The King of Sickness Loves Poison Concubine

Chapter 259 Keeping Innocence and Vanity

Chapter 259 Keeping Innocence and Vanity (1)
The Chongqilan Night Festival in northern Xinjiang is very lively, and it can be regarded as a relatively grand festival in northern Xinjiang, which cannot be called a national celebration.

A few days ago, the holy ancestor of the witch religion died, and Pei Xiye became the new holy ancestor. All the statues enshrined in the temples built in various places were replaced by young men wearing holy clothes.She has a pleasing appearance and a warm smile, which is very similar to Pei Xiye.

Originally, when Pei Xiye sent a letter to Dayan, he invited Feng Yancang and Yue Churen to watch the unique Chongqilan Night Festival in the Northern Territory. Therefore, although the two lived in the palace, they could move freely. If you want to leave the palace, absolutely no one will stop you.

The streets were bustling with people, almost all the girls, daughters-in-law and even the old women were wearing brightly colored clothes, and some girls who didn't like red clothes but were armed showed their arms, with machetes on their waists, very is handsome.

That day Pei Xiye took her to sit in the teahouse for a whole day, Yue Churen brought Feng Yancang here today, with the window open, the two of them sat by the window, they could clearly see the people coming and going in the street.

"The people in northern Xinjiang really look tough. Look at those girls, all of them are very strong." Even though they are wearing flowery skirts, they walk like a tiger, and they don't look like Jiao Didi's daughter's house.

"This is the folk custom, favor martial arts over culture." Feng Yancang sat opposite, leaning on the back of the chair in a leisurely posture, with a touch of lightness rippling between his brows and eyes.

"I like it quite a bit, at least everyone seems to be straightforward." He glanced at the opposite person meaningfully, and it was obvious who Yue Churen was referring to.

With her slender lips raised, Feng Yancang smiled silently, "So you like fools better."

"Yeah, I just like fools." Hearing this, she immediately turned her head to stare at him, her eyes were full of love, but she was scolding him.

Feng Yancang smiled lowly, "Isn't it very comfortable to take advantage of it?"

Immediately nodding, Yue Churen took a long breath, "It's very cool."

"Childish." The beautiful phoenix eyes were full of joy, a touch of pampering rippling in them, that appearance was extremely charming.

Smiling with dimples, Yue Churen turned his head to look at the street. The smell of witches in the air was faint, which was different from the strong pungent smell when he first came to Zhongdu. It can be seen how thorough Pei Xiye's cleansing was. Almost all the Witch Cultists stationed in Zhongdu were wiped out.

"After the seventh day, let's go back? By the way, Yan Su said at that time that the mountains connecting Dayan and northern Xinjiang are rich in herbs. There are still many places that no one has ever entered. Can we Stop at the border?" After the battle at the Holy Mountain in Zhongdu, there were not many of her treasures left.It needs to be adjusted and trained again, and she wants to make some yin this time.

"Taiju...Ziwu Ershan? It is indeed rich in rare herbs, and there are countless large wild animals. Few people have gone deep into that place." Feng Yancang understood it, and opened his mouth.

"Yes, it seems to be those two mountains. Yan Su mentioned it but I forgot. How? Your Highness King Qin, may we stop there?" Anyway, there is nothing to do at this time, and the weather is just right now. Back to the imperial city, as long as you go back for a while, it will be difficult to leave.

"Alright." After a little thought, Feng Yancang nodded slightly and agreed.

"Then it's settled. Don't regret it when the time comes. If you regret it, I won't go with you. Let's take care of our own." Wei Wei opened her eyes wide, and she looked very worried that Feng Yancang would regret it.

"In your eyes, am I so disreputable?" Straightening up, Feng Yancang raised his hand to hook her chin, then pinched it again, making Yue Churen frown with a little force.

"Your guarantees are very strong every time, but the original plan has been broken by various incidents many times. Therefore, I have no confidence in you." Even if it hurts a little, Yue Churen didn't hide, and let him Pinch, his breath is full of his smell.

"From now on, I have to seriously correct it, otherwise Princess Qin will get angry, and this king will have no good fruit to eat." Looking at her bright eyes, Feng Yancang smiled.Holding her chin, the smooth skin feels quite good, red lips and nose, every expression is full of coquettishness, he can't help but think of changing her clothes that day, his eyes darken instantly.

"I can't do anything to you. After all, I feel sorry for hurting you. At most, I will kill you directly so that you will have no pain, so I won't feel sorry for you." He said with a smile, Feng Yancang shook his head, woman , Difficult to raise!
Grabbing his hand and holding it, she lowered her head suddenly, and saw the small wounds on his fingers that had scabbed at a glance. With a frown, she looked up at him, "How is the wound on your body?" He also suffered a little. The injury was just because she vomited blood, and she forgot that he was also injured.

"I don't know, I can't see it on the back either." Shaking his head slightly, he didn't know whether it was true or not, but the look in his eyes was very real.

Hearing this, Yue Churen stood up, walked behind him and grabbed his collar while ordering: "Take off your clothes, I'll show you."

Feng Yancang cooperated happily, sat on the chair and untied the jade belt around his waist, and the robe spread out, and Yue Churen directly took it off.

Sure enough, there were several scabbed wounds on the well-defined back, with different horizontal and vertical, different widths, and different degrees of severity.

Looking at them one by one, Yue Churen put his hand on his shoulder and squeezed one side, saying: "It's nothing, almost everything will be fine."

"Well, I hardly feel anything, and I think it has healed." Fengyan Cang said warmly, his clothes were stripped, and his appearance was extremely elegant.

Lightly moving his fingers and continuing to pinch his shoulders, Yue Churen fiddled all the hair scattered on his back to the side of his neck, so that his entire back was exposed.It feels warm and slippery to the touch, and I can't put it down.

"Aren't you afraid of others looking at this window?" His long black hair was scattered on his shoulders, and he smiled slightly with his thin lips, his appearance was somewhat strange and enchanting.

"Just look at it, anyway, you men are all the same." With a smile on his lips, Yue Churen suddenly leaned over, opened his mouth and bit the back of his neck, quite forcefully.

Feng Yancang's body froze almost insignificantly, and then he tilted his head slightly to make it easier for her to bite.

Almost fixed there for nearly a minute, Yue Churen suddenly let go, straightened up and looked at it, and immediately laughed, "My teeth look pretty good."

Feng Yancang laughed silently, "Bite me just to see the shape of your teeth?"

"No, I just want to try to see if your meat is good to bite." Yue Churen was very satisfied after wiping off the saliva around the teeth marks.

"Is it delicious?" Feng Yancang followed suit, also quite interested.

"Delicious, very fragrant." The smell on his body is particularly good. With the good smell and delicious meat, this ancient man is a superb dish.

"Just come and eat." Feng Yancang was very generous, but there were some other meanings, but Yue Churen didn't think about that.

(End of this chapter)

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