Chapter 268 Drunk, experience (3)
"Sister, come and taste this roe deer." Fei Song held a dagger with a large piece of roe deer stuck in it, and walked to Yue Churen and handed it to her.

Yue Churen took it over and asked, "What are they discussing over there?"

Fei Song took a look, then shook his head, "It's just like this when you come back from the mountain. I was too busy grilling meat for my sister, so I didn't ask."

"It's mysterious, it's not a good thing." Yue Churen said leisurely, her intuition must be a good thing.

"Don't think about it, just ask if you want to know." Fei Song raised his hand and patted her on the shoulder, and Yue Churen swayed when he didn't even have the strength to pat her.

"I'll ask again when I get back to the big tent. Come on, let's eat meat. What about wine? It's not okay to have meat without wine. Do you still remember the two of us drinking in Huguo Temple? You are the only one in this world and I am Fei Bold." Good drinking buddies." The brother and sister sat on the ground, and the soldier brought wine, and the two began to drink against each other.The marshal Qin Wang over there is all forgotten.

From the month to the middle of the day, the two people who were drinking were a little taller. There were three or four wine bottles next to each of them, and each of them held one in their hands. They were whispering something, and then they laughed and drank. Let's go on.

The appearance of those two people made the guards around the bonfire all look at them, and the corners of their lips twitched whenever the two of them suddenly laughed inexplicably.Fei Song was already funny, but Yue Churen's misty eyes made it even more funny.

The few people who had been discussing over there stopped talking as early as the first round of laughter broke out from Fei Songyue and the Chu people. Seeing those two people muttering like fools and then laughing, they couldn't help it. Curl the corners of your lips.

Shaking his head slightly, Feng Yancang definitely had never seen Yue Churen drink too much, just like everyone else, seeing it for the first time was an eye-opener.

Qi Bai smiled, then looked at Feng Yancang and said: "I'm afraid we can't talk about business with the princess tonight."

The corners of Feng Yancang's lips raised slightly, "I can't remember even if I say it." I had something to discuss with her tonight, but in her state, I couldn't say anything.

Yan Jin's expression remained unchanged, looking at those two people, his clear eyes might have warmed a lot because of the reflection of the fire.

"Fei Bold, if there is a chance in the future, I will definitely take you to my house. Although it is in the deep mountains, the transportation is convenient. I also have a motorcycle, which is off-road, super cool! I will ride it for you, and going up the mountain and into the water will not be a problem. !” Nearly four jars of spirits, Yue Churen is really tall, maybe she doesn’t know what to say.Putting one hand on Fei Song's shoulder, she talked about her motorcycle.

Fei Song's eyes were wide open, but he was confused when he looked closely, "Is it as powerful as my thousand-mile horse?"

"Cut! It's an off-road motorcycle, and it cost me 10,000+. It's a black car, otherwise it would be more expensive." That was when she was 13 years old.Selling medicine to Chinese medicine stores in the city, I saved up for almost three years before I bought such a motorcycle.Those things are so far away, but it is very beautiful to think about them.

"10,000+? Gold?" Fei Song was also confused. He didn't know what the motorcycle she was talking about, but he seemed to understand it.

"No, Renminbi." Yue Churen shook her head. She has supplied medicines to Chinese medicine stores in several nearby cities for so many years. In the nearby villages, she is considered a local tyrant.

"Oh." Fei Song nodded, his brain was confused and he forgot to ask what RMB is.

Over there, Feng Yancang couldn't listen any longer. It was obvious that the people around were confused by Yue Churen's words. Many people looked at Feng Yancang, perhaps wanting to get an answer from him, what kind of motorcycle RMB? Yes, what are those.

Standing up, Feng Yancang walked towards those two people.

Yan Jin stood up, but he stayed where he was and didn't approach.

"Princess, you drank too much, let's go back?" Feng Yancang said softly while squatting beside her, while grabbing the wine bottle from her hand.

Hearing Feng Yancang's words, Yue Churen turned his head to look at him, his beautiful eyes were slightly blurred, his face was flushed, and he looked a little silly.

Seeing her appearance, Feng Yancang smiled lightly, raised his hand and touched her cheek, "Go back to rest?"

"Xiao Cangzi." Fortunately, she still knew him, so she called out and leaned against him.

"En." Responding, Feng Yancang pulled her to stand up.

Looking down at her, the smile on Feng Yancang's lips never disappeared, "Well, I know."

"Narcissism." Hearing his confession, Yue Churen curled his lips, then put his arms around his neck and lay on him, half-closed his eyes in a daze.

She finally calmed down, Feng Yancang nodded towards Yan Jin Qibai and others who were not far away, and then took her away, followed by a group of guards, only this place was unusually quiet.

Back in the tent, Feng Yancang carried her to the bed, but Yue Churen didn't let go, and finally dragged Feng Yancang to the bed as well.

Yue Chu people don't know what happened that night, but they vaguely remember it as if they had a beautiful spring dream.

When I opened my eyes again, the sun was pouring down from the skylight of the military tent, and it was probably almost noon.

Nested under the quilt, she was the only one in the tent. After she woke up completely, she had a headache and remembered the drinking with Fei Song last night.

Blinking slowly, Yue Churen moved his legs, feeling nothing special, and nothing should have happened.However, according to the situation, I am afraid that except for the last procedure, everything else has been done.

When she got up to get dressed, she saw the clothes she was wearing yesterday, which smelled like alcohol, so I wondered how much she drank yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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