with the old woman, but was thrown at the door.There is only one exit in the whole house, and the windows are sealed.And he threw the thing in his hand to the door, and the thing took root on the ground, and sent out black vines at an extremely fast speed to seal the door, so that people outside could not enter, and people inside could not get out.

"Are you really going to die forever?" Yue Churen glanced at him, and then gave a cold rebuke.

"Otherwise? Either she dies today or we see the King of Hades." Pei Xiye turned his head and glanced at her, the previous playfulness was long gone, and now his face was serious and his eyes were gloomy.

Yue Churen ignored him, the smoke that had just drifted out had spread to the entire room, except for Yue Churen himself, the old woman on the couch was holding her breath, and Pei Xiye hadn't panted since that sentence was finished. .

The contest on the Diaojiao upstairs continued, and the outside also became lively.At some point, the golden eagle flew over the two mountains and circled around, attracting the attention of the peacocks by the lake below the mountain.

It made a piercing cry, and then a few of them gathered together and ran forward. After running for a while, they were eager to fly up, but they didn't fly high.

But even if he didn't fly high, he still didn't give up. He raised his head and stared at the circling golden eagle, yelling, and continued to run wildly, as if he wanted to fight the golden eagle.

The golden eagle saw the appearance of those peacocks, and let out a long howl, which resounded through the mountain.

At this moment, white shadows jumped down from the hillside where countless stilted buildings stood.They seem to be suspended by silk threads in the sky, and they leap over the treetops when they leap.When it fell, it landed on the branches of the crown of the tree, then jumped up again, and went down the mountain after a few ups and downs.Behind, there are also countless men in black chasing after them, densely packed, looking around, at a certain moment, it seems like an alien attack from outside the sky.

The trees on the whole mountain seem to be shaking, and the rustling sound can be heard endlessly.The man in white landed on the stilted building where the holy ancestor was, and was shocked to see that the whole stilted building was covered by thick black vines with a foul smell. It was so weird that even a group of experts dared not approach.

The moment they hesitated, the men in black behind them also caught up. These people are Feng Yancang's Tianzi secret guards.Traveling around the border countries all the year round, this time all gathered here, there are thousands of people.

Their martial arts may not be comparable to the man in white, but they are invincible in the world when they work together, even if they have the ability to fly, they cannot escape.

There were no less than a hundred people in white clothes, and the two sides were fighting in one place for a moment. For a moment, swords, lights and swords were shadowed, leaves were falling, and strong winds scattered in all directions.That weird battle was going on in the stilted building, and this side was full of murderous aura with sword light and blood shadows.

A white shadow jumped down from the mountain and stopped on the stilted building surrounded by black vines. It was Feng Yancang.

Dressed in a white shirt stained with blood, holding a sword in one hand, his handsome face is awe-inspiring.A pair of exquisite and beautiful phoenix eyes, the eyes are deep and sharp, staring at the strange Diaojiaolou without moving a muscle.

He knew that the Yuechu people were here, and he also knew that they were fighting the ancestor of the witch religion.It's just that he can't help.

The agreement with Pei Xiye is to completely destroy this place.He was responsible for destroying all the white-clothed holy guards, and Pei Xiye provided him with a gold medal to walk freely in the northern border.He was a man from a foreign country and led no less than a thousand masters to run around in the northern border without any restrictions.

This matter must be ended like this, otherwise, there will be endless troubles.

The battle at the foot of the mountain has come to an end, and on the opposite side of the lake, the golden eagle and those peacocks have also fought together at some point.The peacock's beautiful feathers were scattered all over the ground, but it still attacked the golden eagle without hesitation.The golden eagle can fly, and from time to time it flies up and flaps its wings, and the flightless peacock will be fanned far away.

But even if the peacock is no match for the golden eagle's wings, as soon as the golden eagle lands, the peacocks will attack it together, and several feathers on the belly will be pecked off.

This place, which seemed like a paradise, was in chaos, and the stilted building wrapped in black vines also changed.

A roar resembling that of a beast came from the building, and the peacocks and golden eagles that were huddled together stopped at the same time, and the next moment they scattered as if they were frightened.

Feng Yancang was standing on another pavilion above the stilted building, he couldn't help frowning when he heard the sound, the next moment the black-clothed secret guards surrounded him from all directions, and everyone looked at the swaying stilted building.

Everyone wanted to know what happened inside, but no one dared to go there.It's just that the stench emitted by the vines wrapping the stilted building was so suffocating that it covered up the bloody smell.

Click!One side of the stilted building collapsed, and the stilted feet and house tiles shattered to the ground, but the vines were still entangled firmly, and there was nothing in the broken place outside.

There was another sound of collapse, and the middle section of the stilted building also collapsed, and the giant black vines collapsed to the ground, but they remained firm and kept their original shape, pressing on the shattered house fragments.

Bang, the last loud bang, the whole stilted building collapsed.The people inside were finally exposed, and two shadows quickly came out along the gap between the vines. The vines closed at a visible speed as if to catch them, but the speed was a step slower.

Those two people came out, but there were still two people inside. An old woman with gray hair was sitting on a chair or a soft couch that could not be clearly seen, and the debris of the house was scattered around her.

In front of her, there is another tall and strong guy, which is a gorilla.

Unlike other gorillas, this one seems to be very violent.When the two people went out, it immediately roared, raised its arms and grabbed the gray vine with thick wrists, disregarding the violent smoke that came out after touching it, and tore it apart abruptly, then picked up the limp vine that the old woman was sitting on. The couch emerged from the vines.

As soon as it jumped out, everyone could see how tall it was. If the golden eagle stood in front of it like a small mountain, then this gorilla was like a huge mountain.Carrying the soft couch with one hand, the old woman sat on it. Because she couldn't see her lower limbs, she could only reach the head of the gorilla.

Pei Xiye and Yue Churen, who jumped out first, went straight to the lake at the bottom of the mountain. The gorilla jumped out and chased after them. The head walked among the fallen trees, almost at the same height as the trees.

Fang Feng Yancang and Mi Wei naturally watched the whole process, and the appearance of the gorilla really surprised them too.Seeing the gorilla chasing Yue Churen away, the secret guard couldn't help turning his head to look at Feng Yancang, not knowing whether to make a move at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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